The nature of the American
We decided to go camping, or rather in this campaign we invited colleagues husband. In my view, the Russian people, the campaign - a campground, general fire songs with a guitar and a barbecue with strong drinks, well, in this case also with grass. The husband insisted on the two banks of stew and a pack of pasta. And I wanted to take a little more planned for, in his words, specific gatherings. Well, our sports car with something like this. Guitars have not got what I have not regretted later. Rest planned for two days, so things were still partially in the cabin.
37 photos.
2. It is our things exploded version. All the decorum and noble. The sun is shining and we are intuziazma. Although I have in my heart prorostaet seed of doubt because when entering the territory, as it turned out, the park. We had to register their site on MDM we We partition the tent. Here we are already on the site itself, together with their belongings.
3. It's BBQ, which is built in an area on MDM to camp. There at vhezde if desired can take wood, but we had coal and ignition. That's actually where we cooked. I even horrified. We then russukie their trips, barbecues take their firewood in the forest looking for.
4. What would be clear, in general, all areas of the park look like. And the range of asphalt paths. Places wishing to relax in the lap of nature, razdelyayutsya not large plot of trees. And the rest should be noted, every meter. In each site, BBQ, table and bench, all cultures multur already sick.
5. This section of our neighbors. I had the impression that everything is dead. There was a car and a tent, everything was no one else. Peace and quiet.
6. This is one more neighbors who also died out, damn dead season (it's not her husband colleagues they all have been through three sections, as it turned out. But more about this later on.
7. And so I began to look around. Well, how do you think I like a Russian man had a heart attack mikarda or not after I saw it?
8. And now the most important thing. Here it is, the miracle of civilization, according to the index! Hike in one word.
9. I went to the index and I was zavedno. This site san, I have no home. Then you and the toilets with a piece of paper (and I even took the toilet paper out of the house, fool) and shower.
10. This is the way shower. For those who indulge in the comfort of not used to. Frankly a lot of very mites was, but it does not cancel hiking conditions Russian latitudes, in general, I was in shock, which remain until this day. Looked at it and thought. Whether I'm from the tundra, whether it is really excessive comfort in the lap of nature.
11. Yes, it's me, the one TP, which has gone to shit and took 200 photos.
12. And so, we turn to our tent. Here it is beautiful. Seating for 8 or polezhechnyh places. I remember our tents even when I was small. Tarpaulin, heavy, green. In general, that's a miracle of progress. Tent!
13. A husband and son drive in pegs (no injuries)
14. And that's the way of the sites. They are numbered here. So anyone who decides to go to the "campaign", without effort will find its clearing number.
15. We got a lot for some reason with disabilities icon. Although we all in the family Weird, probably during registration skin felt a catch here and gave us this clearing.
16. Tent collected. Insect was very, very much. Especially mites. I'm terribly afraid of them. Frightened rossyskimi intsifalitnymi ticks following each bug. Colleagues husband had a dog that just attracts them.
17. All interested in the inner tent. Well, here they are. Three sleeping with rugs and of course constantly had to fasten the door, because the midges were Nemer. During the night I got up three times, and all buttoned perestegivala, because she wanted to use the toilet. Apparently nature kidneys work harder.
37 photos.

2. It is our things exploded version. All the decorum and noble. The sun is shining and we are intuziazma. Although I have in my heart prorostaet seed of doubt because when entering the territory, as it turned out, the park. We had to register their site on MDM we We partition the tent. Here we are already on the site itself, together with their belongings.

3. It's BBQ, which is built in an area on MDM to camp. There at vhezde if desired can take wood, but we had coal and ignition. That's actually where we cooked. I even horrified. We then russukie their trips, barbecues take their firewood in the forest looking for.

4. What would be clear, in general, all areas of the park look like. And the range of asphalt paths. Places wishing to relax in the lap of nature, razdelyayutsya not large plot of trees. And the rest should be noted, every meter. In each site, BBQ, table and bench, all cultures multur already sick.

5. This section of our neighbors. I had the impression that everything is dead. There was a car and a tent, everything was no one else. Peace and quiet.

6. This is one more neighbors who also died out, damn dead season (it's not her husband colleagues they all have been through three sections, as it turned out. But more about this later on.

7. And so I began to look around. Well, how do you think I like a Russian man had a heart attack mikarda or not after I saw it?

8. And now the most important thing. Here it is, the miracle of civilization, according to the index! Hike in one word.

9. I went to the index and I was zavedno. This site san, I have no home. Then you and the toilets with a piece of paper (and I even took the toilet paper out of the house, fool) and shower.

10. This is the way shower. For those who indulge in the comfort of not used to. Frankly a lot of very mites was, but it does not cancel hiking conditions Russian latitudes, in general, I was in shock, which remain until this day. Looked at it and thought. Whether I'm from the tundra, whether it is really excessive comfort in the lap of nature.

11. Yes, it's me, the one TP, which has gone to shit and took 200 photos.

12. And so, we turn to our tent. Here it is beautiful. Seating for 8 or polezhechnyh places. I remember our tents even when I was small. Tarpaulin, heavy, green. In general, that's a miracle of progress. Tent!

13. A husband and son drive in pegs (no injuries)

14. And that's the way of the sites. They are numbered here. So anyone who decides to go to the "campaign", without effort will find its clearing number.

15. We got a lot for some reason with disabilities icon. Although we all in the family Weird, probably during registration skin felt a catch here and gave us this clearing.

16. Tent collected. Insect was very, very much. Especially mites. I'm terribly afraid of them. Frightened rossyskimi intsifalitnymi ticks following each bug. Colleagues husband had a dog that just attracts them.

17. All interested in the inner tent. Well, here they are. Three sleeping with rugs and of course constantly had to fasten the door, because the midges were Nemer. During the night I got up three times, and all buttoned perestegivala, because she wanted to use the toilet. Apparently nature kidneys work harder.