14 the world's most dangerous roads, breathtaking

Everyone who at least once had a chance to ride on a roller coaster, you know the expression "soul left in the heel". But it is unlikely that this entertainment can compare to tracks and highways, built at an altitude of several kilometers above the abyss, a deserted desert, over water or even under it.
The website invites you on a journey through the most unimaginable roads of the world, before which pale any cool rides.
Tunnel Guoliang, China

Kilometer tunnel Guoliang, padded through the mountains, leads to the homonymous village. In the 1970-ies the inhabitants of the settlement on their own cut through the tunnel and "Windows" in it, using only hand tools. The width of the tunnel is about 4 meters, so drivers have to be extremely careful.
Market on the rails Meklong, Thailand

At first glance, the market Maeklong like hundreds of other Thai markets. But only until then, until you hear the whistle of a train path which runs right through the shopping arcade. Literally seconds traders removed their goods and folded tents, passing train moving at a speed of about 15 km/h.
Yungas road, Bolivia

Yungas road connects the Bolivian city of La Paz and Coroico. Descending from a height of 3 300 meters to 360 meters above sea level, it forms a variety of loops, which is not so easy to "fit in". Despite the fact that the road is very narrow here manage to disperse even the trucks; however, one of them often long to take back.
Eyre Highway, Australia

Looking at this way, it is hardly possible to think that it is very dangerous. However, the number of accidents on this 1 660-km Australian highway built far away from settlements, is very large. The reason is quite simple: the landscape is so monotonous that the drivers literally fall asleep at the wheel.
Railway "devil's Nose", Ecuador

Railway "devil's Nose" laid on the same rock, towering at a height of 800 metres. Until recently, tourists were allowed to ride on the roofs of cars plying here, but today it is already prohibited.
Railway bridge, Pamban, India

Pamban bridge connects mainland India with the island of the same name. In 1964, the bridge was destroyed by strong winds Palk Bay, so now when the wind speed over 55 km/h all trains be given a signal, warning about possible dangers.
Karakorum highway, Pakistan—China

The 1,300-kilometre Karakorum highway is the highest international highway: the segment which is at an altitude of over 4,600 meters. Monsoon rains in summer, often blur the road and cause landslides, and in the winter the highway is closed due to weather conditions and the possibility of avalanches.
Passage du Gua, France

This ordinary at first glance, the road connects the island of Noirmoutier to mainland France. However, at high tide it is completely submerged under 4-meter water column, while remaining available to travel only twice a day.
The Leh-Manali highway, India

The Leh-Manali highway passes through several high mountain passes at a height of 4 to 5 kilometers. The road is very narrow, which does not prevent local motorists zipping through it at great speed.
The road on Tianmen mountain, China

11 km road with 99 bends, leads to the top of Tianmen mountain, which is a Buddhist temple. In some places the distance between the twists is less than 200 meters, so the drivers constantly have to be very careful.
The road through the Uyuni salt flats, Bolivia

Highway passing through a dried-up lake of Uyuni, located at an altitude of 3 650 meters above sea level. Local landscapes are so unusual that they wonder to lost mobile phones is mostly useless. Go here with a tour maybe safe, but to go alone is still not worth it — especially since night time here is often cold to -30 °C.
The road through Skippers canyon, New Zealand

Numerous pits and cliffs, steep hills, sudden turns, suspension bridges and narrowing the road is not all the surprises that await on the crossing of Skippers canyon. Local companies involved in car hire, don't even give insurance for those who are going to conquer this route.
Highway the James W. Dalton, Alaska, USA

Only 175 kilometers from this 666-kilometer highway is paved with asphalt, the rest of the way have to overcome on the gravel. Throughout the road there are only 3 settlements, 3 refills and 1 clinic. Everyone who enters this track, the local police checks the availability of all necessary for survival in the difficult natural conditions of Alaska.
"Train to the clouds", Argentina

Throughout the 217-kilometer railway train overcomes a 21 tunnel, 42 bridge and viaducts, 2 spirals and 2 zigzags. Its romantic name the road was due to the altitude at which some of its segments are: sometimes it is so great that trains pass right through the clouds.
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See also
10 roads that should go at least once in your life
10 of the most anomalous places on our planet
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/10-samyh-anomalnyh-mest-na-nashej-planete-1507315/
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