Creative Street Yekaterinburg
One of the most important historic streets of the city changed greatly in recent years. Instead trays kiosks Uralsky Master installed sculptures of Yekaterinburg. Here comes a lot of tourists.
PHOTOS © grunting.
Sculpture, which is devoted to "The inventor bike Efim Artamonov," or simply - "Ural mautinbayka Grandpa." According to legend, Yefim Artamonov often had to walk from the factory in Nizhny Tagil (where he worked for 14 years) to the old-Utkinskoy pier, covering only one end of the eighty kilometers (1 mile of = 1, 067 m). Then there was his idea of the scooter - the prototype of the modern bicycle. On it in 1801, he made his legendary journey to St. Petersburg and then to Moscow for the coronation of Alexander I. But Demidov stewards for damage to the owner's iron and escape from his master on a specially made scooter ordered "these should iznichtozhit scooters and Efimkov teammates whip to beat. " The invention Artamonov was forgotten. But in 2006, the day of the city of Yekaterinburg again remembered this story and decided to install a sculpture dedicated to Yefim Artamonov. But, alas, actually invented the bicycle and issued "on-mountain" is not a Russian, Yefim and eccentric German Baron. But Artamonov, unfortunately, and much more in our very complicated story - just a legend, despite the "historical sources."
One composition of the sculpture "Friends" woven images of the city blacksmith, dogs and horses. The dog is looking at the man faithfully feeding the horse. According to the author, in his left hand should be shaped piece of sugar or a bundle of hay. But people think differently and gives detail on the horse feed. Metal mare metal feed. And the horse's head is installed directly on the wall of the shop, as if looking out the window stables. As the author tells Boris Klotchkov prototype sculpture for it served as master of Yekaterinburg Alexander Lysyakov. Blacksmith in his Shartash, there have and stable, and it looks that way: beard, cap, forged cane bag, barren boots, riding breeches. But apron he wears only on paper. The height of the sculpture of a blacksmith is 2 m 25 cm. Setting the plot came to the author of the sculpture in a dream. As the author of the sculpture: "The result was a story about friendship, relationships, nature».
Semisotkilogrammovy "Chapman" was the first monument in a series of urban sculpture. What does the word peddler?
Chapman or Ofen - wandering from village to village petty trader with haberdashery and manufactured goods, books, popular prints, mainly of peasants Vladimir province (Vyaznikovskogo County), and others. They have developed a special conditional language (ofensky). So the second name, and more accurate, it is ofen. It was formerly Ofen, and now Network Marketing. Our Chapman specializes in selling a bottle of perfume. Those who believe in omens, the figure Chapman bring luck, happiness and money. To do this, one has only to rub a bottle of perfume in the hands of the bronze giant. That is bequeathed to the author, who died a few months before the implementation of the project. But the treasured bottle lasted long in the hands of Chapman. Mysterious legend quickly spread through the city, and there were those who thought that this bottle is sure to be in their own personal "handbag". For a time, Chapman was more like a man with outstretched hands, and compassionate passers-by think properly give him alms. However, this did not last long: to become a legendary trader manufactured and installed in place a new bottle. "If Chelyabinsk these sculptures have a lot, and people are accustomed to the fact that they decorate the city, we have to this is treated as a gimmick quickly and try to tear a piece of memory.
On the street Weiner people come not only to buy but also to meet friends, are often seen couples in love, and that is so passionate and dedicated to the monument of the same name.
Young man and woman sitting on the fence along the side of the road and look at the moon. He and she are sitting on the railing and enjoying life.
Together they are a couple in love. Happiness - is when you can sit barefoot. The first tentative steps to have a better knowledge. The guy in the shirt fashion label Sofia-pro. This is the logo of the author sculptures Sophia Prokhorenko. The sculpture is a symbol of transition from old to new stories of Yekaterinburg
And without whom it is difficult to imagine the work of the bank? No banker. It is no accident near the building of the bank, a sculpture banker. The banker after a day from the bank sent him to the waiting convertible driver. The seat of the car is designed as a wicker couch. The features of the banker - a gold chain and signet. And this sculpture is not without its legends say if potresh ring on the right hand of the banker, then you will always live in abundance.
"Fountain of Time" is a spiral, symbolizing time, the center of which a ball hanging on the water column. Rays connecting temporary streams symbolize our world. Fountain once again reminds us that the past, present and future are closely linked, because without the past there is no future. In Yekaterinburg there was one place where you can throw a coin for good luck and make a wish.
PHOTOS © grunting.
Sculpture, which is devoted to "The inventor bike Efim Artamonov," or simply - "Ural mautinbayka Grandpa." According to legend, Yefim Artamonov often had to walk from the factory in Nizhny Tagil (where he worked for 14 years) to the old-Utkinskoy pier, covering only one end of the eighty kilometers (1 mile of = 1, 067 m). Then there was his idea of the scooter - the prototype of the modern bicycle. On it in 1801, he made his legendary journey to St. Petersburg and then to Moscow for the coronation of Alexander I. But Demidov stewards for damage to the owner's iron and escape from his master on a specially made scooter ordered "these should iznichtozhit scooters and Efimkov teammates whip to beat. " The invention Artamonov was forgotten. But in 2006, the day of the city of Yekaterinburg again remembered this story and decided to install a sculpture dedicated to Yefim Artamonov. But, alas, actually invented the bicycle and issued "on-mountain" is not a Russian, Yefim and eccentric German Baron. But Artamonov, unfortunately, and much more in our very complicated story - just a legend, despite the "historical sources."

One composition of the sculpture "Friends" woven images of the city blacksmith, dogs and horses. The dog is looking at the man faithfully feeding the horse. According to the author, in his left hand should be shaped piece of sugar or a bundle of hay. But people think differently and gives detail on the horse feed. Metal mare metal feed. And the horse's head is installed directly on the wall of the shop, as if looking out the window stables. As the author tells Boris Klotchkov prototype sculpture for it served as master of Yekaterinburg Alexander Lysyakov. Blacksmith in his Shartash, there have and stable, and it looks that way: beard, cap, forged cane bag, barren boots, riding breeches. But apron he wears only on paper. The height of the sculpture of a blacksmith is 2 m 25 cm. Setting the plot came to the author of the sculpture in a dream. As the author of the sculpture: "The result was a story about friendship, relationships, nature».

Semisotkilogrammovy "Chapman" was the first monument in a series of urban sculpture. What does the word peddler?
Chapman or Ofen - wandering from village to village petty trader with haberdashery and manufactured goods, books, popular prints, mainly of peasants Vladimir province (Vyaznikovskogo County), and others. They have developed a special conditional language (ofensky). So the second name, and more accurate, it is ofen. It was formerly Ofen, and now Network Marketing. Our Chapman specializes in selling a bottle of perfume. Those who believe in omens, the figure Chapman bring luck, happiness and money. To do this, one has only to rub a bottle of perfume in the hands of the bronze giant. That is bequeathed to the author, who died a few months before the implementation of the project. But the treasured bottle lasted long in the hands of Chapman. Mysterious legend quickly spread through the city, and there were those who thought that this bottle is sure to be in their own personal "handbag". For a time, Chapman was more like a man with outstretched hands, and compassionate passers-by think properly give him alms. However, this did not last long: to become a legendary trader manufactured and installed in place a new bottle. "If Chelyabinsk these sculptures have a lot, and people are accustomed to the fact that they decorate the city, we have to this is treated as a gimmick quickly and try to tear a piece of memory.

On the street Weiner people come not only to buy but also to meet friends, are often seen couples in love, and that is so passionate and dedicated to the monument of the same name.
Young man and woman sitting on the fence along the side of the road and look at the moon. He and she are sitting on the railing and enjoying life.
Together they are a couple in love. Happiness - is when you can sit barefoot. The first tentative steps to have a better knowledge. The guy in the shirt fashion label Sofia-pro. This is the logo of the author sculptures Sophia Prokhorenko. The sculpture is a symbol of transition from old to new stories of Yekaterinburg

And without whom it is difficult to imagine the work of the bank? No banker. It is no accident near the building of the bank, a sculpture banker. The banker after a day from the bank sent him to the waiting convertible driver. The seat of the car is designed as a wicker couch. The features of the banker - a gold chain and signet. And this sculpture is not without its legends say if potresh ring on the right hand of the banker, then you will always live in abundance.

"Fountain of Time" is a spiral, symbolizing time, the center of which a ball hanging on the water column. Rays connecting temporary streams symbolize our world. Fountain once again reminds us that the past, present and future are closely linked, because without the past there is no future. In Yekaterinburg there was one place where you can throw a coin for good luck and make a wish.
