Wonders ingenuity poor students

Use the pen as a bookmark for books.

She is perfect for storing chips fresh and crisp.

From the used toilet paper roll can get a great stand for pens and markers.

Make a timetable for the next week screensaver for your gadget.

Use the color code for lecture notes - so they will be easier to get them quickly.

Grille from the eggs will protect your knees from an overheated laptop case.

Excellent stand for tablet obtained from conventional plastic cup.

Paper towels hang on a hanger for clothes.

Wipes on a lattice fan - instant air freshener!

From the cover of the packaging for pizza turns cool dustpan.

Photo frames and diplomas can be easily made from decorative masking tape.

Tea is easily converted into a pot for cooking spaghetti.

And keep their best in a box of potato chips.

The best tool for cleaning dust "Claudia" - a piece for marking with a sticky surface.

So prepare food in a very confined space hostel.

Sooner or later they will have to abandon the painful washing spoons - they are in fact so easy to replace a simple and versatile instrument, such as a fork.

If the room has a mini-stiralka - do not use it one-sided! It is perfectly able to cool the beer, cold beer - it's a big plus for your credibility!
Let the professor thinks you flirt when you're really working hard.
Creative imagination in a sequestered budget.
So you will never wake beginning of the first pair.

Free in the room more space for parties.

Tell your resounding "no" insulting small desktops!

Simple and cost-effective "Fountain of Dreams».
Reversal iron 180 degrees turns it into an electric hot plate.

Selflessness - one of the main factors of success!

Christmas tree in a super-flat environmentally sound performance.

Puncher unable to overcome the exchange rate - do not despair, there is a solution!

Easy and affordable way to provide water resistance phone.
Device for quick chopping vegetables. (If you value your limbs, we advise you still refrain from such a process).

Source: mixstuff.ru