Frisco saved seven children

In the treatment of children the fund has allocated 30 million rubles. - Almost half of the amount collected for the singer. "Rusfond" recalled that after a serious illness Friske became known agent for the treatment of listed more than 900 thousand people, the total amount of donations was 68 million 746 thousand. 583 rubles. More than 38 million rubles. It was spent on the treatment of Frisco at the clinic in the United States: the singer would have to stay in hospital for a year, in addition, a significant amount is reserved for the case, if you need additional therapy.
The remaining amount of the singer does not actually need and, with her consent, the money was transferred to the clinic Great Britain, the USA and Germany, where the treatment of seriously ill children. Their photos and details about the diseases and the necessary therapy, published on the website "Rusfond».
Information about that 39-year-old Frisco, in April last year gave birth to a son, seriously ill, appeared in the media in mid-January. Later, her common-law husband of the singer has confirmed Dmitry Shepelev. Jeanne Friske was diagnosed with brain cancer the fourth stage - glioblastoma. It is believed that this is the most common form of brain tumor, but it is diagnosed in only two - three people out of 100 thousand. However, doctors do comforting predictions: the primary tumor and usually gives almost no metastasis.
Doctors have suggested that the disease could be the cause of the constant presence of the sun (first filming in Mexico and then in Miami, where the singer had gone to give birth), or anti-aging treatments. Perhaps the development of tumors provoked pregnancy: severe headaches, because of which the singer decided to be surveyed, Friske had started two months after the birth of her son.
Fundraising for treatment singer organized the "First Channel" and charity "Rusfond." Less than a day has collected more than 50 million rubles. Later, she appealed to the Friske fans, thanked them for their support and talked about plans to spend surplus funds received for treatment of children.
