Retro pictures from space
It is not always space foty hit play of colors and color depth!
First picture from space, do a little more than a year after the end of World War II. October 24, 1946 V-2 rocket, launched from launch pad polygon White Sands in New Mexico, has risen to a height of 104.6 km. The camera is mounted on a board made of a snapshot every second and a half flight. After a few minutes of being in outer space rocket returned to earth. Planting was not planned and soft missile shattered, and with it and the camera. Steel tape with the film remained intact and scientists got their hands on a unique photographic material. Until 1946 the most "high-rise" Images of the Earth considered photographs taken from a balloon Explorer II (22 km) in 1935.
Start V-2 rocket at the landfill White Sands. As they say, after the end of the war brought here 300 wagons with captured German rockets. Photo from space made during the twenty-first launch V-2 rocket March 7, 1947 at an altitude of 162 km. The dark band in the upper part of the picture - the Gulf of California.
First picture from space, do a little more than a year after the end of World War II. October 24, 1946 V-2 rocket, launched from launch pad polygon White Sands in New Mexico, has risen to a height of 104.6 km. The camera is mounted on a board made of a snapshot every second and a half flight. After a few minutes of being in outer space rocket returned to earth. Planting was not planned and soft missile shattered, and with it and the camera. Steel tape with the film remained intact and scientists got their hands on a unique photographic material. Until 1946 the most "high-rise" Images of the Earth considered photographs taken from a balloon Explorer II (22 km) in 1935.

Start V-2 rocket at the landfill White Sands. As they say, after the end of the war brought here 300 wagons with captured German rockets. Photo from space made during the twenty-first launch V-2 rocket March 7, 1947 at an altitude of 162 km. The dark band in the upper part of the picture - the Gulf of California.

