Seven year old girl with the body of an old woman
Inside, it is exactly the same live seven year old girl, but with the body and face of an elderly woman.
Brave little Ashanti Elliott-Smith suffers from a very rare disease is not curable.
Her body is aging 8 times faster than normal. This means that by the time when she will be 10,
it will be "folded" as well as 80-year old woman. Read the continuation ...
Even now, when she plays with her classmates and listening to your favorite band JLS, she has to deal with such age-related problems, such as arthritis and heart weakening. However, the 24-year-old mother Ashanti Phoebe convinced that her daughter will be so normal and even happy childhood as possible. This disease - a genetic disorder called progeria, or Hutchinson-Gilford disease. In addition to her in the UK there is only one child affected by the same disease. Progeria patients have an average life expectancy of 13 years. However, Phoebe, which has another 4-year-old daughter, said: "We try to take everything from every day." "Ashanti - such cheerful little girl, she's so cute." "I am very proud of her. It does not allow the disease to interfere with her life. She is a very bright person, do not leave anyone indifferent. " While her friends have turned from babies in moving children, Ashanti, more like a little old woman. In the presented photographs of the children of the album can be seen every stage of aging with the experiences of girls mother. Infant hair fell out, and the skin show through the signs of old age that makes passers turn around. The girl weak hands, after 3 years it will have arthritis and heart and breathing apparatus 80-year-old man. Its development has stopped on the weight of the three-year child with an increase of 1 meter. Unlikely Ashanti will grow. Her body is very weak, so the girls must be protected from sick children, because diseases such as chicken pox and flu can kill her. However, when Ashanti was born (May, 2003), she weighed like a normal, healthy child - about 2, 5 kg.
"I did not know that she will be deprived of a future that I wanted to give it" - my mother. Phoebe says: "Pregnancy was absolutely fine, and I thought that my daughter will be healthy. We Albi (the girl's father) were waiting for her look. " "After 3 weeks after birth, when her body began to cover the cramps, the first time we thought that something was wrong."
"7 months: our first Christmas. I began to suspect that something is wrong "Phoebe rushed the girl to the hospital and was shocked by the fact that the doctor mistakenly concluded, if the baby is strongly shaking someone from adults. "I was absolutely stunned. In the end, they acknowledged that nothing like this and we have not done anything wrong. But it still upsets me very much. " "I gave birth to 17 years, but in my family had 11 children, so I have a lot of experience looking after children." Doctors performed a great number of tests to find out what's wrong, but the results did not show anything specific. But in the coming months Ashanti got worse and worse. Phoebe, who lives not far from Brighton, said: "It still beat cramps, she gained weight and was bald. My doctor thought that I neglect it. " Concerned mom requested a more tests. Just before the fifth birthday girls were sent to a children's hospital in London on the street Great Ormond Street. Doctor took only one look at her, to understand the reason.
"The first birthday. We have just learned the diagnosis. I can not believe that she had progeria "" When we were told that this progeria, I fainted. Later Albi explained to me that it would be like having to take care of my grandmother. " "He said he had to take care of the Ashanti, as an elderly person, because her body is aging very quickly. It was horrible, but I knew that he had to accept it and live with it. "
"3 years. She's such a curious little girl "" My mother is very close to the Ashanti, so was particularly depressed. Now the baby is no longer the same as before. " "Mom was very difficult to accept that she will survive her granddaughter." Cause of the disease - a defective gene, while it is not hereditary. The younger sister of Ashanti, Brandy Lou, absolutely healthy. In the world of recorded just 52 cases of progeria, including 12-year-old girl Hayley Okines living in Beksile, near Ashanti. Girls saw a couple of times and friends. However, the father Ashanti, 40-year-old Albi Elliott, told how depressing its current status: "Ashanti - this is my world. And my life is devastated by the knowledge that she was so ill. " "Before, I was the owner of the metal recycling industry, but dropped everything to spend with Ashanti all the time." "I'm so proud of her - she's wonderful daughter."
"3 years. With dad in a cave Santa "One of the hardest things for Phoebe, when passers-by stare begin:" I am very angry when people start staring at Ashanti. I am absolutely not ashamed of it - I just do not want them made her feel uncomfortable. Would be better if people just came up and asked what was wrong with her. " "When children start to stare at her, Ashanti usually smiles and says:" That's because I'm beautiful. '" And indeed it is. Brave little girl does not allow anything else to upset her. She tries to take part in all that makes her friends. Phoebe says: "During physical education in school, she can not run, but it is allowed to throw balls with the guys."
"4 years. First day of school. I was worried, but it was all good "" When due to arthritis in her knees begin to ache, and she asked me why, I just tell her that she was special. " Like the other girls, Ashanti goes to a regular school; loves to play with your puppy Samson and is a big fan groups Girls Aloud and JLS. Her mother says, "Ashanti has a poster of the participant group JLS Aston Merrygold on the ceiling, so that she could look at him when asleep. He is the absolute protagonist of her heart. " "Last year we had went to their concert, and one of the guys blew her a kiss. Her legs so weak in the knees trembled. " Ashanti also loves horses, so Phoebe wants to take a few riding lessons for disabled people, because it is too fragile for normal skiing.
"5 years. Vacation in Florida. We have had a good time, "In the past few years, the family has a good time visiting various places, including Disney World in Florida. Phoebe has got a special box of memories, which puts each picture painted Ashanti in school, and all her belongings. She says: "I keep everything connected with Ashanti, because it is very dear to me." "I do not even throw a sock. She is the most amazing girl, and so full of life. Every moment is priceless. "
"6 years. School photos. I so love her smile. She is so pleased "Last year, Ashanti was subjected to a treatment trial in the hospital of Marseille, southern France, where she comes every few months. This program is aimed at improving the quality of her life. However, unfortunately, it will not be able to renew it. Her parents, knowing that they can not fix irreversible, decided not to tell the whole truth about Ashanti her illness. Phoebe explains: "She knows a lot about his condition, but we do not talk to her about the forecasts, because they do not want to frighten her." "To tell the truth to his daughter this - the most difficult thing in the world."
Brave little Ashanti Elliott-Smith suffers from a very rare disease is not curable.
Her body is aging 8 times faster than normal. This means that by the time when she will be 10,
it will be "folded" as well as 80-year old woman. Read the continuation ...

Even now, when she plays with her classmates and listening to your favorite band JLS, she has to deal with such age-related problems, such as arthritis and heart weakening. However, the 24-year-old mother Ashanti Phoebe convinced that her daughter will be so normal and even happy childhood as possible. This disease - a genetic disorder called progeria, or Hutchinson-Gilford disease. In addition to her in the UK there is only one child affected by the same disease. Progeria patients have an average life expectancy of 13 years. However, Phoebe, which has another 4-year-old daughter, said: "We try to take everything from every day." "Ashanti - such cheerful little girl, she's so cute." "I am very proud of her. It does not allow the disease to interfere with her life. She is a very bright person, do not leave anyone indifferent. " While her friends have turned from babies in moving children, Ashanti, more like a little old woman. In the presented photographs of the children of the album can be seen every stage of aging with the experiences of girls mother. Infant hair fell out, and the skin show through the signs of old age that makes passers turn around. The girl weak hands, after 3 years it will have arthritis and heart and breathing apparatus 80-year-old man. Its development has stopped on the weight of the three-year child with an increase of 1 meter. Unlikely Ashanti will grow. Her body is very weak, so the girls must be protected from sick children, because diseases such as chicken pox and flu can kill her. However, when Ashanti was born (May, 2003), she weighed like a normal, healthy child - about 2, 5 kg.

"I did not know that she will be deprived of a future that I wanted to give it" - my mother. Phoebe says: "Pregnancy was absolutely fine, and I thought that my daughter will be healthy. We Albi (the girl's father) were waiting for her look. " "After 3 weeks after birth, when her body began to cover the cramps, the first time we thought that something was wrong."

"7 months: our first Christmas. I began to suspect that something is wrong "Phoebe rushed the girl to the hospital and was shocked by the fact that the doctor mistakenly concluded, if the baby is strongly shaking someone from adults. "I was absolutely stunned. In the end, they acknowledged that nothing like this and we have not done anything wrong. But it still upsets me very much. " "I gave birth to 17 years, but in my family had 11 children, so I have a lot of experience looking after children." Doctors performed a great number of tests to find out what's wrong, but the results did not show anything specific. But in the coming months Ashanti got worse and worse. Phoebe, who lives not far from Brighton, said: "It still beat cramps, she gained weight and was bald. My doctor thought that I neglect it. " Concerned mom requested a more tests. Just before the fifth birthday girls were sent to a children's hospital in London on the street Great Ormond Street. Doctor took only one look at her, to understand the reason.

"The first birthday. We have just learned the diagnosis. I can not believe that she had progeria "" When we were told that this progeria, I fainted. Later Albi explained to me that it would be like having to take care of my grandmother. " "He said he had to take care of the Ashanti, as an elderly person, because her body is aging very quickly. It was horrible, but I knew that he had to accept it and live with it. "

"3 years. She's such a curious little girl "" My mother is very close to the Ashanti, so was particularly depressed. Now the baby is no longer the same as before. " "Mom was very difficult to accept that she will survive her granddaughter." Cause of the disease - a defective gene, while it is not hereditary. The younger sister of Ashanti, Brandy Lou, absolutely healthy. In the world of recorded just 52 cases of progeria, including 12-year-old girl Hayley Okines living in Beksile, near Ashanti. Girls saw a couple of times and friends. However, the father Ashanti, 40-year-old Albi Elliott, told how depressing its current status: "Ashanti - this is my world. And my life is devastated by the knowledge that she was so ill. " "Before, I was the owner of the metal recycling industry, but dropped everything to spend with Ashanti all the time." "I'm so proud of her - she's wonderful daughter."

"3 years. With dad in a cave Santa "One of the hardest things for Phoebe, when passers-by stare begin:" I am very angry when people start staring at Ashanti. I am absolutely not ashamed of it - I just do not want them made her feel uncomfortable. Would be better if people just came up and asked what was wrong with her. " "When children start to stare at her, Ashanti usually smiles and says:" That's because I'm beautiful. '" And indeed it is. Brave little girl does not allow anything else to upset her. She tries to take part in all that makes her friends. Phoebe says: "During physical education in school, she can not run, but it is allowed to throw balls with the guys."

"4 years. First day of school. I was worried, but it was all good "" When due to arthritis in her knees begin to ache, and she asked me why, I just tell her that she was special. " Like the other girls, Ashanti goes to a regular school; loves to play with your puppy Samson and is a big fan groups Girls Aloud and JLS. Her mother says, "Ashanti has a poster of the participant group JLS Aston Merrygold on the ceiling, so that she could look at him when asleep. He is the absolute protagonist of her heart. " "Last year we had went to their concert, and one of the guys blew her a kiss. Her legs so weak in the knees trembled. " Ashanti also loves horses, so Phoebe wants to take a few riding lessons for disabled people, because it is too fragile for normal skiing.

"5 years. Vacation in Florida. We have had a good time, "In the past few years, the family has a good time visiting various places, including Disney World in Florida. Phoebe has got a special box of memories, which puts each picture painted Ashanti in school, and all her belongings. She says: "I keep everything connected with Ashanti, because it is very dear to me." "I do not even throw a sock. She is the most amazing girl, and so full of life. Every moment is priceless. "

"6 years. School photos. I so love her smile. She is so pleased "Last year, Ashanti was subjected to a treatment trial in the hospital of Marseille, southern France, where she comes every few months. This program is aimed at improving the quality of her life. However, unfortunately, it will not be able to renew it. Her parents, knowing that they can not fix irreversible, decided not to tell the whole truth about Ashanti her illness. Phoebe explains: "She knows a lot about his condition, but we do not talk to her about the forecasts, because they do not want to frighten her." "To tell the truth to his daughter this - the most difficult thing in the world."