Journey to the Lost World (31 photos)
The author writes, pavlyuk
The plateau of Roraima, which is the intersection of Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil.
Here the sensation of being on another planet does not leave: persistent fog, the black rocks of fantastic shapes, sclerophyllous plants with balls on long stems, rushing underground waterfalls, tiny black frog.
Our trip to the Roraima reminded me of Sam and Frodo's trek to Mordor, as shown in the movie "The Lord of the Rings." That is absolutely inhospitable alien to the nature around.
And not just alien - alien. Best scenery for the film of the "Mystery of the Third Planet" is not found.
Plants - carnivorous predators
or zhestkolistnye handsome
Animals - tiny black frog
but with a yellow belly
The rocks easily uglyadet fantastic animals or monsters
In general, a person should not be here. He is not welcome here.
This is what we feel in full, breaking inland plateau. Every hundred meters were given with great difficulty. The surface of the plateau covered with swampy mud, at least half flooded with water, so you have to jump from one black boulder to another, the climbing, the descent. Not surprisingly, the 8-hour general way we passed only 16 km.
Generally, the surface of Roraima - a dangerous thing for an untrained person. There always have to keep concentration, especially in the rain: to balance on the wet stones, measure the distance before the next jump. One wrong move, and at best it is a dislocation, fracture of the worst. This means calling a helicopter to drop you off from the plateau - a few thousand dollars for the account of the subscriber.
After the first two hours of trekking in the rain all were soaking wet, tired and broken.
But (at least for me) all the surrounding scenery compensated. Such things must be seen on an empty stomach and through the veil of fatigue.
If we were just dropped off here by helicopter, we would have admired, take pictures ... and flew away. And Roraima would have remained just an unusual landscape. But after two hours on the way we pay, of course, they did not become part of the landscape, but, at least, felt within him.
At the end of the third hour, David led us to a strange funnel
It turned out concurrently, a 10-meter waterfall.
"It is possible to jump?" - Asked Sergei, prone to this kind of active experimentation with health. More jokingly asked, as I thought.
"Of course," - said David.
"This is exactly a joke", - I thought.
However, a little consulting with Sergei, David took off his glasses ... and unchanging leaped down.
Behind him jump and Sergey ... Only when they stood up for the pictures, I noticed how much of the shallow bottom of the cavity, and it is easy to miss the deeper part.
After a day David admitted that he jumped into the waterfall for the first time in my life. Desperate he's a guy our David ...
And then, finally, Triple Point.
The rain was already talking wall, causing the rocks around looks fantastic shape.
This here is a clear profile of Putin.
As for the obelisk, the Guyana side fuck up in accordance with the territorial claims of Venezuela: a plate with the name of the country is brought down, and scratched on the stone: reclamation.
But the Brazilian side untouched.
Having been in two new countries for themselves, return to Venezuela and go back. But the other way.
Our way lies through the valley of quartz, quartz crystals fall asleep. One handsome boyfriend.
Take them with you is strictly prohibited. On the descent a special patrol can search for crystals and a fine for smuggling to exceed one thousand dollars.
Again marshes, as two drops of water similar to the swamp with dead bliz Mordor by Gollum who led the hobbits.
Suddenly the sun comes out. It turns out that we are very close to the edge of the plateau. Wieden neighboring Tepuys
In the sun, Roraima is quite different. Do not mysterious, but simply beautiful, yet little alien. Although this is probably not Mordor and swamps of "Hound of the Baskervilles»
A menacing figure turned around just in very interesting forms of weathering.
With the advent of the sun life immediately improved, and power were added the last hour and a half we cheerfully ran the camp and even went for an open evening to admire the view.
Then back to camp for dinner.
Once Andrew arise from this stone, I note it here this character.
It turns out that there is a danger to the Roraima human fauna. Red scorpion venom, according to David, is dangerous. But Black Scorpion can not be afraid.
The reward for our march on the surface of Roraima served gorgeous sunsets filmed by Andrei.
Ahead was another cool night and day descent. The next day we vrenulis to camp on the river Tech. The descent was no problem. Personally, I'm not tired at all and was ready to go to the Paratepui, but it was pointless - the car came the next morning. A night on the river is still better than in the village.
So the fifth day we got up early, ate the last breakfast and left, the extra products in a gift of local Indian families and scoring backpacks debris (any garbage is not thrown on the route and returned to Santa Elena), ran the remaining three o'clock way to Paratepui where settled in anticipation of the machine back to civilization.
The impression of Roraima, this completely parallel world was so strong that, for good, he had to go to the airport and fly home. It is an exclamation mark, the final.
But we still had almost a week in the country. And that means it's time to get a guide and outline the route.
via pavlyuk.livejournal.com
The plateau of Roraima, which is the intersection of Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil.
Here the sensation of being on another planet does not leave: persistent fog, the black rocks of fantastic shapes, sclerophyllous plants with balls on long stems, rushing underground waterfalls, tiny black frog.
Our trip to the Roraima reminded me of Sam and Frodo's trek to Mordor, as shown in the movie "The Lord of the Rings." That is absolutely inhospitable alien to the nature around.
And not just alien - alien. Best scenery for the film of the "Mystery of the Third Planet" is not found.
Plants - carnivorous predators
or zhestkolistnye handsome
Animals - tiny black frog
but with a yellow belly
The rocks easily uglyadet fantastic animals or monsters
In general, a person should not be here. He is not welcome here.
This is what we feel in full, breaking inland plateau. Every hundred meters were given with great difficulty. The surface of the plateau covered with swampy mud, at least half flooded with water, so you have to jump from one black boulder to another, the climbing, the descent. Not surprisingly, the 8-hour general way we passed only 16 km.
Generally, the surface of Roraima - a dangerous thing for an untrained person. There always have to keep concentration, especially in the rain: to balance on the wet stones, measure the distance before the next jump. One wrong move, and at best it is a dislocation, fracture of the worst. This means calling a helicopter to drop you off from the plateau - a few thousand dollars for the account of the subscriber.
After the first two hours of trekking in the rain all were soaking wet, tired and broken.
But (at least for me) all the surrounding scenery compensated. Such things must be seen on an empty stomach and through the veil of fatigue.
If we were just dropped off here by helicopter, we would have admired, take pictures ... and flew away. And Roraima would have remained just an unusual landscape. But after two hours on the way we pay, of course, they did not become part of the landscape, but, at least, felt within him.
At the end of the third hour, David led us to a strange funnel
It turned out concurrently, a 10-meter waterfall.
"It is possible to jump?" - Asked Sergei, prone to this kind of active experimentation with health. More jokingly asked, as I thought.
"Of course," - said David.
"This is exactly a joke", - I thought.
However, a little consulting with Sergei, David took off his glasses ... and unchanging leaped down.
Behind him jump and Sergey ... Only when they stood up for the pictures, I noticed how much of the shallow bottom of the cavity, and it is easy to miss the deeper part.
After a day David admitted that he jumped into the waterfall for the first time in my life. Desperate he's a guy our David ...
And then, finally, Triple Point.
The rain was already talking wall, causing the rocks around looks fantastic shape.
This here is a clear profile of Putin.
As for the obelisk, the Guyana side fuck up in accordance with the territorial claims of Venezuela: a plate with the name of the country is brought down, and scratched on the stone: reclamation.
But the Brazilian side untouched.
Having been in two new countries for themselves, return to Venezuela and go back. But the other way.
Our way lies through the valley of quartz, quartz crystals fall asleep. One handsome boyfriend.
Take them with you is strictly prohibited. On the descent a special patrol can search for crystals and a fine for smuggling to exceed one thousand dollars.
Again marshes, as two drops of water similar to the swamp with dead bliz Mordor by Gollum who led the hobbits.
Suddenly the sun comes out. It turns out that we are very close to the edge of the plateau. Wieden neighboring Tepuys
In the sun, Roraima is quite different. Do not mysterious, but simply beautiful, yet little alien. Although this is probably not Mordor and swamps of "Hound of the Baskervilles»
A menacing figure turned around just in very interesting forms of weathering.
With the advent of the sun life immediately improved, and power were added the last hour and a half we cheerfully ran the camp and even went for an open evening to admire the view.
Then back to camp for dinner.
Once Andrew arise from this stone, I note it here this character.
It turns out that there is a danger to the Roraima human fauna. Red scorpion venom, according to David, is dangerous. But Black Scorpion can not be afraid.
The reward for our march on the surface of Roraima served gorgeous sunsets filmed by Andrei.
Ahead was another cool night and day descent. The next day we vrenulis to camp on the river Tech. The descent was no problem. Personally, I'm not tired at all and was ready to go to the Paratepui, but it was pointless - the car came the next morning. A night on the river is still better than in the village.
So the fifth day we got up early, ate the last breakfast and left, the extra products in a gift of local Indian families and scoring backpacks debris (any garbage is not thrown on the route and returned to Santa Elena), ran the remaining three o'clock way to Paratepui where settled in anticipation of the machine back to civilization.
The impression of Roraima, this completely parallel world was so strong that, for good, he had to go to the airport and fly home. It is an exclamation mark, the final.
But we still had almost a week in the country. And that means it's time to get a guide and outline the route.
via pavlyuk.livejournal.com