Men do not like to ask for forgiveness
Of course, almost any woman in your life there are situations when a beloved man has done something wrong or made a serious mistake, and with all this, for some reason, does not ask for forgiveness, He never admitted his guilt. And yet, why men rarely ask for forgiveness? Thus, the reluctance and inability to apologize almost always peculiar to men who have a strong-willed, strong, active character. They confidently and boldly go forward and very rarely pay attention to their own mistakes. As they say - they went up, and went on. But the softer nature of their own men are very sensitive and profound, more often and more easily recognize their guilt. But still it happens that they are also closed. Yet, why is this happening?
Man is inherently more patient, than a woman, and even after a three-week "silent treatment" never plead guilty, thus being not even sure of that. But to prove him wrong hard enough. So the nature decreed that a huge number of men consider themselves absolutely right in everything. During the argument, he is silent and patiently listens to the cries of his mental beloved woman, and only then calls her a full initiated a quarrel. At the same time considering that the scandal occurred solely because of personal mental breakdown of his beloved, and then graciously and patiently accepts her apology, but not guilty schitaet.
At the beginning of a personal relationship man pretty quickly recognize their own mistakes, but if in your mutual relations reigns complete misunderstanding, reproaches, or constant quarrels - they hardly go to the contact, and the closed in itself and something to pull out of them talk frank conversation is also quite difficult. All this is due not only to the fact that a bad man, just do not understand you and how would specifically hurt you. Although it is often enough to these findings in these women come situatsiyah.
Almost always a man does anything not specifically in this case, without even realizing that it can greatly hurt women, cause a great wave of discontent and resentment. And it is necessary to learn to talk to each other, thus explaining to your loved one that you perceive and how and why this situation is causing you pain and resentment. Do not be afraid to talk about their feelings calmly and gently. Only then will your beloved that you carefully listen and understand the correct course of your thoughts and feelings, and if necessary, ask for forgiveness.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=775