8 Things unhappy people refuse to recognize
«Most people are about as happy as they consider themselves lucky».
- Abraham Lincoln. Blockquote>
Each of us, there are times when we feel miserable, but there is a big difference between the sense of time and constantly attack unhappiness unhappy life. This is what makes the chronically unhappy people. And although many of them are afraid to admit it, the vast majority of their misfortunes related to their own beliefs and behavior.
Over the years, Angel and I have helped thousands of poor people re-learn how to smile and, in the process, we learned a lot about the negative beliefs and behaviors, which are usually kept them from doing so. Even if you're mostly happy person, take a look at the list below. Many of the poor people, with whom we worked, initially refused to acknowledge that they believed in these beliefs and behaviors, even when the evidence against them was undeniable. Look, if you do not interfere with any of these items to experience more joy than you are experiencing now.
1. They are struggling with self-esteem
At the same moment decide for yourself never, no one to ask of love, respect and attention that you have to show themselves. Be your own best friend. Trust your inner spirit and follow your instincts. Accept yourself completely, good and bad, and make your life such changes as you see fit - and not because you think someone else wants you to be different from others, but because you know it's correctly and that it is necessary to make for yourself.
Be the person and you will live happily for the rest of your life. Do not rely on someone meaningful to you or anyone else for their own happiness and self-esteem. Know that our first and last love is always love to yourself, and if you can not love and respect yourself, no one else can love and respect you.
2. They constantly worry about what others will think about them
That moment when you stop to think about that and think around begin to do what you feel with all my heart for itself the right, is a moment when you finally feel the freedom and peace of mind. In fact, you can get rid of half of your troubles now, do not let other people tell you what you should want.
You have to take your life into your own hands. Others may be for some time to ensure your happiness, but only you can make it permanent.
3. They hold old grudges
You will never find peace until you learn to finally let go of hatred and resentment that live in your heart. Life is too short to spend it in bitterness and storage of various offenses. Resentment is for those who claim that they are owed something, and forgiveness, on the other hand, for those who are confident enough to stand on their own feet and can move on.
In order to move forward, you need to know why you feel yourself so and not otherwise because what to do and why you do not need to feel this way. The idea is that we should accept the past, leave it alone and move forward with only good thoughts. Nothing prevents your ability to improve and grow as your love and forgiveness.
4. lifestyle that they hold and deprives them of their freedom
Remember that the way that you always follow, not the only one. It is unlikely that you will regret about at least one of such things as, for example, in the 70 years that did not drink enough beer in 20 years, or that have not bought enough 6-dollar latte from Starbucks, or that is not frequented nightclubs over the years. But regret the missed opportunities is real, poisonous feeling.
The bottom line is that you meet their needs for drinking and threw it. No need to think about a latte, you already drank it enough. It's time to find something else. Around every corner or on every street on which you are going, you will find a new experience. You just have to see an opportunity and to be so adventurous to develop it.
5. There are so many that they can not control (even if they attempt)
Life is often unpredictable. Some of the greatest moments in your life do not happen necessarily because you have done something for this, they become what accidentally happens to you. Although this does not mean that you can not do anything to influence the course of his life. On the contrary, you have to act, and you will act. But do not forget that on any given day, you can get out of the front door, and your whole life can change in an instant - for better or worse.
To some extent, the universe has a plan that is always in motion. Butterfly flaps its wings, and it begins to rain - it's an unpleasant thought, but it's part of the life cycle. All these small particles of a machine that is constantly working - sometimes they make you fight, and sometimes led to believe that you were just at the right time in the right place.
6. They allow your fears cause such consternation that stop noticing the good quality
"Numbness" is any activity that you use in order to reduce the level of your senses so that you will no longer feel pain or vulnerability. But eliminating themselves from feelings of vulnerability, you also make yourself not to notice the love belonging to anything, empathy, creativity, adventure and other forms of good in life.
Remember that every worthwhile in life - a deep love, friendship, new business, etc. - It's scary. These things are risky. They are not safe. These things are not for the faint of heart. They require a certain amount of courage. And most importantly, they can not coexist with fear.
When you discover great opportunities in life and fun, it also means that you are giving a lifetime opportunity to break your heart, but believe that this will not happen, it's a risk worth awards.
7. They get used to avoid ourselves in at the moment
This is something with which we all struggle sometimes. And it is also the main cause of almost all our misfortunes.
One of the biggest challenges facing us in life, to live in our "own skin" - just to be right here, right now, no matter where we are. Too often we needlessly distract ourselves everything in the world: food, drink, shopping, television, news, social networks, video games, cell phones, iPods, etc. - Basically everything that keeps us from being fully present to the moment.
We use a fascinating work, excitement, exciting love and like to get away from myself and the reality of life. In fact, most of us go to great lengths to avoid the feeling of loneliness in our scattered world. Thus, we agree to communicate with anyone, just to avoid that feeling. To be alone with yourself - this means directly face our true feelings: fear, anxiety, happiness, anger, joy, resentment, disappointment, expectation, sadness, anxiety, despair, and so on and so forth.
And in fact, it does not matter what our feelings, positive or negative - they are overwhelming and exhausting, and so we prefer as it were "close" himself from them. The bottom line is that we are all used to avoid themselves. Recognition of this relationship is the first step to healing. So today note with curiosity and without judgment all the ways that you were trying to avoid life in "their own skin", right here, right now, at this moment that we call life.
8. The grass is not greener elsewhere
If you feel anxious, because you constantly feel like missing something that happens somewhere else, you are not alone in this. We all sometimes feel so - as in this moment, somewhere in there the grass is greener than this place. But let me assure you, you could have run in all directions, trying to do everything at once, to travel around the world and stay in touch, to be at work and walk through the night without sleep, but you will never be able to do it all at once . You will always be something missing, and therefore will always feel that something wonderful can happen elsewhere.
So forget about it, and realize all that you have right now. Best things in life are not somewhere else, it is where you are at this moment. Celebrate perhaps not so insignificant fact that you are alive. This moment is who you are now, it is absolutely beautiful. Take a deep breath, smile and look at the green grass under your feet.
Let me tell you a secret that I learned about happiness. No one is happy all the time. It's perfectly normal to experience sharp fluctuations in the level of happiness from day to day, from month to month, and even from year to year. In fact, according to recent research, the overall level of happiness decreases during adolescence to the 40s, and then increases again until the person reaches 70 years of age. Thus, it is likely that your happy days are still ahead.
Your turn
What would you add to the list? What behaviors and beliefs often stand between you and your happiness? Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with the community
Translated article
8 Things Unhappy People Refuse to Admit
Natalia via Zakalyk