Dad, where are included current?
Italian consumer society and human rights organizations have demanded to close one of the attractions in Milan amusement park. Total for one euro park visitors, among them many children usually offer watch electrocution. After a coin thrown into the machine, the dummy in the chair begins to writhe in pain on the face appears a terrible grimace, starts fell everywhere smoke and light hair. Submission ends "death" of the dummy.
The human rights organization Codacons considers that the presence of this attraction in the park is not only immoral, but also harms the struggle against Italy for a worldwide moratorium on the death penalty.
Owner pavilion Renzo Byankato surprised remove the requirement attraction. In addition, he brings him a decent income (on weekends dummy "penalty" of up to 150 times), so also, according to the owner, "cruel punishment" in the electric chair is exposed not just a man, and the "maniac", which "catches the fair punishment for his crimes." 0, 54
The human rights organization Codacons considers that the presence of this attraction in the park is not only immoral, but also harms the struggle against Italy for a worldwide moratorium on the death penalty.
Owner pavilion Renzo Byankato surprised remove the requirement attraction. In addition, he brings him a decent income (on weekends dummy "penalty" of up to 150 times), so also, according to the owner, "cruel punishment" in the electric chair is exposed not just a man, and the "maniac", which "catches the fair punishment for his crimes." 0, 54
