The moon is a hologram?
Recently ehav with a friend in the car, we started disputirovat about it, and why the moon no flies.
Let's take an example of how the fact that there were people on the moon. And why then again attempts to look?
After all, the moon is closest to our planet.
Perhaps there is a station of aliens, or the mystery of the moon is something terrible hiding from us and what we do not need to know.
We talked for a long time, some of the things said, I will not immediately articulate. But the network has found an interesting video and text.
Let's read together and podisputiruem.
Video entirely in English
This video is made in Germany and was filmed over four days starting from July 7, 2014. We can clearly see how the surface of the Moon, "run through the waves," or rather the band and it looks at how the updated image of the lunar surface that we see from Earth.
How would it not sound crazy, but exactly the band noticed more than once and at different shooting cameras and telescopes. I think anyone who has a camera with a good zoom, able to see the same thing.
And let me ask you can explain it? In my opinion there are several possible explanations and all are not like the followers of the conventional picture of the world.
1. None of the moon orbiting the Earth at all, but there is only a flat projection (hologram) to create the appearance of her presence. And the projection of this rather primitive technically, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create just a flat projection and that is why the moon is turned to one side of us. It's just a saving of resources to maintain the visible part of the moon.
2. At the orbit of the Earth is indeed present an object whose dimensions match the visible contact with the Earth, "Moon", but in fact what we see is only a hologram - created over the masking object. This incidentally explains why no one flies to "Moon." I think all States that have sent their phones to "moon", are well aware that under the guise of what we see from Earth, it is completely different.
In favor of these versions fit the facts, which have long been surprising its illogic:
- Why Humanity sends machines to deep space, but it ignores the nearest planet to us.
- Why all the pictures of the moon passed the earth satellites have such a disgusting quality.
- Why do astronomers with telescopes can not be committed to take pictures of the lunar surface quality comparable though, would be snapshots of Mars or Earth satellites. Why fly in Earth orbit satellites can take a photo of the surface on which the visible number of the car and remove the surface of the lunar satellites in this resolution, which photograph the language does not turn to call.
Let's take an example of how the fact that there were people on the moon. And why then again attempts to look?
After all, the moon is closest to our planet.
Perhaps there is a station of aliens, or the mystery of the moon is something terrible hiding from us and what we do not need to know.
We talked for a long time, some of the things said, I will not immediately articulate. But the network has found an interesting video and text.
Let's read together and podisputiruem.
Video entirely in English

This video is made in Germany and was filmed over four days starting from July 7, 2014. We can clearly see how the surface of the Moon, "run through the waves," or rather the band and it looks at how the updated image of the lunar surface that we see from Earth.
How would it not sound crazy, but exactly the band noticed more than once and at different shooting cameras and telescopes. I think anyone who has a camera with a good zoom, able to see the same thing.
And let me ask you can explain it? In my opinion there are several possible explanations and all are not like the followers of the conventional picture of the world.
1. None of the moon orbiting the Earth at all, but there is only a flat projection (hologram) to create the appearance of her presence. And the projection of this rather primitive technically, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create just a flat projection and that is why the moon is turned to one side of us. It's just a saving of resources to maintain the visible part of the moon.
2. At the orbit of the Earth is indeed present an object whose dimensions match the visible contact with the Earth, "Moon", but in fact what we see is only a hologram - created over the masking object. This incidentally explains why no one flies to "Moon." I think all States that have sent their phones to "moon", are well aware that under the guise of what we see from Earth, it is completely different.
In favor of these versions fit the facts, which have long been surprising its illogic:
- Why Humanity sends machines to deep space, but it ignores the nearest planet to us.
- Why all the pictures of the moon passed the earth satellites have such a disgusting quality.
- Why do astronomers with telescopes can not be committed to take pictures of the lunar surface quality comparable though, would be snapshots of Mars or Earth satellites. Why fly in Earth orbit satellites can take a photo of the surface on which the visible number of the car and remove the surface of the lunar satellites in this resolution, which photograph the language does not turn to call.