which, unfortunately, few people use:
"The first thing I do every morning, come to work - share all coming on the matter today on three lists. At first I make a list of everything that needs to be done for the development of new lines of business (ie, something that will bring income) or to reduce costs (there are only two ways to increase profits, which is nothing else than the difference between income and expenditure ). The second list consists of what needs to be done to maintain the current operations of the firm. In the third list of paid what I am asked to do more, and all that, in their opinion, I have to do, but that does not benefit the company.
I never get down to business in the second list without fulfilling all the points of the first, and never move on to the third list, until all the items of the second. I'm always doing all the work from the first list before noon, because in the morning and my head is fresh and the most constructive spirit (creative). I always finish all the works from the second list to dinner. Sometimes I also ran errands for the third list, and sometimes decide that's enough for today, and going home.
I must say that a sequence of actions contrary to normal human psychology. Because the most important things (the first list), as a rule, are also the most complex, they require the maximum mental effort and concentration. So people usually begins with minor, lighter cases that do not require making responsible decisions (list number 3). So there are "scary downloaded" businessmen who are too busy to start really important cases. »
- From the book by Bob Phifer "costs down, sales up» (http://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/mif/048/)
"The first thing I do every morning, come to work - share all coming on the matter today on three lists. At first I make a list of everything that needs to be done for the development of new lines of business (ie, something that will bring income) or to reduce costs (there are only two ways to increase profits, which is nothing else than the difference between income and expenditure ). The second list consists of what needs to be done to maintain the current operations of the firm. In the third list of paid what I am asked to do more, and all that, in their opinion, I have to do, but that does not benefit the company.
I never get down to business in the second list without fulfilling all the points of the first, and never move on to the third list, until all the items of the second. I'm always doing all the work from the first list before noon, because in the morning and my head is fresh and the most constructive spirit (creative). I always finish all the works from the second list to dinner. Sometimes I also ran errands for the third list, and sometimes decide that's enough for today, and going home.
I must say that a sequence of actions contrary to normal human psychology. Because the most important things (the first list), as a rule, are also the most complex, they require the maximum mental effort and concentration. So people usually begins with minor, lighter cases that do not require making responsible decisions (list number 3). So there are "scary downloaded" businessmen who are too busy to start really important cases. »
- From the book by Bob Phifer "costs down, sales up» (http://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/mif/048/)