70 years ago ...
June 22, 1941, exactly 70 years ago, suddenly broke the silence of pre-dawn explosions roaring shells. Since the war began. At that time nobody knew that the history of humanity, it will be the most bloody. No one guessed that the Soviet people have to go through a non-human test to pass and win. Rid the world of fascism, to show everyone that the spirit of a soldier of the Red Army is not given to crush the invaders. No one could not assume that the name of the hero-cities will be announced to the world that Stalingrad will be the symbol of steadfastness of our people, Leningrad - a symbol of courage, Brest - a symbol of courage. That, along with the male warriors, the land from the fascist plague will heroically to protect the elderly, women and children.
1418 days and nights of the war.
Over 26 million lives ...
These photos are one thing: they are made in the first hours and days of the Great Patriotic War.
German soldiers cross the state border of the USSR.
Time taken: 22.06.1941
Soviet border guards on patrol. Photo is interesting in that it was made for the newspaper in one of the outposts on the western border of the USSR June 20, 1941, ie two days before the war.
Time taken: 20.06.1941
The outbreak of war.
The first day of the war in Przemysl (now - Polish city Przemysl) and the first dead invaders on Soviet soil (the soldiers of the 101st Division legkopehotnoy). The city was occupied by German troops on June 22, but the next morning was liberated by the Red Army and border guards and held until 27 June.
Time taken: 22.06.1941
June 22, 1941 near the bridge over the river near the town of San Yaroslav. At the time, the river was the border between San German-occupied Poland and the USSR.
Time taken: 22.06.1941
The first Soviet prisoners of war under the supervision of German soldiers are sent to the west across the river from the city of San Yaroslav.
Time taken: 22.06.1941
After the failure of a sudden capture of Brest Fortress Germans had to dig. Picture taken in the North or the South Island.
Time taken: 22.06.1941
The fight of the German shock troops in the region of Brest.
Time taken: June 1941
1418 days and nights of the war.
Over 26 million lives ...
These photos are one thing: they are made in the first hours and days of the Great Patriotic War.
German soldiers cross the state border of the USSR.
Time taken: 22.06.1941

Soviet border guards on patrol. Photo is interesting in that it was made for the newspaper in one of the outposts on the western border of the USSR June 20, 1941, ie two days before the war.
Time taken: 20.06.1941

The outbreak of war.
The first day of the war in Przemysl (now - Polish city Przemysl) and the first dead invaders on Soviet soil (the soldiers of the 101st Division legkopehotnoy). The city was occupied by German troops on June 22, but the next morning was liberated by the Red Army and border guards and held until 27 June.
Time taken: 22.06.1941

June 22, 1941 near the bridge over the river near the town of San Yaroslav. At the time, the river was the border between San German-occupied Poland and the USSR.
Time taken: 22.06.1941

The first Soviet prisoners of war under the supervision of German soldiers are sent to the west across the river from the city of San Yaroslav.
Time taken: 22.06.1941

After the failure of a sudden capture of Brest Fortress Germans had to dig. Picture taken in the North or the South Island.
Time taken: 22.06.1941

The fight of the German shock troops in the region of Brest.
Time taken: June 1941
