Private space truck «Cygnus» successfully launched to the ISS
As planned, July 13, on Sunday, went to the ISS private space truck Cygnus. This is the third flight of the spacecraft, but only this time the truck off with a full load. Payload mass was 1, 5 tons, while the two previous runs were carried out with partial load, payload mass of 700 kg was then.
The launch was done at 21:52 MSK on, from the Baikonur Wallops, Virginia, United States (if the local time, the launch was carried out at 12:52). The ship was launched into space by means of carrier rocket "Antares".
Well, and docking with the ISS is scheduled for July 16, Wednesday. Among the payloads sent to the ISS, including The clothing, household items and scientific equipment with materials for all sorts of experiments. At this time the astronauts working on the ISS orbit, will receive a radiation detector and the detector air quality.
By the way, in August, the astronauts will get more and 3D-printer, as well as a coffee machine. Both devices are designed specifically for use in space conditions. Sending cargo in August will be the Falcon 9 rocket, the company Space X.
Here's the video launch Cygnus:
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/229735/