What we sing
Song metamorphosis, or you, too, have heard "Noise Maker Mouse?" Misunderstanding of individual words of the songs sometimes creates interesting combinations. And this happens not only with foreign hits, which are difficult to understand, for objective reasons, but also to our native Russian songs, familiar from childhood. The site has collected the best of what can be heard in popular hits.
- «Pink Flamingos remote flag" (There was dancing once) - Alain Sviridov "Pink Flamingos»
- «creaking wheels" (Violin-fox) - Igor Saruhanov "Violin-fox »
- « Cum chicken "(It will end the film) - Bi-2" My Love »
- « ... and disappear friends "(and disappear sadness) - Alla Pugacheva" And disappear sadness "
- & quot; Oppa ermine & quot; (Opa gangnam style) - PSY «Gangnam style»
- «Harlequin, Harlequin - only one leg at all" (only one award - laughter) - Alla Pugacheva "Harlequin»
- « Funny stories and krankopoteflyazh, funny stories in the journal Jumble "(Funny story screen will show ours) - a song from the TV magazine" Jumble ».
- « Ctop refrigerator, freeze freezer, stop lamp, stop the boiler, stop nasty Service Stop it's my life »- Dr. Alban «It's my life».
- «Mama-anarchy, Dad rode under the door" (a glass of port) - Movie "Mama-anarchy»
- «We have seen kaku hedgehog and the last tram "(We have seen leaves) - Movie" saw the night »
- « Parent with kin, the starting point "(parental home) - Lev Leshchenko" Parental Home »
- « I'd rather eat to hare his passport "(I'd rather eat before the registry office your passport) - Arkady Ukupnik" I am on you will never marry »
- « Stosha govnozad, Tikhon finger "(One hundred steps back silently on fingers) - VIA Gra and V.Meladze "A hundred steps backwards»
- «Belle Ikuko happily blade" (Beauty and the Cup) - M.Boyarsky "Song Musketeers»
- «In the damp forest evil apondepit" (In the cheese evil forest fire boils) - Hope Kadysheva "wide river»
- «Noise Maker Mouse ..." (Shumel reeds) - Russian folk song "Shumel reeds, trees bent» < «And the dream we were not the horn of the cosmodrome" (And dream I do not roar Baikonur) - Earthlings "The grass near the house»
- «You're just like a dream, just an ophthalmologist where I draw you) - Zemfira "search»
- «Vodka find» (What can i do) - Smokie «What Can I Do»
- «Bullfinch on the grill" (Snegiri no weights) - Ivanushki Int. "Snegiri"
- «bird of happiness for tomorrow, flew a pig with wings" (Wings ringing) - Music A.Pahmutova words N. Dobronravov
- «I know the password, I see Valentin "(I see benchmark) - Vera Brezhnev" Love will save the world "
- « Let run clumsily "(Let run clumsily pedestrians on pools) - Song of Cheburashka
- « I'm Mike! I'm Mike! »(Jamaica, Jamaica) - Robertino Loretti« Jamaica »
- « Ovoschevoz »(All that she wants) - Ace of base
- « Barbarian fry chicken »(What about ? Daddy Cool) - Boney M «Daddy Cool»
- «Flying gait you came out of the bar" (You came out of May) - Yuri Antonov "I remember»
- «Vladimir Central, north wind, and sneakers on the door of evil Nemer "(step from Tver) - Michael Circle" Vladimir Central »
- « And what I love there - only the udder ... substations, substation, substation "(... Only the name Constance) - Mikhail Boyarsky from k / f "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers»
- «But I'm tired, finished the fight, take the briefcase, go home" (I take the port, go home) - Agatha Christie "I'm on to you, as in war»
See also:
This sophisticated Russian language
Where did the word
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