The same Leon theremin
Thirty three million nine hundred twenty one thousand one hundred thirty
Lev Sergeyevich THEREMIN (1896-1993) — inventor, physicist and musician.
Quote: the inventor of the first electronic musical instrument the theremin (1919-20); one of the first television systems far-sighted (1925-26); the world's first rhythm machine, rhythmicon (1932); alarm systems, automatic doors and lighting; the first and the most sophisticated listening devices, etc.
Born in 1896 in St. Petersburg. He graduated from St. Petersburg Conservatory as a cellist, he studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of St. Petersburg University.
From 1919 — head of the laboratory of Physical-technical Institute in Petrograd, along with 1923. — collaborated with GINN ohms (State Institute of musical science, Moscow).
In 1927 he was sent Narkompros of the RSFSR abroad. Has traveled all over Europe, was one of the most popular men in new York, he entered the millionaires club. In 1931-38 he is a Director of Teletouch Inc. (USA). In his new York Studio visited and worked such famous people of his time, as immigrant albert Einstein and conductor Leopold Stokowski, actor Charlie Chaplin, artist Mary Ellen Bute, etc., etc., of His invention, done in 20-40-ies, the years firmly established in our everyday life.
At the end of 1938 returned to the Soviet Union. He was arrested in 1939 and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. Year in Kolyma, but most of the time — in the legendary "Tupolev" sharashka. After the liberation working in the research center of the KGB, developing various electronic systems.
Since 1963 — member of the acoustic laboratory of the Moscow Conservatory. In the late 60's due to disagreements with the administration after publishing an article about Terman in the American newspaper "new York times" of Lev Sergeyevich scandal expelled from the Conservatory, he is forced to go to work at MSU.
Since 1966 at the Department of acoustics of physical faculty of Moscow state University.
The last twenty-five years theremin worked in the laboratory of acoustics of Moscow state University. Mechanic 6 category. He slowly worked his termenvox — some restored, some have improved, even invented one in which the sound through a system of solar cells arose from the mere sight of the musician.
Leon theremin died in ' 93, in poverty and in obscurity, hunted by neighbors in a communal apartment. The Legendary Theremin...
Most widely known for his invention of the theremin, which is like Lenin. The game on the theremin is to change the musician of distance from his hands to the antennas of the instrument, thereby changing the capacity of oscillatory circuit and, as a consequence, the frequency of the sound.
A vertical line antenna is responsible for the tone of the sound, the horizontal horseshoe for its volume.
To play the theremin, you must have perfect pitch, because while playing, the musician does not touch the instrument.
But not only the theremin...
He invented:
1. A group of musical instruments:
- theremin
- ritmico
-- terpsitone
2. Burglar alarm
3. Unique eavesdropping system "Buran"
4. The world's first television set -- a vision
worked on:
-- speech recognition system
- the technology of freezing human
- voice identification in forensic science
- military gidroakustiki.
Already in the 26th year he demonstrated to the Kremlin the television.
At the time it was created, the TVs with screens the size of a matchbox, and it had a huge TV screen (1.5 x 1.5 m) and a resolution of 100 lines.
In 1927, the scientist showed his installation the Soviet generals Voroshilov, Tukhachevsky, I. V., and SM. Budyonny:
the minds of the public watched in horror on the screen Stalin walking along the Kremlin court.
This picture is so scared that the invention was immediately classified... and safely buried in the archives, and soon television was invented by the Americans.
Theremin struck the world scientific community with his theremin, which he (and he in addition to physics graduated from the Conservatory) gave concerts of classical music.
"Heavenly music", "voices of angels" -- roared with delight by the bourgeois press.
Soviet Union has received orders from several firms for the manufacture of 2000 termenvox with the proviso that the term will come to America to oversee the work.
But instead of one job Lev Sergeyevich received two: one from the people's Commissar of education Lunacharsky and the second is from the military.
Even on his arrival in America he took on lease for 99 years of a six-story mansion on 54th Avenue. In addition to his private apartments it will house a workshop and Studio. Here often Lev Sergeyevich played music with albert Einstein: physicist — the violin, the inventor of the theremin. Einstein was fascinated by the idea to combine music and spatial images. A theremin invented how to do it: invented the musical instrument ritmico. Huge transparent wheel bearing geometrical figure revolved in front of a stroboscopic lamp. As soon as the musician changes the pitch of the sound, changing the frequency of the strobe flashes and drawings — the spectacle was impressive. Well, the fiction started when went up and down the walls of the Studio. Of course, not for real, and with the game world. Bewitched visitors gasped in surprise!
Rumors about these experiments drew in the Studio of many famous people. Termen among the guests were millionaires DuPont, Ford and Rockefeller. However, he and the theremin to the mid 30-ies was included in the list of twenty-five celebrities of the world. And even was a member of the millionaires club.
Was he really a millionaire? Not known for certain. Some say that a lot of money and Termen personally, and Soviet Russia brought the Teletouch Corporation. But others argue that the theremin funded military intelligence. Because the real purpose of his trip to America was spying.
Every two weeks, Lev Sergeyevich came in a small country cafe, where he waited two young men. They listened to his reports and gave them new assignments. However, these tasks were burdensome and not particularly distracting theremin from working. And he already was passionate about the most fantastic ideas — an instrument that gave birth to the music from the dance. In fact it is a kind of theremin: sound is created not only hands, but also movements of the whole body, and the name he was given appropriate — terpsitone — the name of the goddess of dance Terpsichore. In this case, each sound corresponding to a lamp of a certain color. Imagine it was an extraordinary sight, because any movement of the dancer responded with sounds and flickering lights!
To create concert programs, Termen invited a group of African-American ballet dancers of the company. Unfortunately, to achieve harmony and precision failed, the project had to be postponed. But in this troupe danced the beautiful mulatto Lavinia Williams, who won Lev Sergeyevich not only as a dancer but as a woman. Theremin decided to marry.
He could not imagine that a marriage with a black woman would change his life. But as soon as the lovebirds registered their marriage before Termen closed doors of many homes in new York: America did not yet know of political correctness. He lost his informants, which caused serious discontent of the Soviet intelligence. In 1938, Termen was ordered to immediately leave for Russia. Lavinia had said that she will come to her husband on the next steamer.
More spouses to each other is not seen. And the term until the end of days kept the marriage certificate issued by the Russian Embassy in America.
Erupted at the turn of the 30-ies of the "great depression" has ruined many.
But no theremin: an inventive scientist was another trump card burglar alarm.
Sensors theremin torn with the hands. They were established even in the prison sing-sing and at Fort Knox, which kept the us gold reserves.
Thousands of Americans enthusiastically began learning to play the theremin, and corporations General electric and RCA (Radio Corporation of America) bought the license to produce it.
Theremin by the mid 30-ies was included in the list of twenty-five celebrities in the world and was a member of the millionaires club.
In the process of real singing he was fascinated by Lavinia Williams and married her. Alas, she was dark-skinned and in those days such a marriage was considered indecent.
Racists of America closed before them the doors of their salons...
Political correctness had not yet been invented.
Perhaps Termen the love of the beautiful Lavinia was more expensive than communicating with the Rockefellers. But...
In addition to concerts and contracts theremin he even carried out the second task: engaged in espionage in favor of the USSR.
Marriage to a mulatto is deprived of his informants. And this angered the Soviet intelligence.
He was called in the USSR, and Lavinia had to come after him.
When they came for him, she had the impression that he was taken away by force, but who'd bother to listen.
They never saw each other.
In Moscow he was arrested as a "defector", and a month of skilful treatment of socialist legality in the Lubyanka Leon theremin confessed to everything.
For example, that with a group of astronomers he planned the murder of Kirov.
Version was this:
Kirov (which by that time was already long dead!) going to visit the Pulkovo Observatory.
Astronomers laid the bomb in Foucault's pendulum.
And the term radio signal from the US (!!!) had to blow it up as soon as Kirov will come to the pendulum (!) .
The investigator was not even embarrassed by the fact that Foucault's pendulum is not in Pulkovo and Kazan Cathedral.
Lev Sergeevich was given eight years and sent to Kolyma.
In the camp he immediately invented the self-propelled car on the monorail, and he was soon drafted into the so-called "sharashka" Tupolev, where his assistants were Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.
The war began, and he developed the equipment for radio control of unmanned aircraft and beacons for naval operations.
But not only that. More theremin in this sharashka developed the famous system of eavesdropping "Buran".
They say it is still in use.
The crown of this creation was the wooden panel that the American Ambassador gave the Soviet pioneers.
Panels hung in the Ambassador's office, and... soon began to look for where there is a huge leak.
Only seven (!) years later, this panel found the cylinder with the membrane.
Another year and a half engineers U.S. intelligence struggled with the mystery – what is it?..
But it turned out that in front of the house to the window of the office was heading a beam, a membrane, wavering in the rhythm of the speech reflected it back.
Together with a speech that was recorded.
In the future, the theremin had been improved invention: you can do even without a membrane, her role was played by a pane of glass.
The Soviet authorities so excited this useful invention, theremin was awarded the Stalin prize of 1 degree in prison.
And then even released, that was just an outstanding act of humanity and the triumph is so cute some of socialist legality.
And even blessed his two rooms the same "free space".
Well, who does not agree that two rooms Lev Termen was given for free? Of course it literally gave. Does he have gained for this country in two rooms?
In the 60-ies of the inventor Lev Termen wanted to do electronic music, but some of the party and gebesee mug just spat him in the eye, stating that "electricity exists to execute traitors, not to create music".
These are the thinkers decided the fate of science in the country in General and the genius of the inventor of the theremin in particular.
Of course, he remained strictly secret and continued to work on intelligence, because anywhere else his work did not take.
First engaged in military sonar, and then he was instructed to develop a "device to search for flying saucers."
Such idiocy it is absolutely not inspiring, and at 64 he finally left the authorities and became silently work in the acoustic laboratory of the Moscow Conservatory.
Yes it would work if the correspondent "new York times" did not want to do on the Conservatory to the report.
And there reporter came across of Lev Termen. The whole world was sure that he died in ' 38, ground meat grinder millions of repression.
When the US learned that the great theremin alive and it was the bomb. Sensation. Achtung. Paragraph.
The scientific community in America and Europe literally roared.
To Termen poured an avalanche of letters from scholars, colleagues, it was a crowd full of reporters and television...
He was invited to Stanford to Paris, to Holland, to Sweden...
The leadership of the Conservatory so protrusile from all this that...
Termen just was fired and his equipment and development – was thrown out in the trash.
And he has developed a synthesizer that soon successful and developed by the Japanese Yamaha, earn millions and millions...
And the next 25 years a great scholar, a talent not inferior to probably the most Leonardo, the legendary inventor, who praised Lenin and respected Einstein – was a mechanic for 6 discharge in some provincial laboratories.
He lived with his family in a one bedroom apartment, watched, probably, TV – which he was not allowed to invent -and on TV the concerts of the rock stars in the Yamaha synths.
The daughter grew up, brought their families, and in small one bedroom apartment on Leninsky Prospekt lived five
L. S. theremin, daughter Natalia with her husband and two children.
With great difficulty he managed to get another room in a communal apartment Kolpino, where he made fun of the neighbors."
The theremin Lev Sergeyevich has learned to play with his niece Lida Casino. By the age of twenty she became a virtuoso performer and concerts toured the whole of Europe. In 1989-m to year and Termen invited to the Festival of experimental music in France. And he, 93-year-old, let's go!
When in 1991 in one of the Hamburg theatre decided to use the theremin, it turned out that virtually the only performer in Europe is Lydia Kavina. Over the years things have changed a lot: playing the theremin taught in universities, and in different countries of the world hold festivals.
October 10, 2004. Jean-Michel Jarre makes a phantasmagoria in "the forbidden city" in Beijing.
But most of all in the twilight of his life theremin surprised everyone with his membership in the Communist party: "I promised Lenin." Lev Sergeyevich tried to before, but for the "terrible crimes" the party was not admitted. So a Communist theremin was only in 1991, simultaneously with the fall of the Soviet Union.
source: ehorussia.com
Source: ehorussia.com
Lev Sergeyevich THEREMIN (1896-1993) — inventor, physicist and musician.
Quote: the inventor of the first electronic musical instrument the theremin (1919-20); one of the first television systems far-sighted (1925-26); the world's first rhythm machine, rhythmicon (1932); alarm systems, automatic doors and lighting; the first and the most sophisticated listening devices, etc.
Born in 1896 in St. Petersburg. He graduated from St. Petersburg Conservatory as a cellist, he studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of St. Petersburg University.
From 1919 — head of the laboratory of Physical-technical Institute in Petrograd, along with 1923. — collaborated with GINN ohms (State Institute of musical science, Moscow).
In 1927 he was sent Narkompros of the RSFSR abroad. Has traveled all over Europe, was one of the most popular men in new York, he entered the millionaires club. In 1931-38 he is a Director of Teletouch Inc. (USA). In his new York Studio visited and worked such famous people of his time, as immigrant albert Einstein and conductor Leopold Stokowski, actor Charlie Chaplin, artist Mary Ellen Bute, etc., etc., of His invention, done in 20-40-ies, the years firmly established in our everyday life.
At the end of 1938 returned to the Soviet Union. He was arrested in 1939 and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. Year in Kolyma, but most of the time — in the legendary "Tupolev" sharashka. After the liberation working in the research center of the KGB, developing various electronic systems.
Since 1963 — member of the acoustic laboratory of the Moscow Conservatory. In the late 60's due to disagreements with the administration after publishing an article about Terman in the American newspaper "new York times" of Lev Sergeyevich scandal expelled from the Conservatory, he is forced to go to work at MSU.
Since 1966 at the Department of acoustics of physical faculty of Moscow state University.
The last twenty-five years theremin worked in the laboratory of acoustics of Moscow state University. Mechanic 6 category. He slowly worked his termenvox — some restored, some have improved, even invented one in which the sound through a system of solar cells arose from the mere sight of the musician.
Leon theremin died in ' 93, in poverty and in obscurity, hunted by neighbors in a communal apartment. The Legendary Theremin...
Most widely known for his invention of the theremin, which is like Lenin. The game on the theremin is to change the musician of distance from his hands to the antennas of the instrument, thereby changing the capacity of oscillatory circuit and, as a consequence, the frequency of the sound.
A vertical line antenna is responsible for the tone of the sound, the horizontal horseshoe for its volume.
To play the theremin, you must have perfect pitch, because while playing, the musician does not touch the instrument.
But not only the theremin...
He invented:
1. A group of musical instruments:
- theremin
- ritmico
-- terpsitone
2. Burglar alarm
3. Unique eavesdropping system "Buran"
4. The world's first television set -- a vision
worked on:
-- speech recognition system
- the technology of freezing human
- voice identification in forensic science
- military gidroakustiki.
Already in the 26th year he demonstrated to the Kremlin the television.
At the time it was created, the TVs with screens the size of a matchbox, and it had a huge TV screen (1.5 x 1.5 m) and a resolution of 100 lines.
In 1927, the scientist showed his installation the Soviet generals Voroshilov, Tukhachevsky, I. V., and SM. Budyonny:
the minds of the public watched in horror on the screen Stalin walking along the Kremlin court.
This picture is so scared that the invention was immediately classified... and safely buried in the archives, and soon television was invented by the Americans.
Theremin struck the world scientific community with his theremin, which he (and he in addition to physics graduated from the Conservatory) gave concerts of classical music.
"Heavenly music", "voices of angels" -- roared with delight by the bourgeois press.
Soviet Union has received orders from several firms for the manufacture of 2000 termenvox with the proviso that the term will come to America to oversee the work.
But instead of one job Lev Sergeyevich received two: one from the people's Commissar of education Lunacharsky and the second is from the military.
Even on his arrival in America he took on lease for 99 years of a six-story mansion on 54th Avenue. In addition to his private apartments it will house a workshop and Studio. Here often Lev Sergeyevich played music with albert Einstein: physicist — the violin, the inventor of the theremin. Einstein was fascinated by the idea to combine music and spatial images. A theremin invented how to do it: invented the musical instrument ritmico. Huge transparent wheel bearing geometrical figure revolved in front of a stroboscopic lamp. As soon as the musician changes the pitch of the sound, changing the frequency of the strobe flashes and drawings — the spectacle was impressive. Well, the fiction started when went up and down the walls of the Studio. Of course, not for real, and with the game world. Bewitched visitors gasped in surprise!
Rumors about these experiments drew in the Studio of many famous people. Termen among the guests were millionaires DuPont, Ford and Rockefeller. However, he and the theremin to the mid 30-ies was included in the list of twenty-five celebrities of the world. And even was a member of the millionaires club.
Was he really a millionaire? Not known for certain. Some say that a lot of money and Termen personally, and Soviet Russia brought the Teletouch Corporation. But others argue that the theremin funded military intelligence. Because the real purpose of his trip to America was spying.
Every two weeks, Lev Sergeyevich came in a small country cafe, where he waited two young men. They listened to his reports and gave them new assignments. However, these tasks were burdensome and not particularly distracting theremin from working. And he already was passionate about the most fantastic ideas — an instrument that gave birth to the music from the dance. In fact it is a kind of theremin: sound is created not only hands, but also movements of the whole body, and the name he was given appropriate — terpsitone — the name of the goddess of dance Terpsichore. In this case, each sound corresponding to a lamp of a certain color. Imagine it was an extraordinary sight, because any movement of the dancer responded with sounds and flickering lights!
To create concert programs, Termen invited a group of African-American ballet dancers of the company. Unfortunately, to achieve harmony and precision failed, the project had to be postponed. But in this troupe danced the beautiful mulatto Lavinia Williams, who won Lev Sergeyevich not only as a dancer but as a woman. Theremin decided to marry.
He could not imagine that a marriage with a black woman would change his life. But as soon as the lovebirds registered their marriage before Termen closed doors of many homes in new York: America did not yet know of political correctness. He lost his informants, which caused serious discontent of the Soviet intelligence. In 1938, Termen was ordered to immediately leave for Russia. Lavinia had said that she will come to her husband on the next steamer.
More spouses to each other is not seen. And the term until the end of days kept the marriage certificate issued by the Russian Embassy in America.
Erupted at the turn of the 30-ies of the "great depression" has ruined many.
But no theremin: an inventive scientist was another trump card burglar alarm.
Sensors theremin torn with the hands. They were established even in the prison sing-sing and at Fort Knox, which kept the us gold reserves.
Thousands of Americans enthusiastically began learning to play the theremin, and corporations General electric and RCA (Radio Corporation of America) bought the license to produce it.
Theremin by the mid 30-ies was included in the list of twenty-five celebrities in the world and was a member of the millionaires club.
In the process of real singing he was fascinated by Lavinia Williams and married her. Alas, she was dark-skinned and in those days such a marriage was considered indecent.
Racists of America closed before them the doors of their salons...
Political correctness had not yet been invented.
Perhaps Termen the love of the beautiful Lavinia was more expensive than communicating with the Rockefellers. But...
In addition to concerts and contracts theremin he even carried out the second task: engaged in espionage in favor of the USSR.
Marriage to a mulatto is deprived of his informants. And this angered the Soviet intelligence.
He was called in the USSR, and Lavinia had to come after him.
When they came for him, she had the impression that he was taken away by force, but who'd bother to listen.
They never saw each other.
In Moscow he was arrested as a "defector", and a month of skilful treatment of socialist legality in the Lubyanka Leon theremin confessed to everything.
For example, that with a group of astronomers he planned the murder of Kirov.
Version was this:
Kirov (which by that time was already long dead!) going to visit the Pulkovo Observatory.
Astronomers laid the bomb in Foucault's pendulum.
And the term radio signal from the US (!!!) had to blow it up as soon as Kirov will come to the pendulum (!) .
The investigator was not even embarrassed by the fact that Foucault's pendulum is not in Pulkovo and Kazan Cathedral.
Lev Sergeevich was given eight years and sent to Kolyma.
In the camp he immediately invented the self-propelled car on the monorail, and he was soon drafted into the so-called "sharashka" Tupolev, where his assistants were Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.
The war began, and he developed the equipment for radio control of unmanned aircraft and beacons for naval operations.
But not only that. More theremin in this sharashka developed the famous system of eavesdropping "Buran".
They say it is still in use.

The crown of this creation was the wooden panel that the American Ambassador gave the Soviet pioneers.
Panels hung in the Ambassador's office, and... soon began to look for where there is a huge leak.
Only seven (!) years later, this panel found the cylinder with the membrane.
Another year and a half engineers U.S. intelligence struggled with the mystery – what is it?..
But it turned out that in front of the house to the window of the office was heading a beam, a membrane, wavering in the rhythm of the speech reflected it back.
Together with a speech that was recorded.
In the future, the theremin had been improved invention: you can do even without a membrane, her role was played by a pane of glass.
The Soviet authorities so excited this useful invention, theremin was awarded the Stalin prize of 1 degree in prison.
And then even released, that was just an outstanding act of humanity and the triumph is so cute some of socialist legality.
And even blessed his two rooms the same "free space".
Well, who does not agree that two rooms Lev Termen was given for free? Of course it literally gave. Does he have gained for this country in two rooms?
In the 60-ies of the inventor Lev Termen wanted to do electronic music, but some of the party and gebesee mug just spat him in the eye, stating that "electricity exists to execute traitors, not to create music".
These are the thinkers decided the fate of science in the country in General and the genius of the inventor of the theremin in particular.
Of course, he remained strictly secret and continued to work on intelligence, because anywhere else his work did not take.
First engaged in military sonar, and then he was instructed to develop a "device to search for flying saucers."
Such idiocy it is absolutely not inspiring, and at 64 he finally left the authorities and became silently work in the acoustic laboratory of the Moscow Conservatory.
Yes it would work if the correspondent "new York times" did not want to do on the Conservatory to the report.
And there reporter came across of Lev Termen. The whole world was sure that he died in ' 38, ground meat grinder millions of repression.
When the US learned that the great theremin alive and it was the bomb. Sensation. Achtung. Paragraph.
The scientific community in America and Europe literally roared.
To Termen poured an avalanche of letters from scholars, colleagues, it was a crowd full of reporters and television...
He was invited to Stanford to Paris, to Holland, to Sweden...
The leadership of the Conservatory so protrusile from all this that...
Termen just was fired and his equipment and development – was thrown out in the trash.
And he has developed a synthesizer that soon successful and developed by the Japanese Yamaha, earn millions and millions...

And the next 25 years a great scholar, a talent not inferior to probably the most Leonardo, the legendary inventor, who praised Lenin and respected Einstein – was a mechanic for 6 discharge in some provincial laboratories.
He lived with his family in a one bedroom apartment, watched, probably, TV – which he was not allowed to invent -and on TV the concerts of the rock stars in the Yamaha synths.
The daughter grew up, brought their families, and in small one bedroom apartment on Leninsky Prospekt lived five
L. S. theremin, daughter Natalia with her husband and two children.
With great difficulty he managed to get another room in a communal apartment Kolpino, where he made fun of the neighbors."
The theremin Lev Sergeyevich has learned to play with his niece Lida Casino. By the age of twenty she became a virtuoso performer and concerts toured the whole of Europe. In 1989-m to year and Termen invited to the Festival of experimental music in France. And he, 93-year-old, let's go!
When in 1991 in one of the Hamburg theatre decided to use the theremin, it turned out that virtually the only performer in Europe is Lydia Kavina. Over the years things have changed a lot: playing the theremin taught in universities, and in different countries of the world hold festivals.

October 10, 2004. Jean-Michel Jarre makes a phantasmagoria in "the forbidden city" in Beijing.
But most of all in the twilight of his life theremin surprised everyone with his membership in the Communist party: "I promised Lenin." Lev Sergeyevich tried to before, but for the "terrible crimes" the party was not admitted. So a Communist theremin was only in 1991, simultaneously with the fall of the Soviet Union.
source: ehorussia.com
Source: ehorussia.com
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