And your microwave safe?
How to check the microwave shielding, if you computer maniac? De piece of cake! We need three things: a microwave, a laptop and Wi-Fi access point ...)))
3 photos with explanations via dlinyj
In all needed engineering approach wisely. Check the microwave
So, it all started with a post that respected shnur0vka citing BOR:
It turns out that not all of the microwave (especially cheap) soundly isolated. So many people are getting huge doses of radiation, which leads to cancer. To check the insulation - Put the phone in the microwave and call on him. If he calls, that the isolation of the weak. & Quot;
Fry in the microwave a cell phone. Unfortunately the post under lock and key and a link to it will not give. I repeated her experience, of course not frying mobile phones . The mobile phone is ringing beautifully in the microwave. Well, I do not be a fool reached into Google, and found that the microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2, 45 GHz, while the mobile phones on the 900 MHz and hence different ways of shielding and surprising (http://qol.ru/articles/11/) . 2, 45 GHz, um, any self-respecting hacker knows that at this frequency plows vayfay.O! I said, and took out of his bag eee PC switched found his point, and introduced on the console of Windows ipconfig / all and learned that the laptop sits on IPs!
Konekchus to his favorite point of working under Linux is SSH, and to create there a bash script as follows:
#! / Bin / sh
echo -e & quot; \ 033 [0; 40; 32m & quot;
while (true);
date & gt; & gt; a.txt;
ping -c 1 & gt; & gt; a.txt;
ping -c 1;
sleep 1;
Now we logiruem exactly according to the time of the ping. Take the laptop, and put it in the microwave
Then I looked through the window until the network will disappear (approximately 40 seconds), and then pulled out.
And running to the console points zhmakayu ctrl-c and zyrkaet carefully log file, yaks a.txt. And here it is - the moment when we lost ping and okurat on those same 40 seconds that I have mentioned.
Ping disappeared in okurat I stuck the laptop into the microwave, and Lost, as I took it from there!
Conclusion! If you do not trust your microwave screen, check its normal, adequate means, yaks - vayfay. Complexity only cram into it a great laptop. In order not to repeat the experience of respected shnur0vka - turn it out of the socket. My microwave does not let on that frequency radiation. As an error to say that the access point was in another room. But if you need the purity of the experiment is ready to bring her to the kitchen, too, the benefit of the kitchen also has ethernet.
PySy: Main - not included microwave, after stuck to laptop
3 photos with explanations via dlinyj
In all needed engineering approach wisely. Check the microwave
So, it all started with a post that respected shnur0vka citing BOR:
It turns out that not all of the microwave (especially cheap) soundly isolated. So many people are getting huge doses of radiation, which leads to cancer. To check the insulation - Put the phone in the microwave and call on him. If he calls, that the isolation of the weak. & Quot;
Fry in the microwave a cell phone. Unfortunately the post under lock and key and a link to it will not give. I repeated her experience, of course not frying mobile phones . The mobile phone is ringing beautifully in the microwave. Well, I do not be a fool reached into Google, and found that the microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2, 45 GHz, while the mobile phones on the 900 MHz and hence different ways of shielding and surprising (http://qol.ru/articles/11/) . 2, 45 GHz, um, any self-respecting hacker knows that at this frequency plows vayfay.O! I said, and took out of his bag eee PC switched found his point, and introduced on the console of Windows ipconfig / all and learned that the laptop sits on IPs!
Konekchus to his favorite point of working under Linux is SSH, and to create there a bash script as follows:
#! / Bin / sh
echo -e & quot; \ 033 [0; 40; 32m & quot;
while (true);
date & gt; & gt; a.txt;
ping -c 1 & gt; & gt; a.txt;
ping -c 1;
sleep 1;
Now we logiruem exactly according to the time of the ping. Take the laptop, and put it in the microwave

Then I looked through the window until the network will disappear (approximately 40 seconds), and then pulled out.

And running to the console points zhmakayu ctrl-c and zyrkaet carefully log file, yaks a.txt. And here it is - the moment when we lost ping and okurat on those same 40 seconds that I have mentioned.
Ping disappeared in okurat I stuck the laptop into the microwave, and Lost, as I took it from there!
Conclusion! If you do not trust your microwave screen, check its normal, adequate means, yaks - vayfay. Complexity only cram into it a great laptop. In order not to repeat the experience of respected shnur0vka - turn it out of the socket. My microwave does not let on that frequency radiation. As an error to say that the access point was in another room. But if you need the purity of the experiment is ready to bring her to the kitchen, too, the benefit of the kitchen also has ethernet.
PySy: Main - not included microwave, after stuck to laptop
