Is it true that cats can see invisible?

Let's look at the video where the cat "plays" the theremin (a theremin, will be discussed in the end of the text). Well, of course, mi-mi-mi, but notice one strange detail. Cat trying to grab something invisible in the air. It's an invisible electromagnetic field over a theremin. People, first, know how to construct a theremin, and how do we get it to play. Second, learn the game. The cat, the impression just sees the field and touch them, as if they were tangible objects.
Sites "cat owner" clogged with messages that "my cat looks into the empty corner." "It is unreal scary when Morich three cats sat together and looked at evil," writes one, what is this "evil", not reported. Usually such things are explained, or from the point of view of the paranormal, or do not explain in any way. But in vain — there is nothing particularly unknown or forbidden not.

The cat feels the magnetic field of his moustache. We can say that she even "sees" the electric or magnetic field. That this is so, scientists guessed, exploring the ability of cats to return to the house more than a hundred kilometers. It turned out, the navigation system of a cat is built, as in birds and fish, and is based on the sense of the magnetic field. At home the cat remembers a unique combination of magnetic fields, and then finds by the method of successive approximation.

Thus, in this video we see a cat who actually sees the magnetic field and plays with it like it's a material object! When the cat stares into an empty corner, she oversees the movement of charged electricity of the air, for example. Well, where are these anomalies — is another question.

But we promised a few words about what a theremin. This strange musical instrument invented in Petrograd Leon theremin in 1919, and in March 1922, Lenin made a "Lark" of Glinka, and without prior training and assistance. Theremin was inspired by the plan of electrification and decided that electricity can be made to work for the benefit of art. In fact, this is the first synth, and even cooler synthesizer, because it has no keys and all mechanical parts. The point is, put two antennas, which together with the hands of the musician form a resonant circuit, One antenna is responsible for the sound frequency, the other for volume. Any change in hand position changes the parameters of the circuit, and sound.
The theremin will forever remain a rarity, although there are people who are just on it and play. But it is that "forever remain" — the device is not forgotten, and even underwent several modifications.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.nowwow.info/#!True-whether-that-cats-see-invisible/cjds/557fc40b0cf28827c1888eb9