50 ways to spend a life wasted

If you can not try to get what you want, you never get. If you do not ask the right questions, you'll always get the wrong answers. If you do not take a step forward, you will always be in place. Life - a journey in which we make the choice. Here is a list of 50 alternatives, which should be avoided.
1. Spend time regretting the past and feeling sorry for yourself.
2. Complain to the problems and not try to solve them.
3. Go the path of least resistance and surrender, when it became difficult.
4. Forget about passion and chase for money.
5. Live from paycheck to paycheck.
6. Spend more than you earn, and uvyazni in debt.
7. Try to control everything, and then worry due to the fact that it is impossible.
8. Think about what you fear.
9. Beware that clear enough.
10. Let others decide for you. Never take the decision himself.
11. allow slight misunderstanding has become a global problem.
12. I envy all around.
13. The pent-up anger. Never no goodbye.
14. Be always right. Never allow others to be more right.
15. Whether it is dependent on the opinions of others, yet you can not tell what you're worth.
16. to make sure that what you are doing, others impressive.
17. Lie to yourself and others and accept the fact that others are lying to you.
18. Do the same thing again and again, until you die.
19. never ends what started.
20. always stay in the same place. I never travel.
21. compare ourselves with those who are successful, the comparison should always be in your favor.
22. underestimate themselves and hung out with people who think well.
23. never found out anything new.
24. Never be responsible for what he did. Blaming others.
25. Do not allow anyone to help you.
26. No one believe.
27. Put a lot of problems. Do it all at once.
28. Fill every moment of his life obligations.
29. Do not help others if you do not have to. Do only what is beneficial to you.
30. Think about what you do not, and will ship on this occasion.
31. Do not play sports. Eat only harmful and fried. Spoil their health.
32. Do not tell me what you think. Do not think about what you say.
33. Do not tell anyone what you're feeling and what you're thinking.
34. Never say "sorry" and "I love you».
35. Pay close attention to the problems of others and make them your own.
36. always put their needs on the back burner.
37. Get a friend to think of themselves bad.
38. Watching TV several hours a day.
39. The use drugs and alcohol.
40. No rest only work.
41. Forget about the hobby.
42. Forget about a relationship.
43. Take all seriously and to heart.
44. Remember resentment, forget the compliments.
45. Nothing is planned. Always pull to the last.
46. pent emotions.
47. Do not pay attention to the opinions and advice of other people.
48. The dream of the future and to never do anything to achieve them.
49. Beware of change and resist them.
50. a lot of work to do everything possible, and then curse yourself for not having reached perfection.
If you recognize yourself in some points of this list, remember - no matter how long you're going in the wrong direction, you always have a chance to turn back.
And that, as you can and live!
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