About cat stuck in the ventilation.
"The story of the cat and call MOE does not end there, because on Friday poorat cat and disappeared. It was not heard it either Saturday morning or in the evening - probably scared football. A morning breakfast, I heard the familiar cries. Even knowing that it is necessary to break the grate and pull the cat myself, I grabbed a piece of sausage and brute male force with a screwdriver as a crowbar. Cat yells, flying in all directions plaster and some cement, I was horrified to see how clean it is, and even more - and suddenly the cat will run away, and all this in vain. Lattice flies on the floor from above first appear grimy paws, then face the same wild-eyed. Meow! Help is asking, but is not given! IN claws! In general, under the protection motoperchatok (EKIP taxis)))) with the sausage and recitative "kiskiskis" vdernuli cat in the bathroom, along with dust, cobwebs, lime and remains of the walls (OMG, we breathe this!)
It was a cat, white with brown back and a huge striped tail like a raccoon. A young, thin, grimy. There was also a bit fed, watered and veterinarku. In veterinarke rescued cat examined, they were vaccinated and ears cleaned and released to the world. Côte quite well, except for the ears, but it is easily fixable. And very much it is skinny ... »
Gee, and the house was familiar with the old - I already have two gray cat, Nicky Hayden and Pedrosa. © LiveJournal Geisha
Freshly cat
It has become a real wet rat
Now the cat is dry after washing, became fuzzy, though still klochkastym. Senior cat though hisses at him, but do not touch. In general, senior hisses at all, even for small and me - probably offended that without his knowledge in the completion of the house. Salvation cat named raccoon. Because fluffy long striped tail. Left - Pedrosa, a natural right of a snake hisses Hayden.
Posted in [mergetime] 1214196146 [/ mergetime]
It was a cat, white with brown back and a huge striped tail like a raccoon. A young, thin, grimy. There was also a bit fed, watered and veterinarku. In veterinarke rescued cat examined, they were vaccinated and ears cleaned and released to the world. Côte quite well, except for the ears, but it is easily fixable. And very much it is skinny ... »
Gee, and the house was familiar with the old - I already have two gray cat, Nicky Hayden and Pedrosa. © LiveJournal Geisha

Freshly cat

It has become a real wet rat

Now the cat is dry after washing, became fuzzy, though still klochkastym. Senior cat though hisses at him, but do not touch. In general, senior hisses at all, even for small and me - probably offended that without his knowledge in the completion of the house. Salvation cat named raccoon. Because fluffy long striped tail. Left - Pedrosa, a natural right of a snake hisses Hayden.
Posted in [mergetime] 1214196146 [/ mergetime]
