7 Unusual ways to go to another world
Not so many designers work in the funeral business and not a lot of people think that there are some more interesting ways to leave this world. To learn how to become a birch after death, to fly to the moon, to turn into a diamond or go cryostorage.
Become tree
Spanish designer Martin Azua managed to combine the idea of life after death with an environmental solution to the problem of burial. In his "Biournu" made of cellulose, coconut and pressed peat is expected to put the ashes of the deceased along with the seeds. Then the urn buried in the ground, and a few months later she gives the first sprouts. Tree View, you can choose at their discretion: it is assumed that the relatives of the deceased (or he, if attend to the issue in advance) can pick up the plant that best reflects the essence of the deceased.
Become fireworks or fly into space
The British company Heavens Above Fireworks ready mix human ashes with rockets and make a big salute in memory of the deceased. The organizers of each pirospektakl develop individually: The company believes that there is no better way to say goodbye to a loved one. The same company also offers the possibility to send the remains into space. For $ 695 you can get out into the open space, and for 10 thousand - to fly around the Moon. When life will be much more expensive.
Become a fertilizer
Swedish Suzanne Wii-Masak, a marine biologist by training, is concerned about the transformation of bodies into fertilizer. After working for 15 years as an engineer in the chemical industry, it has developed a way to subtitle Promession, using which the body decomposes and begins to rot. Razrabotchki this technology believe dense coffins impede the flow of air and the oxidation process of the body. Wii-Masak offers frozen body of liquid nitrogen, after holding him for a week and a half at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius, milled to small pieces in a special separator, placed under vacuum to remove excess moisture, and then transfer the remains of a readily degradable living under ground microorganisms coffin. During the year, the corpse must be completely dissolved in the soil. On this site may plant a tree - this service is already included in the price.
Be frozen in a special chamber
Companies Alcor, Cryonics Institute and "KrioRus" freezing people offer services immediately after their death, to further give them a new life. The method consists in the fact that at very low temperatures, chemical and biological processes (including expansions) slowed down to such a degree that can be considered to stop them. In this state, the body can be practically forever. The most important (and difficult): protect the extracellular space of the occurrence of ice. Other problems arise when defrosting: the current process is not fully debugged, and the case with the injury - fatal. Hopes are pinned on nanotechnology that will in the future as a cure incurable diseases now and deal with complications during defrosting. The body is stored in a special cryostorage, more like a bomb shelter for VIPs: the slightest drop of electricity could lead to a change in temperature, which the body will likely not survive. At the moment, more than a hundred people in the world are in a "frozen" state. Currently cryoconservation of the whole body in perpetuity worth about 200 thousand dollars, and neyrosohranenie - 80 thousand.
Become a diamond
Jewelry manufacturers do not like to admit that diamonds can be synthesized artificially. To this must be subjected to high pressures and temperatures, the carbon that is also found in the human body. Among LifeGem created equipment for its fusion of the bones: the creators of the technology argue that they need no more than 250 grams of dust. Further, in a special furnace remains hot, after which the formed graphite. The resulting mass is placed in the press, where the pressure reaches 200 thousand kilograms per square centimeter. Under the influence of extreme temperatures the molecules are attached to each other, forming a recognizable octahedron - the canonical form of a diamond. The resulting stone is no different from natural: no transparency, no density. The cost of surgery depends on the size of the diamond and its characteristics, but starts from two and a half thousand dollars. While such equipment is only in America, so lead dust will have their own - like sending parcels through the postal company is expensive. The company also proposes to repeat the operation with pets - diamonds are obtained indistinguishable.
Be decomposed by alkali
In Europe, which has long been concerned with the problems of environmental emissions, cremation through the burning seems completely environmentally unfriendly way to leave this world. Firstly, a plurality of fuel consumed on kiln, secondly, emits carbon dioxide - the main cause of the greenhouse effect. Thirdly, the use of formaldehyde penetrate the filters and into the surrounding atmosphere. Biochemist Sandy Sullivan developed a new method - Alkaline hydrolysis. His company Resomation LTD is ready to handle the special body alkaline solution, which for two or three hours erodes human tissue, leaving only a few milliliters of fluid and bone pieces do not fall under treatment. This method reduces the amount of emitted carbon dioxide and 35% using less than eight times the energy necessary for the conventional high cremation. Apparatus for Alkaline hydrolysis sell for 400 thousand dollars apiece, but the creators of the technology believe that the cost of services shall not exceed the cost of a standard cremation. The purpose of the near-term - to take a 10% market share.
Turn into a pencil
The artist Nadine Jarvis can make from carbon, which remains in the remains of a set of pencils. According to her, one person of average height will roughly 240 pencils, each of which is coated with a name and the years of the life of the deceased. As soon as pencils will grind box filled with pencil shavings, which can then be converted back to the dust.
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Become tree

Spanish designer Martin Azua managed to combine the idea of life after death with an environmental solution to the problem of burial. In his "Biournu" made of cellulose, coconut and pressed peat is expected to put the ashes of the deceased along with the seeds. Then the urn buried in the ground, and a few months later she gives the first sprouts. Tree View, you can choose at their discretion: it is assumed that the relatives of the deceased (or he, if attend to the issue in advance) can pick up the plant that best reflects the essence of the deceased.
Become fireworks or fly into space

The British company Heavens Above Fireworks ready mix human ashes with rockets and make a big salute in memory of the deceased. The organizers of each pirospektakl develop individually: The company believes that there is no better way to say goodbye to a loved one. The same company also offers the possibility to send the remains into space. For $ 695 you can get out into the open space, and for 10 thousand - to fly around the Moon. When life will be much more expensive.
Become a fertilizer

Swedish Suzanne Wii-Masak, a marine biologist by training, is concerned about the transformation of bodies into fertilizer. After working for 15 years as an engineer in the chemical industry, it has developed a way to subtitle Promession, using which the body decomposes and begins to rot. Razrabotchki this technology believe dense coffins impede the flow of air and the oxidation process of the body. Wii-Masak offers frozen body of liquid nitrogen, after holding him for a week and a half at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius, milled to small pieces in a special separator, placed under vacuum to remove excess moisture, and then transfer the remains of a readily degradable living under ground microorganisms coffin. During the year, the corpse must be completely dissolved in the soil. On this site may plant a tree - this service is already included in the price.
Be frozen in a special chamber

Companies Alcor, Cryonics Institute and "KrioRus" freezing people offer services immediately after their death, to further give them a new life. The method consists in the fact that at very low temperatures, chemical and biological processes (including expansions) slowed down to such a degree that can be considered to stop them. In this state, the body can be practically forever. The most important (and difficult): protect the extracellular space of the occurrence of ice. Other problems arise when defrosting: the current process is not fully debugged, and the case with the injury - fatal. Hopes are pinned on nanotechnology that will in the future as a cure incurable diseases now and deal with complications during defrosting. The body is stored in a special cryostorage, more like a bomb shelter for VIPs: the slightest drop of electricity could lead to a change in temperature, which the body will likely not survive. At the moment, more than a hundred people in the world are in a "frozen" state. Currently cryoconservation of the whole body in perpetuity worth about 200 thousand dollars, and neyrosohranenie - 80 thousand.
Become a diamond

Jewelry manufacturers do not like to admit that diamonds can be synthesized artificially. To this must be subjected to high pressures and temperatures, the carbon that is also found in the human body. Among LifeGem created equipment for its fusion of the bones: the creators of the technology argue that they need no more than 250 grams of dust. Further, in a special furnace remains hot, after which the formed graphite. The resulting mass is placed in the press, where the pressure reaches 200 thousand kilograms per square centimeter. Under the influence of extreme temperatures the molecules are attached to each other, forming a recognizable octahedron - the canonical form of a diamond. The resulting stone is no different from natural: no transparency, no density. The cost of surgery depends on the size of the diamond and its characteristics, but starts from two and a half thousand dollars. While such equipment is only in America, so lead dust will have their own - like sending parcels through the postal company is expensive. The company also proposes to repeat the operation with pets - diamonds are obtained indistinguishable.
Be decomposed by alkali

In Europe, which has long been concerned with the problems of environmental emissions, cremation through the burning seems completely environmentally unfriendly way to leave this world. Firstly, a plurality of fuel consumed on kiln, secondly, emits carbon dioxide - the main cause of the greenhouse effect. Thirdly, the use of formaldehyde penetrate the filters and into the surrounding atmosphere. Biochemist Sandy Sullivan developed a new method - Alkaline hydrolysis. His company Resomation LTD is ready to handle the special body alkaline solution, which for two or three hours erodes human tissue, leaving only a few milliliters of fluid and bone pieces do not fall under treatment. This method reduces the amount of emitted carbon dioxide and 35% using less than eight times the energy necessary for the conventional high cremation. Apparatus for Alkaline hydrolysis sell for 400 thousand dollars apiece, but the creators of the technology believe that the cost of services shall not exceed the cost of a standard cremation. The purpose of the near-term - to take a 10% market share.
Turn into a pencil

The artist Nadine Jarvis can make from carbon, which remains in the remains of a set of pencils. According to her, one person of average height will roughly 240 pencils, each of which is coated with a name and the years of the life of the deceased. As soon as pencils will grind box filled with pencil shavings, which can then be converted back to the dust.
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