10 applications for travel, who do not need the Internet

Website knows that one of the most interesting things in life - a journey. And maintaining this passion in your audience, we have prepared a selection of the best applications for the adventurers. They are free, they are offline, they will be useful to you.
Maps and Navigation

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MAPS.ME The application has offline search streets, specific addresses, company name, category, coordinates, and display altitude and speed-Position Mode.
< Coverage areas : global coverage
The trick: You can mark your favorite places with different colors, then the card will be visually very easy to read: green - food,. red - shops; .. Yellow - museums, etc.
Who it's best: Yes all
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GPS navigation BE-ON-ROAD maps are updated automatically when the device is Wi-Fi base from OpenStreetMap
Coverage areas:. almost the whole world
The trick: license to use OpenStreetMap allows you to make changes to the map. Of course, only in order to improve project
Who is most convenient:. motorists traveling
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HERE Maps can pave your route in advance and keep it off. Then on the offline map to follow in selected bars, shopping and museums
Coverage areas:. 196 countries maps, navigation 96.
Chip < /, you can build a route using public transport (metro, buses, trams), with step by step explanation of transfers and stops
Who is most convenient:. on foot travelers who love public transport <. br>

HUDWAY Saves routes. Keep a record of the trip. You can change the distance in kilometers / miles, meters / feet / yards (important for countries with other metric)
Coverage areas:. global coverage
. The trick: is a regime "night driving" - to build the route include HUD feature phone stack on the front panel, and the image is projected directly onto the glass, without distracting the driver's smartphone
This is more convenient. total: night путешественникам.
Путеводители Reference

Windows phone store
Redigo The annex contains general, the most extensive information about the city and the country. Even the rules of the border and a list of needed items. Plus Phrase in pictures
Coverage areas:. almost the whole world
Chips:. when downloading maps for different cities all the attractions of the description will also be available offline
Who is most convenient:. all active travelers

Windows phone store
izi TRAVEL All the application is built on the audio guide, which after downloading records to hold the traveler on the map with detailed description of attractions - museums or the city
Coverage areas:
Chips:. has a lot of interesting quests cognitive
Who is most convenient:. all active путешественникам.
Разговорники and translators

Phrasebook Bravolol from all the most popular phrase of travelers broken down by categories and topics
Coverage areas:. 13 languages
chip. : after listening to the phrase you can record your voice over the software and listen to the next time myself.
Who it's best: If you're traveling and do not mind at the same time teach languages
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Windows phone store
«Yandex.Translate" has divergent combinations of languages: Turkish-English, English-French and TD
Coverage area: 11 languages.
The trick: is a function of the card image when the resulting translation is displayed entirely on the full screen to show the (apparently a foreigner).
Who it's best: for travelers and language learners
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and other buns

WiFi hotspots map hotspots listed as markers - when you click on them opening comments that specify a password (if any)
Coverage areas: in practice. . the whole world
Chips:. once loaded card right place with marked hotspots will be played in offline mode
Who it's best: strong > all around the world.

converter may simultaneously convert the sum of all the presentation currency
Coverage areas:. 28 types of currencies
Chips:. < / specifies program precious metals in relation to the currency
who is most convenient:. to all who ever changed money
In all applications, you must first load the online content, then you can turn off the Internet. And remember running applications quickly put the battery, take it with charge
. Source: App Store, Google Play, Windows phone store
via www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/store/apps/windows-phone