Vladimir Etush

From school, Vladimir became interested in acting: participated in amateur, playing in productions, taught poetry. During the Second World War as a volunteer went to the front, where he fought in the officer rank. He participated in the liberation of Rostov-on-Don and the Ukraine. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals. In 1944, badly wounded, he was demobilized and returned to the 4th year Shchukin Drama School. After graduating from college in 1945, Vladimir Etush invited to play on the stage of Theatre. Vakhtangov.

His career began in the theater actor from age-specific, comedic episodes. He always knew how to create the seamless nature of even a small amount of material. Among his early works, and a soft, intelligent Dorogomilovo ("Cyril Izvekov" Fedin), and police Menos ("Angel"), and the famous mask Brighella ("Princess Turandot" by K. Gozzi). Creative fate Etush - excellent confirmation of Stanislavsky's famous formula that there are no small roles, but there

Soon, from filigree actor played episodes gradually moving towards the establishment of a complex scene, diverse characters in plays such as "Millionaire" Shaw, "western" E. Zola, "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" by JB Moliere, "Great Magic" E.de Filippo, "Cheers," "White Rabbit", "cylinder" and others. In the movie, Vladimir Etush debuted in 1953. His first role - Seyed Ali in the movie "Admiral Ushakov" - brought actor widely known. But in the next 13 years he appeared rarely. Among the roles of those years - it works in the paintings: "The Gadfly", "summer vacation", "Chairman».

The real audience's love and recognition brought Etush role in the comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "Kidnapping, Caucasian Style" (1966). In this picture he is convincingly played a Caucasian friend Saahova much improvising on the set. As a result, were born incorruptible "take off his hat," "hot, sovsem bely", "athlete, Komsomol ..." ... All these phrases became instant winged and they remain to this day. A Etush became a national hero in the Caucasus and in Transcaucasia. After the success of "the Caucasian captive" the actor began to invite a lot of filming and usually in Distinguishing and comedic roles. The amplitude of its unbelievable characters. Among the most famous, deservedly become the hallmark of Vladimir Etush, among fellow Saahova - the role of a petty thief in Shpak brilliant comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "Ivan Vasilievich" and Karabas-Barabas inimitable in "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Leonid Nechayev.

Heroes Etush - people, mostly, dishonest, cunning and greedy, causing the viewer laugh. However, if the role requires a serious, dramatic sound, actor skillfully leads her in a completely different tone. Etush subject to all genres - from buffoonery and vulgar satire to genuine tragedy. Among the other works of the actor in the film - as in the paintings: "The old, old story," "The Shadow," "incorrigible liar", "In the streets of the dresser were taken", "How Ivan the Fool for the miracle of walking", "The Twelve Chairs", " Donkey skin "," Thirty-June 1, "Let sleeping dogs lie" Turn Key "," Soviet Park "and many others. During his artistic career Etush played more than 100 roles in theater and cinema.

At the same time acting career Vladimir Abramovich successfully teaches. His teaching career he began in the walls of his native school. Since 1976 - Professor, since 1987 - Rector, 2003 - artistic director of the Theater School. Shchukin. And in 2009-2011 Etush also headed the Central House of Actors (CDA). Vladimir Abramovich has been married four times. Today, his wife - Elena Gorbunova - English teacher. The actor has a daughter Raissa (born in 1955 from his marriage to Nina Krainova) - Actress Satire Theater. Vladimir Etush - Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, World War II veteran, a veteran of the State Academic Theatre. Eugene. Vakhtangov, winner of the State Prize of Russia and the national award "Kremlin Grand" awards "Crystal Turandot", "Idol", "hero of our time" (in the "Man of the Epoch"), "Star" Teatral "," holder of the Order "For Merit for the Fatherland »IV, III and II degree, the Red Star, World War I level," For contribution to the victory, "St. Alexander Nevsky" For Labour and Homeland ", Peter the Great ... He also was awarded, and other awards.

Although in recent years Etush rarely seen in films and on stage (impact of his employment at the post of professor of acting and artistic director of the Shchukin School), but he has pleased its fans participating in scenic updates on the silver screen. Among his recent works - role in the TV series "Turn Key" psychological thriller "Classic", an adventure film "The Three Musketeers" and other paintings.

Today Vladimir Etush lives and works in Moscow.