Let's keep quiet?
Evolution mobilostroeniya 1991-2011gg.
Few of mere mortals in the USSR knew about the existence of the so-called "Cellular" phones. Of course, radio in cars "responsible" workers and "siloviki" have seen almost everything, at least in the movies. But that would just take the phone out of his pocket (at the worst of the portfolio) and called "wherever you want" - it was fantastic! Not every home has been a regular landline phone, and in the village had to flee (to go) a few kilometers, and sometimes tens of kilometers to say "hello", and that when the telephone booth or office opened timber industry. Thirst of communication - a natural human need, no matter in what part of the world any of us lives, eats sausage on 2.20rub. chokes or hamburger for 2.95 $.
Of course, the "cursed burzhuiny" got hold of the cherished first rattle. Of course, these were not ordinary products, and five minutes' military space technology "," high-tech "- in our opinion. The price and the subscription fee for such advanced "dialer" was, to put it mildly, a charming, which automatically transfers to the status of "the navel of the earth" each of their respective owners. When even the entire South Manhatten ran as a goof with pager, there still were bellied uncle and aunt, who, before sitting down to his shiny new Mercedes W-140 600i, defiantly shouted in brick with an antenna and a folding stand chin to the entire Maine Street. Passers-by turned around, someone was "advanced" - jealous, and "Selyuk" spinning finger to his temple. But the second was a distinct minority. [next]
As the years passed, "bricks" and "disturbing suitcases" gradually turned into "bricks", "bananas" and "cot". And yet five years later they were placed in a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the pockets of «Zippo». Phones were covered with "World Wide Web" screens "bloom" squeaky warble replaced polyphonic "ringtones." And then some evil idiot decided to insert them into the devil incarnate - photosensor digital! The other, anticipating malice first, some phones sentenced to severe punishment - Windows Mobile and narёk their "communicators". But he was not alone. There were renegades, develops even less humane ways to break down the brain cell phone and demoralize its user. Thus was born the various platforms: Symbian, a "nozzle» UIQ, Juix, Android, Bada, iOS and so on. Now it has become fashionable to have a phone with a touch screen, and those who in the old use the keyboard set, their contempt became known as "knopkodavov ". Without built-in satellite navigation system "Susanin" or "Moses", many stopped to leave the house.
Now the big wedding does not necessarily sit beside the bride and groom. You can communicate across the room on Skype, and to toast "bitter" - simply attach to the lips and the touch screen to respond passionately vibrates. My mother sings a lullaby little daughter, dad checks the son learned, my grandfather in the market with iPhon-th in the hand chooses veal, and the grandmother of the house behind it carefully monitors on your iPad-e. The toilet on the roll of toilet paper hanging docking station for recharging, in a barn in the country among the rakes and shovels fun pomigivaet Wi-Fi-router ...
And now back to "our sheep." How it all began and where all this will lead us in the end? I mean the next 20 years. We are now so "not alone" that already do not pay attention to the surveillance camera, remove our faces at the ATM and back to the subway, which is annoying only when we do not call a few hours, and the idiot (stupid stuffed) does not take the tube or even (shame, shame!) "out of reach".
Where was the "point of no return", when we smugly snatched from sweat pants or borsetki (not to be confused with Bar-net - Internet cafe) the most cherished chёrnenkuyu box in full view of the restaurant and loudly shouted: - "The device "and the current dominance of a variety of wireless" monitoring systems »?
Strange fact be to someone unfamiliar person home, somewhere on the outskirts of the city in the evening without "phoned". But 20 years ago this was quite acceptable. Well, it was not on the outskirts of the phone, and give the telegram "Wait for the PTA will be 45 minutes PTA Kohl Bulkin STOP" - absurd!
How do we now have? I do not mean across-the "chipovanie" when someone will know where you are, what you eat and how accordingly cocoa and then sick. I'm about the most important - HUMAN generality. We began to chat more, but where is the line that we do not want it and demand we do not bother with the, what none of the others do not get the feeling that we "lay at the bottom" and ignore everyone around. When we had the paranoia that if the child is not called the "right time" we need to contact the nearest police department? And there look for the "cop friend" who would be able to "break through on the basis of their" calls to your teenage daughter from some "hazy Khmyrov».
Results to sum. The evolution of mobile communication - is the evolution of our social consciousness. Only still remains a dilemma: that consciousness has made such phones or phone numbers "made" us?
And finally. In order to reflect on the "global change of consciousness." The evolution of mobile phones 1991-2011. Somewhere 5 years ago when phones were "many and different", their evolution, in spite of all the "revolution" at an impasse ...
2011 © Michurin.
Few of mere mortals in the USSR knew about the existence of the so-called "Cellular" phones. Of course, radio in cars "responsible" workers and "siloviki" have seen almost everything, at least in the movies. But that would just take the phone out of his pocket (at the worst of the portfolio) and called "wherever you want" - it was fantastic! Not every home has been a regular landline phone, and in the village had to flee (to go) a few kilometers, and sometimes tens of kilometers to say "hello", and that when the telephone booth or office opened timber industry. Thirst of communication - a natural human need, no matter in what part of the world any of us lives, eats sausage on 2.20rub. chokes or hamburger for 2.95 $.
Of course, the "cursed burzhuiny" got hold of the cherished first rattle. Of course, these were not ordinary products, and five minutes' military space technology "," high-tech "- in our opinion. The price and the subscription fee for such advanced "dialer" was, to put it mildly, a charming, which automatically transfers to the status of "the navel of the earth" each of their respective owners. When even the entire South Manhatten ran as a goof with pager, there still were bellied uncle and aunt, who, before sitting down to his shiny new Mercedes W-140 600i, defiantly shouted in brick with an antenna and a folding stand chin to the entire Maine Street. Passers-by turned around, someone was "advanced" - jealous, and "Selyuk" spinning finger to his temple. But the second was a distinct minority. [next]
As the years passed, "bricks" and "disturbing suitcases" gradually turned into "bricks", "bananas" and "cot". And yet five years later they were placed in a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the pockets of «Zippo». Phones were covered with "World Wide Web" screens "bloom" squeaky warble replaced polyphonic "ringtones." And then some evil idiot decided to insert them into the devil incarnate - photosensor digital! The other, anticipating malice first, some phones sentenced to severe punishment - Windows Mobile and narёk their "communicators". But he was not alone. There were renegades, develops even less humane ways to break down the brain cell phone and demoralize its user. Thus was born the various platforms: Symbian, a "nozzle» UIQ, Juix, Android, Bada, iOS and so on. Now it has become fashionable to have a phone with a touch screen, and those who in the old use the keyboard set, their contempt became known as "knopkodavov ". Without built-in satellite navigation system "Susanin" or "Moses", many stopped to leave the house.
Now the big wedding does not necessarily sit beside the bride and groom. You can communicate across the room on Skype, and to toast "bitter" - simply attach to the lips and the touch screen to respond passionately vibrates. My mother sings a lullaby little daughter, dad checks the son learned, my grandfather in the market with iPhon-th in the hand chooses veal, and the grandmother of the house behind it carefully monitors on your iPad-e. The toilet on the roll of toilet paper hanging docking station for recharging, in a barn in the country among the rakes and shovels fun pomigivaet Wi-Fi-router ...
And now back to "our sheep." How it all began and where all this will lead us in the end? I mean the next 20 years. We are now so "not alone" that already do not pay attention to the surveillance camera, remove our faces at the ATM and back to the subway, which is annoying only when we do not call a few hours, and the idiot (stupid stuffed) does not take the tube or even (shame, shame!) "out of reach".
Where was the "point of no return", when we smugly snatched from sweat pants or borsetki (not to be confused with Bar-net - Internet cafe) the most cherished chёrnenkuyu box in full view of the restaurant and loudly shouted: - "The device "and the current dominance of a variety of wireless" monitoring systems »?
Strange fact be to someone unfamiliar person home, somewhere on the outskirts of the city in the evening without "phoned". But 20 years ago this was quite acceptable. Well, it was not on the outskirts of the phone, and give the telegram "Wait for the PTA will be 45 minutes PTA Kohl Bulkin STOP" - absurd!
How do we now have? I do not mean across-the "chipovanie" when someone will know where you are, what you eat and how accordingly cocoa and then sick. I'm about the most important - HUMAN generality. We began to chat more, but where is the line that we do not want it and demand we do not bother with the, what none of the others do not get the feeling that we "lay at the bottom" and ignore everyone around. When we had the paranoia that if the child is not called the "right time" we need to contact the nearest police department? And there look for the "cop friend" who would be able to "break through on the basis of their" calls to your teenage daughter from some "hazy Khmyrov».
Results to sum. The evolution of mobile communication - is the evolution of our social consciousness. Only still remains a dilemma: that consciousness has made such phones or phone numbers "made" us?
And finally. In order to reflect on the "global change of consciousness." The evolution of mobile phones 1991-2011. Somewhere 5 years ago when phones were "many and different", their evolution, in spite of all the "revolution" at an impasse ...
2011 © Michurin.
