Siberia, Eastern Sayan
Berry marsh, swamp Tabratskoe.
It is the same - Tabratskoe swamp.
Riding the Sayan.
Iron horse in the woods :)
Panorama Kazyr summer.
Panorama of winter Kazyr.
Tayatsky protein, winter, northern slope.
Morzhiki open swimming season, Kazyr.
Sunset over polynёy, Kazyr.
Tiberkul Lake from the top of the city dry.
The joy of summer :)
Dressed host, dressed horse meadows, protection against flies, horseflies and midges.
River Tabrat.
Stozhok ready, yum-yum horse in the winter.
Tourists are fused by Kazyr.
Warming up before hilling potatoes :)
Upper Kazyr.
Tayatsky protein eastern slope.
It is the same - Tabratskoe swamp.
Riding the Sayan.
Iron horse in the woods :)
Panorama Kazyr summer.
Panorama of winter Kazyr.
Tayatsky protein, winter, northern slope.
Morzhiki open swimming season, Kazyr.
Sunset over polynёy, Kazyr.
Tiberkul Lake from the top of the city dry.
The joy of summer :)
Dressed host, dressed horse meadows, protection against flies, horseflies and midges.
River Tabrat.
Stozhok ready, yum-yum horse in the winter.
Tourists are fused by Kazyr.
Warming up before hilling potatoes :)
Upper Kazyr.
Tayatsky protein eastern slope.