The first step to smart home and remote control home appliances
You are tired of worrying about not iron or off the light. You are tired of constantly at hand to keep a few remotes from household appliances. If yes, then I think a small review about the device that allows us to make life easier, you have to like.
It goes about the device from the company - Young company specializing in equipment for the smart home. The company produces a range of devices to make life easier for the common user. With the range of products available on the home page of the company - www.orvibo.com
Very large variety of devices have on the company website. The easiest and most budget option consists of three devices, sockets and switches will leave for the next review, and currently only available - Allone WiFi Smart Remote Control.
My story is about a black device, rounded shape. Many people already understand the essence of this device, but still, I can not tell you about the purpose and characteristics.
Device Allone - implements the ability to control all the devices in the network room Wi-Fi, be it a TV, DVD consoles, home theater, air conditioning, lighting ...
Color: Black
Power: 5V
Current strength: 1A
The frequency of transmission of IR: 38 kHz
The frequency of a radio transmission: 433 MHz
Wireless standard: Wi-Fi-2.4GHZ b / g / n
The types of encryption: WEP / WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
The device was ordered to bring together all the devices in one complete solution. Task - getting rid of a large number of remotes in my room, remote start of a device, the possibility in the future to control the lighting and sockets from a smartphone. Many suffer with lots of remote controls at home. To solve the problem, buy a "huge" type panels - all in one, someone buys a smartphone with support for IR port. But, alas, all of these options do not hold out a functional device to and fro, but everything in the queue.
Video presentation of the company and the device Allone Chinese can see the link - http://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rrhm0j10.html
Well, I'll start with the packaging fro device - Allone. Modest carton hides a powerful, well-box where the device is located.
Alas, all written entirely in Chinese. QR code on the side of the package leads us to download a special application for mobile devices, the program is called WiWo, it can also be download of Play Market-and .With one part of the packaging sorted out, then comes a massive box of thick cardboard, where is the device itself and its komplektuyuschie.Upakovka Allone, deserves the highest rating. Includes - device Allone, power supply, meter microUSB cable, plugs and samorezy.Iz printed material - manual, warranty card, leaflet. All this, of course, printed in Chinese food has yazyke.Blok US plug, that our country is not very comfortable, but the seller put the adapter. Power supply only at 0, 6 Ampere although characteristics of the device needed 1 Amper.Blok supply with US plug is not useful to me. It was decided to open and view vykinut.Vneshny Allone I have been associated with some sort of alien ship, the black surface is made of tinted glossy plastic, the view is very similar to tinted glass, according to the manufacturer, this cover is made of transparent polyester material that does not affect the baud rate of the IR signal. In the center of the device Allone located one, the only button, long press on it - resets settings (Reset), during operations, border around the button is highlighted by different tsvetami.Na reverse side Allone, there is a hole for attaching the unit to the wall / ceiling, this feature is implemented as a removable disk and locks, by the way the disc itself weighs much more than the control module. "Disco" is present rubber pad that allows you to not slide on poverhnosti.Razmer Allone in my view should have been a little more, but found everything quite compact. Size - 110x33mm. If someone plays a big part weight Allone, answer - it weighs 196 gramm.Potreblenie power device is not large, the readings are held in the area - 1W.Allone seems rather cumbersome wall devices, but if you look closely - it's not. Autopsy revealed - a small fee recessed in the housing ustroystva.Sama Pay looks great. & Gt; & gt; & gt; Оригинал Photo & lt; & lt; & lt; I would like to note that the company does not stand still, and still working on his product. Below the photograph found in the network device with the version the board 1.2.
Who is on the board of 4 diode, but as stated by the manufacturer, the coverage radius of 360 °. You can see through the optics of the diode. The radius of coverage stated - 30 meters. In this area I have no way to do the test, so the test will be conducted in the premises - 16 m²S external and internal views, I figured it's time to move to the settings and functionality softa.Programma WiWo responsible for the work and connections Allone with your smartphone / tablet. The program interface is intuitive. The program has English, this is a plus for pure Chinese device, but the trouble is that part of the settings in the Chinese language.
The first steps in the program - an attempt to find the device, alas, sockets and switches I do not, so that a program that does not nashla.Vo Configuration tab, enter login and password in your home network Wi-Fi. After entering a window opens Devices List - a list of "registered" devices, but I deleted it all and decided to configure all devices with nulya.Dlya configure a new device, click on New Device, proceed to the choice of the type of device, selecting the type of device we choose and the type of virtual remote, if air conditioning, then the remote will be buttons for easy customization conditioner, if the audio system, the virtual remote looks different.
Selecting light we receive from the device list icon "lamp" with two buttons, I suspect that off / on, but these designations are in Chinese. All other types of remotes, set out below, in the form of screenshots.
The first attempt to set up the TV remote control Samsung was unsuccessful. For automatic tuning, all in one click of the remote is a choice of the manufacturer and select the operating mode.
Even after the translation of the word Samsung on the Chinese, the character selection in the list of manufacturers and the method of selection of the desired search mode for your TV, not successful. Had I needed to configure each button manually. The process is very simple instruction manual, press and hold the button on the smartphone / tablet until you see the Chinese with a countdown, then on your original remote, briefly press the corresponding button. Glow button to Allone red becomes blue glow. So I had to train with every console.
Returning again to the menu, I can not see very handy feature - scenario (Scene). Scripts allow you to quickly without going to the list of devices, perform some operation, such as disable or turn on the television, air ... Just an option to trigger the timer. Help section in the main menu of interesting little instruction in English, there is also a mini faq and most interesting - the creation of an account with the ability to create bekapa.Nastroiv remote control air conditioning and television, it's time setting is not quite conventional devices, I have it - cleaner Daikin and the robot vacuum cleaner iRobot. Under these devices do not provide a template console, had to experiment with what we have. For example, the purifier Daikin had to bind to the template console air conditioner, title buttons are similar. Remote control robot vacuum cleaner - a template audio system.
Robot vacuum cleaner is involved only two main buttons - Enable / disable and return to base. Below is a small demo.
Our next test will be held purifier Daikin.
Testing of the RGB LED strip.
Testing of the air conditioner General Climate
During training, the air conditioner remote Allone tried to offer some of his options of the remote, but no one option did not work on my air conditioner. Had already in the old tune manually.
Testing the TV Samsung.
To sum up this review, I want to say that the device was ordered in the Chinese online store Tinydeal , cost fro device was only $ 42. A link to the product itself enclose - Allone WIFI Smart Home Mobile Wireless Universal Remote Controler
Allone - a device with a small cost, can facilitate our daily lives. How nice to come home which already plays your favorite music, including your favorite tv channel, ventilate the room already, including light, and the kitchen has kettle boils ... Of the variety of smart homes I think this decision is one of the easiest to setup, but the most cheap, for example the price of sockets and switches fluctuate around 35 $.
The most problematic part is of course the soft, slightly modified language interface, I would like to be able to "draw" their consoles with those buttons that I need, not just the choice of template. The program understands the long holding virtual button as an attempt to change its parameters, not as a long press, for example, such a possibility would have been useful to me to control the robot vacuum cleaner, adjust the TV volume. Hopefully that will work with the software manufacturer to find their flaws and fix them.
On this I have everything, I hope to provide you with useful overview.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233723/