Once upon a grandfather but Baba ...
And then almost like a fairy tale. In the morning they ate, though not porridge with milk and tyuryu, boiled eggs with black bread. Then he looked out the window, glad the first snow. We made some simple things around the house, spread to the "fool." Grandfather went for a neighbor, who is sitting at the table with an opened bottle of vodka in deep thought either about their experiences, or on the bottom of this. They drank for the company, talked it about that, about this and, remembering his youth, decided to measure their strength by staging an old man's arm wrestling, where there are no losers or winners, but only in a good mood.
A grandmother, donning a brown sweater, came out of the gate to a neighbor to borrow matches. I looked down the street, where his grandfather is so long zapropastilsya?
So is picture after picture, the plot of the story of rural life uncomplicated so grandfathers grandmothers. Some elderly people, created by the imagination of the artist is clearly among the villagers are called eccentrics. One of them climbed up a tree and his arms outstretched, like a bird trying to fly. Grandma barely keeps his restless husband to fell. Another man with a white beard rolls over the village a huge wheel of the mower.
"Where katish grandfather?" - Ask him. "It is not the mountain, not a hill, so to talk," - he jokes.
Or maybe it's not a fad at all, someone will think. Maybe this is not an ordinary wheel, and historic. And the old man pushes the wheel of his life, wondering what we live? Where do we roll?
And who would think, looking at these stories that the old-cranks just fell to my childhood. It is no accident DEDsky world is so close from the nursery.
Artist Leonid Baranov can not be confused with anyone. You can not understand the art, know nothing about any manner of writing, none of the specific methods and smears or colors. And recognize the artist's sweet old men and old women, a pretty village eccentrics that inhabit his paintings.
I saw a picture of him in the house of fellow journalist, the other - in the living room of a foreign diplomat. The first art artist revived memories of the simple joys of his childhood village, the picturesque old men for the second Leonid Baranov became the embodiment of our country, the mysterious Russian soul. And one sees the secret of the popularity of his paintings and the characters that the old paintings on Baranova not cause pity or guilt, as often happens in life, and give birth in the audience a sense of light sadness and kindness.
It is from the artist himself says that his old men and old women do not live in a multi-million dollar mega-cities and in the countryside. Many of them also play the harmonica. And the soul of these people, too, like an accordion, wide open, guileless, loving. The city is like the old roots are deprived, and they have all the land. Older people in the big cities, even full of energy as if live.
Who are the prototypes of his old men and women? Perhaps his own grandmother and grandfather? - Often asked the artist.
But the Valais, it turns out, collective, or with anyone in my life sketched. Although the art of Leonid Baranov was born really from childhood. Artists often driven by the main impression of his life.
For Leonid - Bobylev is a village that is among the birch forests and swamps outside the city Shadrinsk Kurgan region. The village is only one street, at the end of which, at the very trees, and there was a house of his grandmother Mary Yegorovna. In the morning, as the characters in his paintings, she broke a crust of bread into pieces, pour milk or kvas, that's all her breakfast. But the grandchildren, putting the evening trough, baked pancakes or tonyusenkie "kartovnye" shangi. Yes, all this bring to the table with fresh milk and its honey. After her husband died in the front, she has learned to cope with the apiary.
All these childhood memories nalyubleno, filled with light and warmth. Maria Egorovna never angry with her grandchildren, not to punish, I forgive all.
In this earthly paradise, Leonid grandmother lived before leaving for the army. And then I started another life.
Most recently, the artist Baranov, after the death of Mary Yegorovna, visited Bobylev. The only, but once widely village street from the world of childhood, overgrown with grass and turned into a narrow tropochku. Granges grandmother gone, but the village is still alive just old men and women, living out his days here.
However, at the home of his childhood, Leonid Baranov can still enjoy every day on the wall of his apartment in the city hanging woven mother hands colorful carpet, which she called "My parents' house."
Mom artist Nina Andreyevna went eighties. Which only needlework and crafts have not tried it myself, but the paint has become a decade ago.
Old people dream short. Nina Andreevna rise before dawn, at five o'clock, and laid the paint (palette did not recognized) and starts to do: severe Ural scenery, cheerful village houses, still lifes, many, many flowers. However, it is not only in the summer flower painting, but also grows in his garden in the country.
Like sometimes you want to go through the work of Leonid mother's hand of an experienced professional. But time itself stops. Old people like children, draw the soul, they have their own tools, their own vision. By virtue of age, has gone from our everyday bustle, they are closer to the eternal values of human rights. Maybe that's why the faces of old men, favorite artist Baranov, poured a peace and tranquility.
One of the most famous works of the artist - the old man-domovichok with bare feet that sits amid shabby, Divorced time walls, in the hands of an aluminum bowl, a piece of bread, and in the face of kindness and peace. After each exhibition, this work always finds a buyer. And rams again taken up the brush, recreates, trying not to repeat his domovichka that never left the artist's studio warming image of the eternal soul of man.
The author Ludmila Ermakova.
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A grandmother, donning a brown sweater, came out of the gate to a neighbor to borrow matches. I looked down the street, where his grandfather is so long zapropastilsya?
So is picture after picture, the plot of the story of rural life uncomplicated so grandfathers grandmothers. Some elderly people, created by the imagination of the artist is clearly among the villagers are called eccentrics. One of them climbed up a tree and his arms outstretched, like a bird trying to fly. Grandma barely keeps his restless husband to fell. Another man with a white beard rolls over the village a huge wheel of the mower.
"Where katish grandfather?" - Ask him. "It is not the mountain, not a hill, so to talk," - he jokes.
Or maybe it's not a fad at all, someone will think. Maybe this is not an ordinary wheel, and historic. And the old man pushes the wheel of his life, wondering what we live? Where do we roll?
And who would think, looking at these stories that the old-cranks just fell to my childhood. It is no accident DEDsky world is so close from the nursery.

Artist Leonid Baranov can not be confused with anyone. You can not understand the art, know nothing about any manner of writing, none of the specific methods and smears or colors. And recognize the artist's sweet old men and old women, a pretty village eccentrics that inhabit his paintings.
I saw a picture of him in the house of fellow journalist, the other - in the living room of a foreign diplomat. The first art artist revived memories of the simple joys of his childhood village, the picturesque old men for the second Leonid Baranov became the embodiment of our country, the mysterious Russian soul. And one sees the secret of the popularity of his paintings and the characters that the old paintings on Baranova not cause pity or guilt, as often happens in life, and give birth in the audience a sense of light sadness and kindness.
It is from the artist himself says that his old men and old women do not live in a multi-million dollar mega-cities and in the countryside. Many of them also play the harmonica. And the soul of these people, too, like an accordion, wide open, guileless, loving. The city is like the old roots are deprived, and they have all the land. Older people in the big cities, even full of energy as if live.
Who are the prototypes of his old men and women? Perhaps his own grandmother and grandfather? - Often asked the artist.
But the Valais, it turns out, collective, or with anyone in my life sketched. Although the art of Leonid Baranov was born really from childhood. Artists often driven by the main impression of his life.

For Leonid - Bobylev is a village that is among the birch forests and swamps outside the city Shadrinsk Kurgan region. The village is only one street, at the end of which, at the very trees, and there was a house of his grandmother Mary Yegorovna. In the morning, as the characters in his paintings, she broke a crust of bread into pieces, pour milk or kvas, that's all her breakfast. But the grandchildren, putting the evening trough, baked pancakes or tonyusenkie "kartovnye" shangi. Yes, all this bring to the table with fresh milk and its honey. After her husband died in the front, she has learned to cope with the apiary.
All these childhood memories nalyubleno, filled with light and warmth. Maria Egorovna never angry with her grandchildren, not to punish, I forgive all.
In this earthly paradise, Leonid grandmother lived before leaving for the army. And then I started another life.

Most recently, the artist Baranov, after the death of Mary Yegorovna, visited Bobylev. The only, but once widely village street from the world of childhood, overgrown with grass and turned into a narrow tropochku. Granges grandmother gone, but the village is still alive just old men and women, living out his days here.
However, at the home of his childhood, Leonid Baranov can still enjoy every day on the wall of his apartment in the city hanging woven mother hands colorful carpet, which she called "My parents' house."

Mom artist Nina Andreyevna went eighties. Which only needlework and crafts have not tried it myself, but the paint has become a decade ago.
Old people dream short. Nina Andreevna rise before dawn, at five o'clock, and laid the paint (palette did not recognized) and starts to do: severe Ural scenery, cheerful village houses, still lifes, many, many flowers. However, it is not only in the summer flower painting, but also grows in his garden in the country.

Like sometimes you want to go through the work of Leonid mother's hand of an experienced professional. But time itself stops. Old people like children, draw the soul, they have their own tools, their own vision. By virtue of age, has gone from our everyday bustle, they are closer to the eternal values of human rights. Maybe that's why the faces of old men, favorite artist Baranov, poured a peace and tranquility.
One of the most famous works of the artist - the old man-domovichok with bare feet that sits amid shabby, Divorced time walls, in the hands of an aluminum bowl, a piece of bread, and in the face of kindness and peace. After each exhibition, this work always finds a buyer. And rams again taken up the brush, recreates, trying not to repeat his domovichka that never left the artist's studio warming image of the eternal soul of man.
The author Ludmila Ermakova.



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