Cleaning the house of a rich old woman, a gentle maid found her baby photo in a drawer

When Alya got a job in a big rich house, she was just in seventh heaven with happiness. She urgently needed work, and finally luck turned. The work of a maid was much easier than the girl imagined. Yes, I had to wash toilets and wash other people's laundry. However, they paid very well here, and the girl had the opportunity to earn money to study at a prestigious university.

The house that Alya cleaned belonged to a mature woman of 60 years. Her name was Olga Yurievna. She loved talking to an old woman. They had something in common. The elusive similarity turned into a strong bond after a couple of months. Alya loved an old woman with all her heart. Even when she wasn’t working, she tried to get back to her grandmother.

Alya grew up in an orphanage and for the first time in her life received so much attention, love and tenderness. But you have to give the girl credit: in return she gave no less. Alya felt that Olga Yurievna is insanely lonely and she, as well as the girl herself, is terribly missing someone close to her.

Most of all, the student was surprised that, being so rich, Olga was completely alone. She once asked an old woman about her family. Olga spoke reluctantly. It seemed as if the story gave her incredible pain.

Olga Yurievna was the heiress of a wealthy European aristocrat who moved here many years ago. Of course, she was the enviable bride to whom many guys were drawn. However, she fell in love with a man whom her parents did not approve of. He was a poor artist. The lovers dated for a while, and then Olya became pregnant. When my parents found out, they were furious. They kicked the artist out and paid him to never see Olya again.

She couldn't stand the baby. After the birth, the girl was immediately given to distant relatives, and Olga heard little about her. Twelve years ago, she received a box of things that belonged to her daughter. There were some photos and documents. Olga was told that her daughter had gone to another world. She immediately put the photos in the box. I didn't even consider anything.

An amazing story in a large beautiful house Alya listened to the story of the old woman and was surprised. What amazing stories sometimes happen! By the way, Olga never married again and she had no children. It so happened that the first love was the last. And the young artist instilled in the woman a passion for art. Therefore, Olga Yurievna has been buying up expensive and famous paintings for a long time, and she also draws herself.

After talking about herself, the old woman inquired about the origin of Ali. But she had little to say. About twelve years ago, her mother gave the girl to boarding school. That's where she grew up. Over time, Alya was adopted by kind but poor people. And now she is working hard to secure a secure future.

After talking about it with Olga Yurievna, Alya continued cleaning. And yet she was haunted by the thought of an old woman's family. The girl decided to quietly look at the shelf with photos mentioned by the hostess of the house. There were about ten black and white photos. Looking through them, Alya suddenly saw a familiar face. It was her childhood picture. She had one herself. Her girl was given away in an orphanage.

Alya grabbed the photo and rushed to show it to the old lady. She was surprised to ask if Alya is sure that this is really her picture. To her question, she received not only an affirmative answer, but also a scan of the photo, which was stored in the girl's phone. Then my grandmother pulled out a huge stack of documents that were brought along with the photo many years ago.

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? It turned out that the daughter of the hostess of the house was also born a girl. But they only lived together for a couple of years, because then they were separated by the illness of their mother. Ala went to an orphanage. For some reason, it did not occur to anyone to find out about the girl’s relatives. Perhaps the parents of Olga Yurievna at one time made sure that their daughter never found her child.

But now the two fates have come together. Alya and Olya realized that they are insanely similar to each other. The family they wanted to have all their lives was finally found. Granddaughter found grandma.

You have to hope for the best and believe in miracles. We do not know all the laws of this universe. However, she definitely takes care of us and arranges everything as best as possible.


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