"Vladimir Central": one day in jail
Evil guards, dullness, barbed wire, putrid odor, convicts with bowed head and eyes "on the floor" and disturbing silence.
Hence I want to quickly run away and never come back.
Now in the control panel contains about a thousand dangerous criminals - members of organized crime groups, the killers, killers, maniacs and rapists, thieves. Many of them have more than one conviction. Several people are serving life sentences.
Now the number of prisoners gradually decreases in vogue suspended sentences.
- Where the camera? With fotoappartom impossible - just okriknuli us guards.
- So we did the museum, we were allowed.
- I do not know. The museum is located where? Inside the prison. And in prison with the camera can not be.
Had to leave the correct camera down in the car, so all the illustrations in this report are taken from the forum "The trap».
Then one of our group guards took his passport and left. Ten minutes passed. The owner of the selected document began visibly nervous.
- Probably, you look like someone from the "wanted posters". Understand, Plan for Detention also be performed. But do not worry, we will peredachki you wear - we calmed friend.
As soon as we approach the main entrance, laughter and jokes are becoming increasingly nervous.
After passing through the metal detector, closing behind us several gratings and deprivation at the time of cell phones, which were last link with the outside world, it is altogether at ease.
Silence, musty smell and some that hanging in the air hopeless - that's the first thing that surrounds the man caught in Vladimir Central.
Gray asphalt, barbed wire, dusty walls - and not a single leaf breaks through the concrete and stone. There is no place for life, joy and laughter, only survival.
Passing the kitchen. Zeki driven trolley pieces of meat. Rather, it can be called meat at a stretch. Huge bone, on which hang not fresh meat scraps. All this is discharged directly on the floor. The smell is nauseating.
We quickly carried out by the kitchen. I was afraid to meet his eyes with zekami, but you can not be afraid. They look only at the floor. But the guards only in his eyes, searching look so heavy that in all contracts involuntarily. It feels like the brain X-ray translucent, and yet we are only peaceful tourists.
Tour of the prison itself is not particularly interesting. We were taken to the museum, told the story of Vladimir Central and quickly brought back.
Promised to show the camera, but never showed. Maybe because it has not moved away from the scandal of the past and fear that they will fly back from his superiors.
A couple of years ago, a company organized extreme tours in Vladimir Central. Tourists dressed in robes Lion's Den, planted in the paddy wagon, locked up in their cells, fed in the prison canteen. When the information reached the leadership scandal that prison turned into a farce. oragnizatoram tours strongly reprimanded, long trips, in general, were not carried out and now only allowed a visit to the museum.
But until you go to the museum, you can see many interesting things.
With your permission, I will not tell the story of the creation of Vladimir Central. If desired, the weight is easily located in the network. I will try to explain how the prison lives today that I was able to learn.
Vladimir Central - is the only prison in Russia, of which no one escaped. Several times were saps, sawing grids, bribing guards. But all the events unfold before the prisoner managed to be on the outside.
Sometimes the inmates to get to the hospital, mutilate themselves. After all, there is better treatment and conditions, and feeding. The most common mutilation - eat some shit. Here's a collection of objects that were extracted from the stomachs of prisoners:
There is a legend about Zeke, who cut off his ear. When the ear sewn, the next day he cut off another.
The museum attracts more collection of handicrafts prisoners. Drawn with colored pens and pencils bills can not be distinguished from the real. And of chewed bread can make great chess. Of the electric shaver machine to get tattoos.
As all items are prohibited from prisoners?
Once passed through the metal detector girl in a sundress and flip flops. Metal frantically rang. Woman searched - nothing. But the metal detector did not calm down. "A bullet in her that Lee was stuck in my head" - surprised the guards. Then we decided to cut the rubber flip flops that are experiencing mobile.
There are sister cities, and there are prisons Sister. Vladimir Central Prison on friendly terms with the German city of Bochum, share their experiences. The Germans came to Vladimir and brought humanitarian aid, among whom were beushnye paddy. Our prisoners are found in the imported vehicle for transportation of prisoners toilet, air conditioning and refrigerator, even to tears. The Germans complain that Russian convicts in their prisons brings his orders, asked to share their experiences as calm German prisoners of Russian origin.
Total in Vladimir Central four corps. All are interconnected by passages that are located at a height.
Prisoners transferred from one building only to these transitions, then this is called "in the air" for greater security.
Here convicts walk. In fact the exact same camera, but with a barred sky.
There Centralia own church - the "temple of St. Nicholas."
The priest here is special. Subdeacon Paul, aka Pavel Petrov. He came to the prison itself, confessed to crimes, among which were the murders. His drove, thinking crazy. But then we decided to check it turned out that everything he said was true. Paul is now Subdeacon service, crowns, crosses, talking. However, it does not have to practice law.
Inmates are allowed a three-day meeting with their wives. To do this, there is a special camera with a shower and a kitchen. However, to obtain such a date, you need to issue the permit, and then long to wait for their turn. Rumor has it that such svidanki often provide the most obedient prisoner. There are short visits in a special room with a glass partition and a telephone at such a meeting is given 2-3 hours.
You can bring peredachku. Here's a story about peredachki in Vladimir Central visitor Forum "The trap": "Take almost everything, but depending on the mood))) With the exception of dairy products, raw eggs, products requiring prolonged treatment, and perishable. Also, do not take colored pens, pencils, an alcohol, things exclusively black and dark colors. Limited intake of cigarettes up to 2 units, tea and sugar. And so ... It all depends on their mood. At the same time can make condensed milk and canned et al. Authorized products, next time - no. In general, no logic and common explanations. Purchased products is better to house packaged in a transparent bag, so as not to lose your time. With cigarettes dual situation. Why can yell them unpacked in advance, and may also yelling that it had to be done at home. "
Camera in Vladimir Central small - 4 x 6 or 6 by 6 meters. In one chamber is from 2-12 people. This little before the prison was overcrowded, even now removed the bunk beds. contain the most dangerous criminals in a separate building, there is a special camera to life imprisonment. Recently Centrale made repairs: painted walls, upgraded ventilation, put the bucket toilets instead replaced dense lattice, the windows can not see even the sky, more sparse in some cameras put the TV.
Now here is a psychologist and even has a computer center for legal aid.
Computers in Vladimir Central
But it's still our prisons, unfortunately, still very far from European human.
Hence I want to quickly run away and never come back.

Now in the control panel contains about a thousand dangerous criminals - members of organized crime groups, the killers, killers, maniacs and rapists, thieves. Many of them have more than one conviction. Several people are serving life sentences.
Now the number of prisoners gradually decreases in vogue suspended sentences.

- Where the camera? With fotoappartom impossible - just okriknuli us guards.
- So we did the museum, we were allowed.
- I do not know. The museum is located where? Inside the prison. And in prison with the camera can not be.
Had to leave the correct camera down in the car, so all the illustrations in this report are taken from the forum "The trap».
Then one of our group guards took his passport and left. Ten minutes passed. The owner of the selected document began visibly nervous.
- Probably, you look like someone from the "wanted posters". Understand, Plan for Detention also be performed. But do not worry, we will peredachki you wear - we calmed friend.
As soon as we approach the main entrance, laughter and jokes are becoming increasingly nervous.

After passing through the metal detector, closing behind us several gratings and deprivation at the time of cell phones, which were last link with the outside world, it is altogether at ease.
Silence, musty smell and some that hanging in the air hopeless - that's the first thing that surrounds the man caught in Vladimir Central.
Gray asphalt, barbed wire, dusty walls - and not a single leaf breaks through the concrete and stone. There is no place for life, joy and laughter, only survival.

Passing the kitchen. Zeki driven trolley pieces of meat. Rather, it can be called meat at a stretch. Huge bone, on which hang not fresh meat scraps. All this is discharged directly on the floor. The smell is nauseating.
We quickly carried out by the kitchen. I was afraid to meet his eyes with zekami, but you can not be afraid. They look only at the floor. But the guards only in his eyes, searching look so heavy that in all contracts involuntarily. It feels like the brain X-ray translucent, and yet we are only peaceful tourists.

Tour of the prison itself is not particularly interesting. We were taken to the museum, told the story of Vladimir Central and quickly brought back.
Promised to show the camera, but never showed. Maybe because it has not moved away from the scandal of the past and fear that they will fly back from his superiors.
A couple of years ago, a company organized extreme tours in Vladimir Central. Tourists dressed in robes Lion's Den, planted in the paddy wagon, locked up in their cells, fed in the prison canteen. When the information reached the leadership scandal that prison turned into a farce. oragnizatoram tours strongly reprimanded, long trips, in general, were not carried out and now only allowed a visit to the museum.
But until you go to the museum, you can see many interesting things.
With your permission, I will not tell the story of the creation of Vladimir Central. If desired, the weight is easily located in the network. I will try to explain how the prison lives today that I was able to learn.

Vladimir Central - is the only prison in Russia, of which no one escaped. Several times were saps, sawing grids, bribing guards. But all the events unfold before the prisoner managed to be on the outside.

Sometimes the inmates to get to the hospital, mutilate themselves. After all, there is better treatment and conditions, and feeding. The most common mutilation - eat some shit. Here's a collection of objects that were extracted from the stomachs of prisoners:

There is a legend about Zeke, who cut off his ear. When the ear sewn, the next day he cut off another.
The museum attracts more collection of handicrafts prisoners. Drawn with colored pens and pencils bills can not be distinguished from the real. And of chewed bread can make great chess. Of the electric shaver machine to get tattoos.
As all items are prohibited from prisoners?

Once passed through the metal detector girl in a sundress and flip flops. Metal frantically rang. Woman searched - nothing. But the metal detector did not calm down. "A bullet in her that Lee was stuck in my head" - surprised the guards. Then we decided to cut the rubber flip flops that are experiencing mobile.
There are sister cities, and there are prisons Sister. Vladimir Central Prison on friendly terms with the German city of Bochum, share their experiences. The Germans came to Vladimir and brought humanitarian aid, among whom were beushnye paddy. Our prisoners are found in the imported vehicle for transportation of prisoners toilet, air conditioning and refrigerator, even to tears. The Germans complain that Russian convicts in their prisons brings his orders, asked to share their experiences as calm German prisoners of Russian origin.

Total in Vladimir Central four corps. All are interconnected by passages that are located at a height.
Prisoners transferred from one building only to these transitions, then this is called "in the air" for greater security.

Here convicts walk. In fact the exact same camera, but with a barred sky.

There Centralia own church - the "temple of St. Nicholas."

The priest here is special. Subdeacon Paul, aka Pavel Petrov. He came to the prison itself, confessed to crimes, among which were the murders. His drove, thinking crazy. But then we decided to check it turned out that everything he said was true. Paul is now Subdeacon service, crowns, crosses, talking. However, it does not have to practice law.

Inmates are allowed a three-day meeting with their wives. To do this, there is a special camera with a shower and a kitchen. However, to obtain such a date, you need to issue the permit, and then long to wait for their turn. Rumor has it that such svidanki often provide the most obedient prisoner. There are short visits in a special room with a glass partition and a telephone at such a meeting is given 2-3 hours.

You can bring peredachku. Here's a story about peredachki in Vladimir Central visitor Forum "The trap": "Take almost everything, but depending on the mood))) With the exception of dairy products, raw eggs, products requiring prolonged treatment, and perishable. Also, do not take colored pens, pencils, an alcohol, things exclusively black and dark colors. Limited intake of cigarettes up to 2 units, tea and sugar. And so ... It all depends on their mood. At the same time can make condensed milk and canned et al. Authorized products, next time - no. In general, no logic and common explanations. Purchased products is better to house packaged in a transparent bag, so as not to lose your time. With cigarettes dual situation. Why can yell them unpacked in advance, and may also yelling that it had to be done at home. "

Camera in Vladimir Central small - 4 x 6 or 6 by 6 meters. In one chamber is from 2-12 people. This little before the prison was overcrowded, even now removed the bunk beds. contain the most dangerous criminals in a separate building, there is a special camera to life imprisonment. Recently Centrale made repairs: painted walls, upgraded ventilation, put the bucket toilets instead replaced dense lattice, the windows can not see even the sky, more sparse in some cameras put the TV.

Now here is a psychologist and even has a computer center for legal aid.
Computers in Vladimir Central
But it's still our prisons, unfortunately, still very far from European human.
