Here is the power! Hot Rod of ... ZIL!
Perhaps some of you have heard about this mashYne or even saw her photo. For those who do not - we recommend to watch might look like an ordinary 130th ZIL, if the owner hands are growing out of the place, and imagination is not limited to installation of mudguards Sparco. As always, the idea of a hot rod was born suddenly and demanded not only the strength and imagination, but also considerable investments. And although the project is still under development, now he makes it clear how mazhYrnym he eventually succeed ...
Because the best of the owner of this car can not tell nobody, we give him a story from a personal blog:
With the bases exploration bought a cabin by drilling the polar station, removed directly from the machine (ZIL 131). Machine since 1976 has worked all his life at the pole, had a double glazing with a layer of alcohol, bars on the windows, warming fur salon and ... rotten bottom =)
Some of you may seem nonsense above, but the performance of these machines northern how Kraz, Zil, Ural, and assumes a glass filler and glass paneling with a faux fur, so I speak as there!
Grille installed on ZIL 130 First dorestaylingovoy samples. It looked for a long time, as much as there was no (or punk or broken). As a result, purely by chance I found a dusty, lattice order in one large car shop. How it got there - no one remembers.)
The project can be divided into 3 stages:
1. Install the cab ZIL 130 and combine it with units FORD
2. Production of a body and design development (current stage)
3. Improvement of dynamic qualities of the car up to the outstanding even among modern sports car
Engine Ford 4.2. I put on Mustangs, F Series pickup trucks and buses E series. It has great potential in the tuning. Now his power 200 strength (euro 3, 4 catalyst) due to changes in output and adjustment capacity for the first time will be about 250 power and torque - about 400 nm. In the future, the engine will undergo revision and will be forced.
The interior heater on the bus Ford. Installation of the cabin due to the engine and cabin space. Such a massive heater, even with the air conditioning, put in the cabin and under the hood failed.
It remains to wait for the completion of the work, and then print the photo of the finished hot rod based on the ZIL to hang them in your garage or office ...
Because the best of the owner of this car can not tell nobody, we give him a story from a personal blog:
With the bases exploration bought a cabin by drilling the polar station, removed directly from the machine (ZIL 131). Machine since 1976 has worked all his life at the pole, had a double glazing with a layer of alcohol, bars on the windows, warming fur salon and ... rotten bottom =)
Some of you may seem nonsense above, but the performance of these machines northern how Kraz, Zil, Ural, and assumes a glass filler and glass paneling with a faux fur, so I speak as there!
Grille installed on ZIL 130 First dorestaylingovoy samples. It looked for a long time, as much as there was no (or punk or broken). As a result, purely by chance I found a dusty, lattice order in one large car shop. How it got there - no one remembers.)
The project can be divided into 3 stages:
1. Install the cab ZIL 130 and combine it with units FORD
2. Production of a body and design development (current stage)
3. Improvement of dynamic qualities of the car up to the outstanding even among modern sports car
Engine Ford 4.2. I put on Mustangs, F Series pickup trucks and buses E series. It has great potential in the tuning. Now his power 200 strength (euro 3, 4 catalyst) due to changes in output and adjustment capacity for the first time will be about 250 power and torque - about 400 nm. In the future, the engine will undergo revision and will be forced.
The interior heater on the bus Ford. Installation of the cabin due to the engine and cabin space. Such a massive heater, even with the air conditioning, put in the cabin and under the hood failed.
It remains to wait for the completion of the work, and then print the photo of the finished hot rod based on the ZIL to hang them in your garage or office ...





