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The car is brand new. There was, in 1995. Since then, the sole owner, 80-year-old nun used it exclusively for trips to the covered area of the monastery. During the bidding at Sotheby's for the right to have this vehicle scuffled two Arab sheikh and Lady Gaga. Forced engine displacement of 1.4 liters produces 450 Bobrinev forces and consumes 2 liters of fuel per 100 intergalactic light years way. New tires with self-healing nanoprotektorom Xia (the more you travel, the deeper the tread). In the operation of the car itself produces oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and cognac. Thanks to the introduction of biotechnology in kristallichesuyu metal lattice method Wasserman - Purinsh car has the ability to regenerate the worn out parts and components including brake linings and floor mats. Ashtray with self-cleaning, and archiving nedozhevannoy dokurivanii gum. Built-in search function of the parking spaces in negotiating with the traffic police. Armchairs with bidet and hydro pneumatic plunger. Interior leather Norilsk oligarchs.
Included with the new owner of the car gets the title of master of light forces, the right to the first night on the future generations to conquer the planets of the solar system and air freshener. In turn, for the acquisition of written email stating occupied in the ranking of Forbes location and the volume of gold assets in July 2011.
Included with the new owner of the car gets the title of master of light forces, the right to the first night on the future generations to conquer the planets of the solar system and air freshener. In turn, for the acquisition of written email stating occupied in the ranking of Forbes location and the volume of gold assets in July 2011.