Windmills of the Mykonos island

On one of the grandest hills in Mykonos in a row proudly lined up seven white giants. These giants, subject only to a few people and soaring above the island of the winds, for several centuries has served to benefit local residents. Is seven the most famous in Greece windmills that have become the hallmark of Mykonos, and gave him a second name – "the Island of windmills" is the Correct interaction with nature has always paid off handsomely. The world lavishes on those who live with him in harmony and unity. About it as no one better knew our ancestors who had to rely more than on the Almighty power of nature. The process of such "cooperation" can be seen in the work of the mill, when tamed element helps a person in the hard work.

In Greece, the windmills appeared at the turn of XII-XIII centuries and, despite the complexity and high cost of their construction is comparable to the creation of a large ship, gradually became widespread. Only on the Islands of the Cyclades, once was more than 600 active windmills. Many of them were built by the Venetians in the XVI century, but continued to be erected until the beginning of XX century. In fact, mýkonos city now has about 16 mills, seven of which rise above the main village of the island called Chora. They are the most famous exhibits vividly illustrate medieval life of local places, and in one of the mills even include a themed Museum.
These large white mill with its impressive dimensions and the cylindrical shape of the tower. From the top, like the huge hats they are covered with thatched cone-shaped roofs and facades marked with huge wheels with triangular wings, drop down towards the North wind. In the harvest season the giants could work round the clock and continuously, producing per hour up to 70 kg of flour. The pace they had time to process the crop from all around, leaving in their bins tithes for the work.
At the sight of these fabulous mills, it seems that here-here will gather a lot of loaded chock-full of carts, strong bearded Miller will determine in the work of the delivered cargo, and began to regale their guests with all sorts of Goodies and entertaining stories under the steady creaking of the mill wheel.
Though windmills of Mykonos and has become mostly a tourist value, but remained symbolic for the islanders. It can be noticed, if you look at the various parts – of the image of the wind turbines here are not only for export but also intensively used by local residents in decorating even the most basic household items, which emphasizes the important role of this workaholic giant of the history and life of the island and the Greeks themselves.
Source: tiptotrip.ru/