The priest explained why a person can suddenly go to another world
The man is gone. He was young and healthy. Or rather, everyone thought so. And he never complained about his own health. Relatives are grieving the loss, friends in shock. “Why is life so unfair?” asks his girlfriend. And most importantly, how do we move forward?
Sudden death is a common thing for people. It happens every day to the elderly, adults and even young children. Nobody's safe from that. But it doesn't make it any easier. I have always been tormented by the question of why this is so and where is the God who is supposed to protect people’s souls. The priest's answer surprised me.
“Christians should believe not in fate, but in the Most Holy Trinity,” the clergyman says. God takes a person to another world at the best moment of his life. It is God’s subjective view, His divine view of the situation.
If a person did not become suddenly, for no apparent reason, people believe that this is not good. There must be a serious cause, such as an illness. Then the outcome is logical, understandable.
When a person feels that very soon he will go to another world, you can properly prepare for this. Think about your life, repent, summon a priest, perform the sacrament of conciliation, take communion.
All the stages are over, the person has cleared his conscience, reconciled with his neighbors and gave instructions to the children. There was union with God through the mystery of repentance. Then you can go to the Lord calmly. But that's not always the case. Or rather, this can be called an exception to the rule.
Either way, life and death are in God’s hands. And if he chose such a fate for a person, it means that there was no better solution. What about young people full of strength? The priest has a simple answer. There are too many infidels living in our time. There is no faith in people: someone has lost it, and someone did not have it at all.
God is watching us. He sees what we do and how pure our thoughts are. If God understands that our actions will not lead to anything good, he changes the trajectory of human flight at his own discretion.
The priest emphasizes that the most important thing in life is its end. Nine months a person spends in the womb, then 70-80 years on earth, and then eternity. But few people think about it. The truth is that they seek the truth.
A person lives under constant influence, whether it is television, the Internet or other people. But most of all, faith affects human consciousness. But if it is not, then a person is influenced by his own ideas about faith.
The priest says: “Man goes to heaven because of the sin committed by our common great-grandfather Adam, who did not obey God.” So we're all going to go through this one day. Grief over the death of a loved one is normal. But let us not forget that God gives us eternal life.”
How do you feel that young children are leaving? The priest’s answer is simple: humble.
The passing of Her Majesty Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022, the world was devastated by the incredible news. Her Majesty Elizabeth II is gone. Indeed, she was the kind of person who, in the opinion of many, should have lived forever. But no miracle happened.
Was her death sudden? Of course not. The Queen died a few months after her 96th birthday. An active lifestyle and thoughtful diet helped Elizabeth II to live a really long time. And with medical care, the royal clearly had no problems.
But the hour of Elizabeth II has struck. Her health began to deteriorate. Nevertheless, she died peacefully, being in the circle of her relatives in the beloved Balmoral Castle.
The Queen's body will be buried on September 19. Until then, it will be in Holyrood Palace, the official residence of the monarch in the Scottish capital. All day long everyone will be able to come there to say goodbye to Elizabeth II.
GettyImages Funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey. It was there that British kings and queens were crowned, and in 1947 Queen Elizabeth II married Prince Philip. The service will be broadcast on television. Everything will happen according to church canons.
The man went into another world: I confess honestly that the answer of the priest did not satisfy me. I understand his position, but what else can he say? Anyway, I'll be interested to know what you think. Boldly share your opinion in the comments!
Photo at preview and in article

Sudden death is a common thing for people. It happens every day to the elderly, adults and even young children. Nobody's safe from that. But it doesn't make it any easier. I have always been tormented by the question of why this is so and where is the God who is supposed to protect people’s souls. The priest's answer surprised me.
“Christians should believe not in fate, but in the Most Holy Trinity,” the clergyman says. God takes a person to another world at the best moment of his life. It is God’s subjective view, His divine view of the situation.
If a person did not become suddenly, for no apparent reason, people believe that this is not good. There must be a serious cause, such as an illness. Then the outcome is logical, understandable.

When a person feels that very soon he will go to another world, you can properly prepare for this. Think about your life, repent, summon a priest, perform the sacrament of conciliation, take communion.
All the stages are over, the person has cleared his conscience, reconciled with his neighbors and gave instructions to the children. There was union with God through the mystery of repentance. Then you can go to the Lord calmly. But that's not always the case. Or rather, this can be called an exception to the rule.

Either way, life and death are in God’s hands. And if he chose such a fate for a person, it means that there was no better solution. What about young people full of strength? The priest has a simple answer. There are too many infidels living in our time. There is no faith in people: someone has lost it, and someone did not have it at all.
God is watching us. He sees what we do and how pure our thoughts are. If God understands that our actions will not lead to anything good, he changes the trajectory of human flight at his own discretion.
The priest emphasizes that the most important thing in life is its end. Nine months a person spends in the womb, then 70-80 years on earth, and then eternity. But few people think about it. The truth is that they seek the truth.
A person lives under constant influence, whether it is television, the Internet or other people. But most of all, faith affects human consciousness. But if it is not, then a person is influenced by his own ideas about faith.

The priest says: “Man goes to heaven because of the sin committed by our common great-grandfather Adam, who did not obey God.” So we're all going to go through this one day. Grief over the death of a loved one is normal. But let us not forget that God gives us eternal life.”
How do you feel that young children are leaving? The priest’s answer is simple: humble.
The passing of Her Majesty Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022, the world was devastated by the incredible news. Her Majesty Elizabeth II is gone. Indeed, she was the kind of person who, in the opinion of many, should have lived forever. But no miracle happened.
Was her death sudden? Of course not. The Queen died a few months after her 96th birthday. An active lifestyle and thoughtful diet helped Elizabeth II to live a really long time. And with medical care, the royal clearly had no problems.

But the hour of Elizabeth II has struck. Her health began to deteriorate. Nevertheless, she died peacefully, being in the circle of her relatives in the beloved Balmoral Castle.
The Queen's body will be buried on September 19. Until then, it will be in Holyrood Palace, the official residence of the monarch in the Scottish capital. All day long everyone will be able to come there to say goodbye to Elizabeth II.

GettyImages Funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey. It was there that British kings and queens were crowned, and in 1947 Queen Elizabeth II married Prince Philip. The service will be broadcast on television. Everything will happen according to church canons.
The man went into another world: I confess honestly that the answer of the priest did not satisfy me. I understand his position, but what else can he say? Anyway, I'll be interested to know what you think. Boldly share your opinion in the comments!
Photo at preview and in article
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