Dray life
Item scrap metal. Early in the morning, but the point is already open. From the window, yawning, it looks like a sleepy groundhog from its burrow, burly inspector.
It appears first visitor from the hangover mug. He hands out the window some crumpled hulk.
- So, what have you got? - Fiddles with a vessel inspector.
- For the same pan, - says ingratiatingly visitor. - A crumpled for conspiracy.
- All right, take - reluctantly said inspector. - All right? Here you even a bottle of beer will not be enough.
- If a cover? - On reflection, he asks a visitor.
- With cover should be enough - responsible inspector. - Carry. Just look, Dimon, the wife is not caught. Then you have to cover, and then me. You're already the fifth pan for giving up this month ... So, what are you doing to me and pritaranil?
- Also cover - barely breath, wheezing is another visitor bomzhevatogo vida.- only sewage.
- Oh you! - Reproachfully said inspector. - And if someone falls in the hatch?
- I would be only too happy guests! - Blithely waving homeless. - Come on, weighed and chase grandmother. Maybe I really have someone waiting. Here's to the little, lie, people.
- The boy and the boy you something here that was secured? - Calculate with the homeless, says reproachfully inspector pimply teenager. - Yes, with my mother's ironing. Did you parents do not give pocket money?
- Give, but not enough - sniff, the boy complained. - I am currently girlfriend started.
- Well, then together and carry me scrap. Her home, too, probably, irons and other useful ... I mean, there are useless instruments - weighing iron, kid inspector says confidently. - You'll see, for the wedding themselves earn. On here you ... twenty rubles ... Okay, okay, I do not cry - thirty, so be it ... go broke here with you, in Figure!
Then you hear the clang of the tracks, the earth trembles, and with it the box jumps up and scrap metal.
- What are you, serviceman brought me on this jalopy? - Respectfully asks the inspector brave sergeant got out of the deterrent mechanism flattened tower sticking out of a cannon.
- Sam you clunker! - Indulgent spat on the ground soldier. - Do not you see - BMP. Take! Demobilization me, pribarahlitsya necessary.
- No, sergeant, you're really sorry, but military equipment will not take - frightened inspector.
- Yes, what it is fighting! - Disparagingly he said the sergeant took out a grenade. - Look here: pull out the pin, throw inside. Get down! ..
Babakhan deafening explosion, a smoking caterpillar Tower clunker dashingly jumps up and leans to one side as takes paratroopers.
- Well, - satisfaction quacks Sgt. - Do you call this military equipment?
- Wow, ringing in the ears! - Shakes his head inspector. - But ... I also do not have such scales, to hang a piece of iron.
- Do not worry, is estimated by eye, I trust you, - lights Sgt.
Counting a few thousand fighters, inspector raises his head at the sound of shuffling steps. For booth approached an elderly little man with a shopping bag, stuffed with crumpled aluminum beer cans.
- Uncle Nick, and you, then what are you doing here? - Says the inspector surprise.
- I forgot something, nephew? - Angry old man. - I was on the same week retirement turn out!
- Ah, yes! - I remembered the inspector and scratched his head in confusion. - Okay, you as a relative, will pay at a reduced rate. Here's your first Thousand rubles.
- So, a thousand rublyov multiplied by thirty dnёv - mutters grandfather, putting money in his pocket. - Get ... Get thirty thousand. Thirty! For how can I worked hard by a dick fifteen, eh?
© Sibirsrskie
It appears first visitor from the hangover mug. He hands out the window some crumpled hulk.
- So, what have you got? - Fiddles with a vessel inspector.
- For the same pan, - says ingratiatingly visitor. - A crumpled for conspiracy.
- All right, take - reluctantly said inspector. - All right? Here you even a bottle of beer will not be enough.
- If a cover? - On reflection, he asks a visitor.
- With cover should be enough - responsible inspector. - Carry. Just look, Dimon, the wife is not caught. Then you have to cover, and then me. You're already the fifth pan for giving up this month ... So, what are you doing to me and pritaranil?
- Also cover - barely breath, wheezing is another visitor bomzhevatogo vida.- only sewage.
- Oh you! - Reproachfully said inspector. - And if someone falls in the hatch?
- I would be only too happy guests! - Blithely waving homeless. - Come on, weighed and chase grandmother. Maybe I really have someone waiting. Here's to the little, lie, people.
- The boy and the boy you something here that was secured? - Calculate with the homeless, says reproachfully inspector pimply teenager. - Yes, with my mother's ironing. Did you parents do not give pocket money?
- Give, but not enough - sniff, the boy complained. - I am currently girlfriend started.
- Well, then together and carry me scrap. Her home, too, probably, irons and other useful ... I mean, there are useless instruments - weighing iron, kid inspector says confidently. - You'll see, for the wedding themselves earn. On here you ... twenty rubles ... Okay, okay, I do not cry - thirty, so be it ... go broke here with you, in Figure!
Then you hear the clang of the tracks, the earth trembles, and with it the box jumps up and scrap metal.
- What are you, serviceman brought me on this jalopy? - Respectfully asks the inspector brave sergeant got out of the deterrent mechanism flattened tower sticking out of a cannon.
- Sam you clunker! - Indulgent spat on the ground soldier. - Do not you see - BMP. Take! Demobilization me, pribarahlitsya necessary.
- No, sergeant, you're really sorry, but military equipment will not take - frightened inspector.
- Yes, what it is fighting! - Disparagingly he said the sergeant took out a grenade. - Look here: pull out the pin, throw inside. Get down! ..
Babakhan deafening explosion, a smoking caterpillar Tower clunker dashingly jumps up and leans to one side as takes paratroopers.
- Well, - satisfaction quacks Sgt. - Do you call this military equipment?
- Wow, ringing in the ears! - Shakes his head inspector. - But ... I also do not have such scales, to hang a piece of iron.
- Do not worry, is estimated by eye, I trust you, - lights Sgt.
Counting a few thousand fighters, inspector raises his head at the sound of shuffling steps. For booth approached an elderly little man with a shopping bag, stuffed with crumpled aluminum beer cans.
- Uncle Nick, and you, then what are you doing here? - Says the inspector surprise.
- I forgot something, nephew? - Angry old man. - I was on the same week retirement turn out!
- Ah, yes! - I remembered the inspector and scratched his head in confusion. - Okay, you as a relative, will pay at a reduced rate. Here's your first Thousand rubles.
- So, a thousand rublyov multiplied by thirty dnёv - mutters grandfather, putting money in his pocket. - Get ... Get thirty thousand. Thirty! For how can I worked hard by a dick fifteen, eh?
© Sibirsrskie
