All that was left of the village Kriusha
The village Kriusha Ryazan region, distance to Moscow: c / o Egorevsk, Shatura 178 km. The village Kriusha burned on July 29 in the morning. It burned down a whole street of houses, a school and even a cemetery on the outskirts. Forest around a burning still from time to time heard muffled crackle - another one burned tree roots and it fell. Burning peat bogs are burning quietly, but put out these underground fires is impossible - the ground is pumped tens, hundreds of tons of water, and the turf is not extinguished. On the day of the fire rose a strong wind, somewhere there was a fire, and the entire street flashed in an instant, people barely have time to run out of the house, taking only what you need - documents, money. Able to defend only the hospital building, at the end of the street.






