He died the legendary Lev Matveevich Proskuriakov
Lev Matveevich died in the bus on the way to the birthday of one of permskix fitness clubs. On the way he composed stixi, preparing.
Poet Laureate and winner of the All-Russia competition of readers, participant of the annual Festival of Russian Culture in Nice (France), popular theater actor drama, inspirer and implementer of the cycle performances of "Russia - to be!", Winner of the Festival of Contemporary Art "Living Perm", member of the project 1 Channel "Minute of Fame sweeping the country" - can be listed for a long time.
Master of Sports in several species, Champion of the USSR 50-ies in sports acrobatics, a marathon runner.
Lev Matveevich to polednie he was active and full of ideas. He did not finish his big project "Gidroudy." "His engineering genius came up as a man without transport move through the water. Weeks sat in libraries, workshops, was immersed sgolovoy, wanted to spend the summer tests, a collection of new poems to issue ... ", - said the head of the urban sector activities administration Perm Olga Filippova.
Funeral will take place on April 29 farewell Startseva a large funeral hall in 12.20.
Source: properm.ru