Steep demotivators about the most current
Steep servings daily demotivator on the most relevant topics
About the most interesting myths and phenomena (11 pics + text)
Demotivators about Chelyabinsk (26 photos)
Steep demotivators the most popular topics
Demotivators on the most relevant topics of the day
American demotivatory about Russia (30 photos)
30 coolest MMORPG of all time
Renewable sources is not enough. Clean Coal - Energy of the near future
Another story about the move, this time to the Netherlands
7 Unusual backpacks with Kickstarter
Steep servings daily demotivator on the most relevant topics
About the most interesting myths and phenomena (11 pics + text)
Demotivators about Chelyabinsk (26 photos)
Steep demotivators the most popular topics
Demotivators on the most relevant topics of the day
American demotivatory about Russia (30 photos)
30 coolest MMORPG of all time
Renewable sources is not enough. Clean Coal - Energy of the near future
Another story about the move, this time to the Netherlands
7 Unusual backpacks with Kickstarter
As Moscow "redneck" goes to discos
Myths about Russia, and their refutation