15 reasons never to get cats

There are hundreds of reasons why man needs a furry friend, but not as cute as it seems.
If you have never had a cat and you want to make, the Website offers to imagine how your life will change with his appearance.
Ordinary people Wake up to the alarm, and you to your cat

Because His Kotulicova wants to eat Breakfast at 4:50 and not a minute later

And the food off the floor tastes better than a bowl of

And for dessert, fluffy squirt will eat your cake, pretending that saves him from falling off the table

Cute seals will relentlessly follow you all day and mentally criticize everything you do

"Privacy? Never heard of"

And it is still a question, whether will allow you Pets to use your same standard

This charming lout allowed his man to sit on a chair

And then the kitties have already taken over the whole bed

And believe me, if the cat wants to steal your husband, she'll stop at nothing

And no, cats are not the least bit ashamed

On the contrary, they are proud of their actions

And know how to present it so that others will be ashamed

And then tailed the thugs to sleep with a clear conscience again to Wake you up at 4:50

Cats will literally sit on your head. But you will still love them, right?

Photos on the preview twt_kucingmanja/twitter.com, reddit.com
See also
Just try not to fall in love with the black nose the cat
14 evidence that the Internet and the animals were meant for each other
If you dreamed that kitty never grew up, Munchkin — for you
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/esli-vy-mechtali-chtoby-kotenok-nikogda-ne-vyrastal-manchkiny-dlya-vas-1405665/
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