Road to Pechenga.
Again about Kola.
46 pictures
1. The weather in the morning like something went wrong, first, even once, and did not want to go. Mainly cloudy.
2. But for lunch the clouds dispersed, decided to quick Start, and especially never staying, to go before Sputnik, because so many had promised to take pictures of places dear to their hearts.
3. At first visited the village of Abram-Mys, across from Murmansk, on the left bank of the Kola Bay. During the Great Patriotic there were anti-aircraft gunners, PVOshniki and later were quartered pilots of fighter and attack aircraft defenses. The local population about it almost forgotten.
4. Here they are. Veterans of the air defense and ground attack aircraft.
5. In a large number of air defense artillery calculations consisted of women. The commander, of course, men.
6. That a new air defense systems, but also has profound veterans.
7. Lonely so cherished. Garage is too small. On the restoration needs money. That rot lonely military engineering equipment, carefully spizhzhenaya one of the polygons.
8. He. From a different angle. "Hire us Petrushka, on the tractor. Before we swept the outskirts! »
9. The road is calling in a way. I remember still the times when the road went elsewhere was poluasfalt-polugrunt, terrible vibrating conveyor, in some places - paved with cobblestones. Now tires rustling softly, devouring kilometers.
10. Stella memory fighter pilot. At the entrance to Kilpyavr. It wanted to see the place, where the lieutenant's youth.
Kilpyavr (often referred to as Kilpi Yavr) - a military airfield in the Murmansk region, located 30 kilometers northwest of Murmansk in the village Kilpyavr. The official name of the airport - "Murmansk (Kilpyavr)." Earlier this airfield was based civil aviation Murmansk.
This is a small database of fighter aircraft that was used 9th GvIAP (9th Guards Fighter Wing), which consisted in service aircraft MiG-19, Su-9 and MiG-23M; in 1985 it was upgraded to allow deployment of Su-27. According to the satellite photo shoot in March 2007 there were 37 parking airfield fighter aircraft. (Taken from Wikipedia)
11. Here figushki. PPC. Not puschayut. Previously, this was not the PPC. By the way, before and Murmashi airport was not there. Civil aircraft land and take off in Kilpyavr right turns with interceptors. Now it's romantic. And then it was quite ordinary.
12. Oh well, take pictures lake and forward to the satellite.
13. Fork. Kirkenes-Vidjaevo. It was based Vidjaevo Boat "Kursk". But we - right.
14. Do not hold back, photographed. Spirit captures the beauty of the lakes and their amounts. It Nyal Yavr.
16. Nyal Yavr left behind. Gaining speed briefly. For front - Valley of Glory.
17. Monument stormtroopers. The hills are bare, so attack aircraft from both sides worked very hard. Infantry had nowhere to hide. Just between huge boulders Seid. The only place in the world, perhaps, where the infantry move the message is not below ground level, and - above. They have been partially preserved.
18. Birch typical for these places. Not to be confused with the Karelian. Others, they are very, very similar.
19. And this is the Valley of Glory. The only possible way for art in those days. But to this day. For seids tundra "work" pohlesche any concrete dragon teeth and antitank hedgehogs.
20. The largest artillery for the area at the time. The fighting was in line of sight. The main task was - to capture the top of the hills. Who is greater - and he survived. But by attack aircraft rescued worse.
21. That somewhere so it was all.
22. Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. These and volunteers and the penal and medical battalion and even the support units of the 14th Army. By the way, this army in our time commanded in Transnistria General Lebed.
23. A 72-th separate my Uncle Art. l-t Baluev VV He commanded a company investigation. Now he is at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. Union Hero, winner of the State Prize, the captain of the first rank. On the contrary - my last general. Chumachenko Yury Vladimirovich. Tangled destinies. Everything is back to square one. Maybe someone will scoff at the name "deer-ski team," but then so - here ...
There were unique in our division ...
24. Suffice it to all well-groomed, especially given the sparsely populated these places.
25. lurid, of course, a monument. But it is necessary. Here, everything is saved and obihazhivat. The severity of the climate helps. However, in the hills a lot of tiny obelisks. But almost all of them painted and cleaned.
26. It is the same, only from a different angle.
27. And we - in a way. The fact that it is here held a defensive line is not quite true, for trench warfare was. Oddly enough for these places - a very dynamic tactical decisions and transfer.
28. And this is a twist on Zaozersk, ie famous western face. The garrison of the PLA. Wikipedia reads it yourself, okay?
29. In this valley located hospital. Bomb it mercilessly. About doctors of the hospital is still legendary. Virtually every nurse (the stories of veterans) was a sniper, and could go in unarmed combat. Since the attack rangers waited every minute. And they are - happen.
30. Suddenly, on the way there was motelchik. Previously, it was not. Available in the café "100 vodka and herring tail." Nope! Only beer ... Secretly told it to the Norwegians and Finns traveled to Murmansk most sober. As much as possible. I doubt it.
31. Here such here nomerochki. Warm. For close - a river Titovka and license - on the spot, you can write down.
32. Stylized Lapland (Sami) tent.
33. farms. Reindeer owners hijacked to evening in the hills, did not wait.
34. Well, before chum - wards. So it should be. By the way, to the north of Rovaniemi such amulets on almost every house. Untrained eye does not see them, but the man understands sees immediately. Unholy Power - "But passaran!»
35. All forward at Pechenga, worship only fellow road builders ...
36. Outdated technology. It's not for scrap. Man-made monuments. Work on the Kola Roadman difficult and honor. But pay a little. Not that 25 years ago.
37. The second composition. Such graders I've only seen in textbooks.
38. And here in the Arctic, was adopted first fight at Zele. A week later, a common origin.
39. Time to reconcile them all. The war is over. For in this place are found all. And buried.
40. And to remember all possible in one place. For all there were Christians. Somehow we forget it all.
41. Do not resist, zafotil. Beautiful, is not it? Such are the paints have the fall everywhere.
42. The satellite-Nyal. And then CPR. Do not let go. Pulls veteran divers to Vidjaevo. Full bus. We went to Liinakhamari. They are also not allowed. Like this. Gray hair - and no longer needed but their memories.
43. Try to Break Through to the marine brigade. They have a gun ... On entoy like it ??? BRDM (MP). So like?
44. Oleg, I'm sorry ... I'm not broke the entrance. But your house on the street Ivanov-45 here it is. And the entrance is not allowed.
45. The satellite-Nyal. I thought that everything gouging. No. Everything is clean and well maintained. Conclusion - the disruption in their heads, but not in life. There are a host - is the order. By the way, in the far background seen the Pechenga. All the road. Home. In Murmansk. I still have work to do.
46. The bridge in Murmansk through the Kola Bay. All. We're home.
46 pictures
1. The weather in the morning like something went wrong, first, even once, and did not want to go. Mainly cloudy.

2. But for lunch the clouds dispersed, decided to quick Start, and especially never staying, to go before Sputnik, because so many had promised to take pictures of places dear to their hearts.

3. At first visited the village of Abram-Mys, across from Murmansk, on the left bank of the Kola Bay. During the Great Patriotic there were anti-aircraft gunners, PVOshniki and later were quartered pilots of fighter and attack aircraft defenses. The local population about it almost forgotten.

4. Here they are. Veterans of the air defense and ground attack aircraft.

5. In a large number of air defense artillery calculations consisted of women. The commander, of course, men.

6. That a new air defense systems, but also has profound veterans.

7. Lonely so cherished. Garage is too small. On the restoration needs money. That rot lonely military engineering equipment, carefully spizhzhenaya one of the polygons.

8. He. From a different angle. "Hire us Petrushka, on the tractor. Before we swept the outskirts! »

9. The road is calling in a way. I remember still the times when the road went elsewhere was poluasfalt-polugrunt, terrible vibrating conveyor, in some places - paved with cobblestones. Now tires rustling softly, devouring kilometers.

10. Stella memory fighter pilot. At the entrance to Kilpyavr. It wanted to see the place, where the lieutenant's youth.
Kilpyavr (often referred to as Kilpi Yavr) - a military airfield in the Murmansk region, located 30 kilometers northwest of Murmansk in the village Kilpyavr. The official name of the airport - "Murmansk (Kilpyavr)." Earlier this airfield was based civil aviation Murmansk.
This is a small database of fighter aircraft that was used 9th GvIAP (9th Guards Fighter Wing), which consisted in service aircraft MiG-19, Su-9 and MiG-23M; in 1985 it was upgraded to allow deployment of Su-27. According to the satellite photo shoot in March 2007 there were 37 parking airfield fighter aircraft. (Taken from Wikipedia)

11. Here figushki. PPC. Not puschayut. Previously, this was not the PPC. By the way, before and Murmashi airport was not there. Civil aircraft land and take off in Kilpyavr right turns with interceptors. Now it's romantic. And then it was quite ordinary.

12. Oh well, take pictures lake and forward to the satellite.

13. Fork. Kirkenes-Vidjaevo. It was based Vidjaevo Boat "Kursk". But we - right.

14. Do not hold back, photographed. Spirit captures the beauty of the lakes and their amounts. It Nyal Yavr.


16. Nyal Yavr left behind. Gaining speed briefly. For front - Valley of Glory.

17. Monument stormtroopers. The hills are bare, so attack aircraft from both sides worked very hard. Infantry had nowhere to hide. Just between huge boulders Seid. The only place in the world, perhaps, where the infantry move the message is not below ground level, and - above. They have been partially preserved.

18. Birch typical for these places. Not to be confused with the Karelian. Others, they are very, very similar.

19. And this is the Valley of Glory. The only possible way for art in those days. But to this day. For seids tundra "work" pohlesche any concrete dragon teeth and antitank hedgehogs.

20. The largest artillery for the area at the time. The fighting was in line of sight. The main task was - to capture the top of the hills. Who is greater - and he survived. But by attack aircraft rescued worse.

21. That somewhere so it was all.

22. Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. These and volunteers and the penal and medical battalion and even the support units of the 14th Army. By the way, this army in our time commanded in Transnistria General Lebed.

23. A 72-th separate my Uncle Art. l-t Baluev VV He commanded a company investigation. Now he is at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. Union Hero, winner of the State Prize, the captain of the first rank. On the contrary - my last general. Chumachenko Yury Vladimirovich. Tangled destinies. Everything is back to square one. Maybe someone will scoff at the name "deer-ski team," but then so - here ...
There were unique in our division ...

24. Suffice it to all well-groomed, especially given the sparsely populated these places.

25. lurid, of course, a monument. But it is necessary. Here, everything is saved and obihazhivat. The severity of the climate helps. However, in the hills a lot of tiny obelisks. But almost all of them painted and cleaned.

26. It is the same, only from a different angle.

27. And we - in a way. The fact that it is here held a defensive line is not quite true, for trench warfare was. Oddly enough for these places - a very dynamic tactical decisions and transfer.

28. And this is a twist on Zaozersk, ie famous western face. The garrison of the PLA. Wikipedia reads it yourself, okay?

29. In this valley located hospital. Bomb it mercilessly. About doctors of the hospital is still legendary. Virtually every nurse (the stories of veterans) was a sniper, and could go in unarmed combat. Since the attack rangers waited every minute. And they are - happen.

30. Suddenly, on the way there was motelchik. Previously, it was not. Available in the café "100 vodka and herring tail." Nope! Only beer ... Secretly told it to the Norwegians and Finns traveled to Murmansk most sober. As much as possible. I doubt it.

31. Here such here nomerochki. Warm. For close - a river Titovka and license - on the spot, you can write down.

32. Stylized Lapland (Sami) tent.

33. farms. Reindeer owners hijacked to evening in the hills, did not wait.

34. Well, before chum - wards. So it should be. By the way, to the north of Rovaniemi such amulets on almost every house. Untrained eye does not see them, but the man understands sees immediately. Unholy Power - "But passaran!»

35. All forward at Pechenga, worship only fellow road builders ...

36. Outdated technology. It's not for scrap. Man-made monuments. Work on the Kola Roadman difficult and honor. But pay a little. Not that 25 years ago.

37. The second composition. Such graders I've only seen in textbooks.

38. And here in the Arctic, was adopted first fight at Zele. A week later, a common origin.

39. Time to reconcile them all. The war is over. For in this place are found all. And buried.

40. And to remember all possible in one place. For all there were Christians. Somehow we forget it all.

41. Do not resist, zafotil. Beautiful, is not it? Such are the paints have the fall everywhere.

42. The satellite-Nyal. And then CPR. Do not let go. Pulls veteran divers to Vidjaevo. Full bus. We went to Liinakhamari. They are also not allowed. Like this. Gray hair - and no longer needed but their memories.

43. Try to Break Through to the marine brigade. They have a gun ... On entoy like it ??? BRDM (MP). So like?

44. Oleg, I'm sorry ... I'm not broke the entrance. But your house on the street Ivanov-45 here it is. And the entrance is not allowed.

45. The satellite-Nyal. I thought that everything gouging. No. Everything is clean and well maintained. Conclusion - the disruption in their heads, but not in life. There are a host - is the order. By the way, in the far background seen the Pechenga. All the road. Home. In Murmansk. I still have work to do.

46. The bridge in Murmansk through the Kola Bay. All. We're home.
