We teach a lesson ...
In a Polish village residents took seriously punish the local 24-year-old driver for dangerous driving and unauthorized.
Under cover of darkness, they lifted him to the top of Ford dereva.Prosnuvshis morning, surprised the unfortunate driver began ringing in politsiyu.Sosedi admitted that the raid was necessary for the crane. But the main instigator of the machine is not nazyvayut.Vladelets said that the hint. But, in his opinion, it is already too much.
Source: zaq123456789.livejournal.com

Under cover of darkness, they lifted him to the top of Ford dereva.Prosnuvshis morning, surprised the unfortunate driver began ringing in politsiyu.Sosedi admitted that the raid was necessary for the crane. But the main instigator of the machine is not nazyvayut.Vladelets said that the hint. But, in his opinion, it is already too much.

Source: zaq123456789.livejournal.com
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