Wet football in the UK
Site of action of this subspecies wet football every year becomes Bourton-on-the-Water, where the river Windrush. This bubbling water stream 3 flows through a meter wide main street Bourton town and divides into two portions. «Football in the River» is held here for more than 70 years. Local teams of six people put on a parody of sports uniforms, and sometimes other fancy outfits. Challenge the icy stream, they put under the central gate bridges, and start the game by running knee-deep in the water! Since playing in the water rather tiring, the match lasts usually 90 minutes, and only 30 - 15 minutes at a time. Despite this, hundreds of people gather on the banks of the river to cheer on your favorite team. Sometimes it gets and the audience - they can easily to pour cold water of, but as is usually warm and sunny - none of them objected.
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