1, 5 hours in the life of a neurosurgeon
A small report - all of 1, 5 hours in the life of neurosurgeons. The operation on the fracture of the 7th cervical vertebra. In the picture it is marked C7. Injury diver. Summer. Unfamiliar Waters. The young man, 34 years old. For injury diver escaped godly: minimum neurological deficits, movement saved, moderate radicular syndrome. According to the CT (computed tomography) of the cervical - comminuted fracture of the body and the articular processes of the 7th cervical vertebra with spinal canal stenosis and spinal cord compression. Operation with locking front access bodies of the 6th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae metal plate. Of course, the removal of bone fragments.
Operation is still the day before yesterday, but in the past it was just once. Filmed on mobile. Sorry if the quality is not very.
Will be 15 photos.
The patient on the table. Anesthesiologist (where do without it) already intubated. Final thoughts about the upcoming operation.
Starters. Access to the front edge of the body 6-7 th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.
Behind the anesthesiologist. Not 36 hours, but after the daily shift. He could go home, but at our request, "gave" us another 6 hours of his life. Because most experienced, which in the operating feel relaxed. Alexander Medvedev, 25 years experience, knows all rescue ever. And we never, it in no way refuse. This is - collegiality.
Fragment removed the anterior edge of the vertebral body. Emissions of course. It is no longer necessary.
The pieces removed disc C6-C7. Then through it removed fragment that appeared in the lumen of the spinal canal, freed from compression of the spinal cord.
From the wing of the ilium (pelvic bone) cut down a piece - an autograft, which will replace the remote (damaged) disk. Then everything srastetsya.
Here we insert. Inciting a hammer, of course, because it is inserted is not free.
This plate and screws that we fix together 6-7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.
Here's the screw on the screwdriver. Already stake the. Who is twisted.
Tighten. And so all 4th screw.
Here it is the plate. Already in place.
Zashilis. We put drainage. Done. The "flight" of 1, 5 hours. And that even with 10 minutes spent on the control picture on the table.
The patient is still asleep. Anesthesiologist another 20 minutes with him to do. Then extubated and will transfer to the recovery room.
Pay attention to the shirt - wet through. In the operating room, despite the thick of summer, quite tolerable. A wet why? Jobs such ...
The truth is not operating hot. Powered air-conditioning.
Health and good luck to all!
A small report - all of 1, 5 hours in the life of neurosurgeons. The operation on the fracture of the 7th cervical vertebra. In the picture it is marked C7. Injury diver. Summer. Unfamiliar Waters. The young man, 34 years old. For injury diver escaped godly: minimum neurological deficits, movement saved, moderate radicular syndrome. According to the CT (computed tomography) of the cervical - comminuted fracture of the body and the articular processes of the 7th cervical vertebra with spinal canal stenosis and spinal cord compression. Operation with locking front access bodies of the 6th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae metal plate. Of course, the removal of bone fragments.
Operation is still the day before yesterday, but in the past it was just once. Filmed on mobile. Sorry if the quality is not very.
Will be 15 photos.
The patient on the table. Anesthesiologist (where do without it) already intubated. Final thoughts about the upcoming operation.
Starters. Access to the front edge of the body 6-7 th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.
Behind the anesthesiologist. Not 36 hours, but after the daily shift. He could go home, but at our request, "gave" us another 6 hours of his life. Because most experienced, which in the operating feel relaxed. Alexander Medvedev, 25 years experience, knows all rescue ever. And we never, it in no way refuse. This is - collegiality.
Fragment removed the anterior edge of the vertebral body. Emissions of course. It is no longer necessary.
The pieces removed disc C6-C7. Then through it removed fragment that appeared in the lumen of the spinal canal, freed from compression of the spinal cord.
From the wing of the ilium (pelvic bone) cut down a piece - an autograft, which will replace the remote (damaged) disk. Then everything srastetsya.
Here we insert. Inciting a hammer, of course, because it is inserted is not free.
This plate and screws that we fix together 6-7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.
Here's the screw on the screwdriver. Already stake the. Who is twisted.
Tighten. And so all 4th screw.
Here it is the plate. Already in place.
Zashilis. We put drainage. Done. The "flight" of 1, 5 hours. And that even with 10 minutes spent on the control picture on the table.
The patient is still asleep. Anesthesiologist another 20 minutes with him to do. Then extubated and will transfer to the recovery room.
Pay attention to the shirt - wet through. In the operating room, despite the thick of summer, quite tolerable. A wet why? Jobs such ...
The truth is not operating hot. Powered air-conditioning.
Health and good luck to all!