Three summer courses that improve mood
When the last time you bought a watermelon in the winter? Whatever you say, despite the fact that now the summer fruits are available almost all year round, some of them still much tastier in the season.
In addition to the abundance and availability in the summer these fruits distinguishes a particular taste, it is in the hot season they exude coolness and freshness. But what is more important - some of these summer products really are able to maintain a good mood.
Although a bad mood and depression are more common in the winter months, this sometimes happens in the summer. That there are many possible causes. All these parties, party, planning trips to rest ... It happens that the traditional summer "fun" begin to annoy us the high cost, and sometimes - just pointless.
Summer depression may be caused by the inability to tolerate heat or, for example, the absence of the former vivacity and vigor. Perhaps longing for loved ones or a loved one who is no longer with you, or some other reason.
However, be that as it may, do not allow yourself to give up. This may seem strange, but nutritionists say that some of the dishes have the ability to increase our resilience to depression and improve mood, and at the same time improve overall health. Here are three simple dishes that are being included in your usual summer diet can be simply miraculous.
1. Watermelon
Excellent means of a bad mood are watermelons. They are rich in lycopene, a natural antioxidant, stimulates blood circulation and protect the brain tissue. It is important to maintain the overall tone and feel of health, which is accompanied by a stable good mood. Lycopene can also reduce the sudden changes of excitation and apathy characteristic of the doldrums. In addition to the positive impact on the emotional sphere, he held a preventive effect against certain cancers. By the way, according to recent data, the lycopene in watermelon ahead everywhere lauded tomatoes. And most importantly - delicious watermelon simply amazing!
2. Salads of fresh fruits and vegetables
Salads - a great source of nutrients in the summer season, with the best basis for them is considered a salad romaine, represents one of the types of lettuce. You can add to it any fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, creating the perfect dish that will, in addition, it is easier to carry moist heat, characteristic of many countries. Romaine - a rich source of vitamin B and folate (folate). Low levels of folate in the blood is often associated with symptoms of depression and other disorders in the emotional and psychological sphere, as it is responsible for the ability of neurotransmitters to communicate effectively with each other.
3. Corn on the cob
Another classic summer dish is corn on the cob, full of wholesome carbohydrates, which increases the level of serotonin in our blood. Serotonin - a hormone that improves mood, so that eating such useful things as corn on the cob, you improve the overall health and protect yourself from the depression in the summer season.
Food has a huge impact on our physical and mental state. Therefore, do not use the excellent facilities offered for the summer of saturation of the body substance that stimulates immunity to depression and improve overall health - just a crime! This is the best time of year, so get out of the house more often, eat healthy and tasty summer food and enjoy life!

In addition to the abundance and availability in the summer these fruits distinguishes a particular taste, it is in the hot season they exude coolness and freshness. But what is more important - some of these summer products really are able to maintain a good mood.
Although a bad mood and depression are more common in the winter months, this sometimes happens in the summer. That there are many possible causes. All these parties, party, planning trips to rest ... It happens that the traditional summer "fun" begin to annoy us the high cost, and sometimes - just pointless.
Summer depression may be caused by the inability to tolerate heat or, for example, the absence of the former vivacity and vigor. Perhaps longing for loved ones or a loved one who is no longer with you, or some other reason.
However, be that as it may, do not allow yourself to give up. This may seem strange, but nutritionists say that some of the dishes have the ability to increase our resilience to depression and improve mood, and at the same time improve overall health. Here are three simple dishes that are being included in your usual summer diet can be simply miraculous.
1. Watermelon
Excellent means of a bad mood are watermelons. They are rich in lycopene, a natural antioxidant, stimulates blood circulation and protect the brain tissue. It is important to maintain the overall tone and feel of health, which is accompanied by a stable good mood. Lycopene can also reduce the sudden changes of excitation and apathy characteristic of the doldrums. In addition to the positive impact on the emotional sphere, he held a preventive effect against certain cancers. By the way, according to recent data, the lycopene in watermelon ahead everywhere lauded tomatoes. And most importantly - delicious watermelon simply amazing!
2. Salads of fresh fruits and vegetables
Salads - a great source of nutrients in the summer season, with the best basis for them is considered a salad romaine, represents one of the types of lettuce. You can add to it any fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, creating the perfect dish that will, in addition, it is easier to carry moist heat, characteristic of many countries. Romaine - a rich source of vitamin B and folate (folate). Low levels of folate in the blood is often associated with symptoms of depression and other disorders in the emotional and psychological sphere, as it is responsible for the ability of neurotransmitters to communicate effectively with each other.
3. Corn on the cob
Another classic summer dish is corn on the cob, full of wholesome carbohydrates, which increases the level of serotonin in our blood. Serotonin - a hormone that improves mood, so that eating such useful things as corn on the cob, you improve the overall health and protect yourself from the depression in the summer season.
Food has a huge impact on our physical and mental state. Therefore, do not use the excellent facilities offered for the summer of saturation of the body substance that stimulates immunity to depression and improve overall health - just a crime! This is the best time of year, so get out of the house more often, eat healthy and tasty summer food and enjoy life!