Frivolous wheels
It is unlikely that these gizmos will ever compete with roller skates. Not least because that go sideways and not forward. And that's all there skates well and can make the room: this damn thing goes sideways, as they were, but the legs are not tied to a single platform, each to its own. As they say on the site of the inventors of the wheels: "Two legs - two wheels. And you're ready to go. Your maneuvers this may be as complex and creative as you have enough imagination. " We would only add that person sideways motion still is not natural. We do not crab.
In English, this new kind of urban individual transport called Orbitwheel. Considering that recent items are borrowed together with the names, we can safely say that in Russian it is called "orbitvil", "orbitvily." "Orbitvilah ride on." Abbreviations to "my orbit" and "my pitchfork" equally likely. 1, 03
In English, this new kind of urban individual transport called Orbitwheel. Considering that recent items are borrowed together with the names, we can safely say that in Russian it is called "orbitvil", "orbitvily." "Orbitvilah ride on." Abbreviations to "my orbit" and "my pitchfork" equally likely. 1, 03