Hummer with their hands
A Chinese farmer had long dreamed of their own SUV Hummer, so I decided to make it their own hands. On its design and assembly it took 3 years and the total cost amounted to 628 US dollars. Look, he got :)
Eleсtric Hummer - electric
In Russia, HUMMER began advertising format BTL
"Hummer" Miass
This explanatory witness an accident brought the cops to tears!
Real Explanatory Participant accident tore the whole Militia Day! :)
Cellar with their hands: sequential manual on the construction
Out of the way - Hummer rides! Leo Burnett Moscow developed image campaign for large machines
Hand care: holim and cherish
Killed Alexander Petrenko
Christmas toys with their hands
How to make a wooden countertop for the kitchen with their hands: step by step instructions
As to biofuels with their hands
How to make gutters for the house with his own hands
Master class on decoupage dresser.
Pergola with your own hands: options and independent production
Partizan (7 photos)
Billiard chtoli (8 photos)
Hummer HX Concept
Woman + alcohol + Hummer = broken in the trash Hummer
How to build a cellar from a brick with your hands
How to build a solar panel with their own hands
Installation of induction heating boiler with their hands
The hands: creative souvenir
How to make automatic highlighting of steps with their hands
Eleсtric Hummer - electric
In Russia, HUMMER began advertising format BTL
"Hummer" Miass
This explanatory witness an accident brought the cops to tears!
Real Explanatory Participant accident tore the whole Militia Day! :)
Cellar with their hands: sequential manual on the construction
Out of the way - Hummer rides! Leo Burnett Moscow developed image campaign for large machines
Hand care: holim and cherish
Killed Alexander Petrenko
Christmas toys with their hands
How to make a wooden countertop for the kitchen with their hands: step by step instructions
As to biofuels with their hands
How to make gutters for the house with his own hands
Master class on decoupage dresser.
Pergola with your own hands: options and independent production
Partizan (7 photos)
Billiard chtoli (8 photos)
Hummer HX Concept
Woman + alcohol + Hummer = broken in the trash Hummer
How to build a cellar from a brick with your hands
How to build a solar panel with their own hands
Installation of induction heating boiler with their hands
The hands: creative souvenir
How to make automatic highlighting of steps with their hands
The things that you dream
First look at your baby via webcam