Visiting the "Mills" Russian animation
Writes fotoblogger Sergey aka aliveserg: Recently we celebrated the anniversary of Garry Bardin and Yuri Norstein - the two pillars of modern animation. A few days before I visited on a visit at the St. Petersburg studio "Mill" and get acquainted with the process of creating a modern animation in Russia. Actually, this is my will, and today's story - more like a "mill", where in recent years punctually come folkloric picture of the Russian Knights.
34 photos
01. The position of Russian animation on the commitment ... no, not that - to the selfless enthusiasm! The building, which makes St. Petersburg cartoons, well, did not suspect at least some involvement in the arts, as well as culture in general. But the flavor of the studio - that I realized after - begins with these "touches to the portrait."
02. Svetlana Vorfolomeeva, chief artist of character animation, made tours of the bins, and a studio for me Nasty
03. I have to say: in the report will not open the secrets of success and achievements of the creative team from the "Mills", it is more familiar and dive into the atmosphere, which today are full-length animated films of the studio.
04. Humor here everywhere - from simple attachment to cats, to self-irony and caustic mockery of everything
05. The staff of mostly young
06. Friendly ernichestvo, taunts and other labor pranks here at every step. In short, all the skeletons removed from the dusty cabinets
10. In addition to the franchise of the heroes, their horses and princes entertainers are preparing other projects, such as the animation for the Sochi Olympics
11. That in such circumstances, the spirit and style of Tim Burton (Tim Burton) and proceed to create a creative business pre-Olympic themes
12. At the chandelier-bell sitting here terrified mouse (it actually camouflages a camera input)
13. Animations with the Olympic torch, and anti-heroes are complemented by regular exercise to improve vision (Get to know!)
15. Here and in the 13th Yankee images of characters (Baba Yaga's granddaughter) and Kostya (grandson Koshchey Immortal)
17. Each department has its own atmosphere, down to the serious and tense faces, but the overall tone of sentiment still read
19. There has not forgotten the legendary light tables and hole cutters for cripples. There is a place for serious and appeals to the people
20. Against the background of razdolbaystva so organically See photos from drinking tea Fellini, sidelong glance at what is happening
25. Remember the cartoon "Dwarf-nose"? - He, too, did this "mill»
26. Svetlana listening tastes page script of the new project - the roughness of it is confused
28. Picture: "Around the man gathered beavers, A man not afraid - beavers kind»
29. The tone-studio recording dubbing the characters here. How's that pultik?
30. Yellow shestirukavnaya shirt in a frame - the mascot of Constantine Bronzit no less glorious creator of animated fields
31. This Toropchin Vladimir, director of the new full-length cartoon about Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf
32. In the studio there is a nursery for entering the profession of animation. Read more about the courses and the job is better to look at their web site
34. I would like to politely finish a story on a serious note of the achievements of the studio, but with the merits of the iconostasis itself gives a playful leytmotivchik
34 photos

01. The position of Russian animation on the commitment ... no, not that - to the selfless enthusiasm! The building, which makes St. Petersburg cartoons, well, did not suspect at least some involvement in the arts, as well as culture in general. But the flavor of the studio - that I realized after - begins with these "touches to the portrait."

02. Svetlana Vorfolomeeva, chief artist of character animation, made tours of the bins, and a studio for me Nasty

03. I have to say: in the report will not open the secrets of success and achievements of the creative team from the "Mills", it is more familiar and dive into the atmosphere, which today are full-length animated films of the studio.

04. Humor here everywhere - from simple attachment to cats, to self-irony and caustic mockery of everything

05. The staff of mostly young

06. Friendly ernichestvo, taunts and other labor pranks here at every step. In short, all the skeletons removed from the dusty cabinets




10. In addition to the franchise of the heroes, their horses and princes entertainers are preparing other projects, such as the animation for the Sochi Olympics

11. That in such circumstances, the spirit and style of Tim Burton (Tim Burton) and proceed to create a creative business pre-Olympic themes

12. At the chandelier-bell sitting here terrified mouse (it actually camouflages a camera input)

13. Animations with the Olympic torch, and anti-heroes are complemented by regular exercise to improve vision (Get to know!)


15. Here and in the 13th Yankee images of characters (Baba Yaga's granddaughter) and Kostya (grandson Koshchey Immortal)


17. Each department has its own atmosphere, down to the serious and tense faces, but the overall tone of sentiment still read


19. There has not forgotten the legendary light tables and hole cutters for cripples. There is a place for serious and appeals to the people

20. Against the background of razdolbaystva so organically See photos from drinking tea Fellini, sidelong glance at what is happening





25. Remember the cartoon "Dwarf-nose"? - He, too, did this "mill»

26. Svetlana listening tastes page script of the new project - the roughness of it is confused


28. Picture: "Around the man gathered beavers, A man not afraid - beavers kind»

29. The tone-studio recording dubbing the characters here. How's that pultik?

30. Yellow shestirukavnaya shirt in a frame - the mascot of Constantine Bronzit no less glorious creator of animated fields

31. This Toropchin Vladimir, director of the new full-length cartoon about Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

32. In the studio there is a nursery for entering the profession of animation. Read more about the courses and the job is better to look at their web site


34. I would like to politely finish a story on a serious note of the achievements of the studio, but with the merits of the iconostasis itself gives a playful leytmotivchik
