Home riveting in the shield of the Motherland
LJ user zizis writes: Few of the civilian falls glimpse into the inner sanctum of the defense of our country - the central point of management SRF. Without the effects of share seen at all units. So when the military-press was called in the suburban Vlasikha, I realized that I miss this trip can not be.
In addition, it is here that I am very interesting and extremely exciting spent two years of life.
(50 photos)
1. As is known, the army is not just a kind word and a very quick affair. In the ten years that have passed since my transfer to the reserve town has changed. It is no longer a military town, and a closed territorial unit with all the consequences in the form of its own budget, the emergence of new jobs for the civilian population, etc.
2. This trophy BMW R71 welcomes all visitors to the Museum of Strategic Missile Forces. According to the bowl with the oil - on the go.
That is because. Two years served seven hundred meters from the museum and never was.
3. I do not remember all the logical calculations, but somehow cleverly turns out that Chapayev Division was almost the basis of missile forces.
4. Yes, the changes in the city. The population has almost doubled, to build two new district infrastructure. In the opinion of the military got there apartments, accommodation of good quality - and infuses live without mandatory for newcomers leveling walls, linoleum and replacing the rudder cables.
5. See what an amazing career in the Army can be done in the presence of the head.
6. It has long looked to the neighbor in a barn? Maybe there Poplar parked?
7. This key Korolev launched the first rocket to the firing range in Kapustin Yar. About this stage of space exploration in the post I talked about the museum in Znamensk.
8. Do not even heard that there is a dosimetric line. I wonder how her count?
9. Set "limonok" in a gift box. You ordinary or discontinuous?
10. The huge old globe. It would be a place necessarily the zaimel.
When, then even my Petrozavodsk there !!!
11. The scope of anti-tank guns. I do not know what a gun does the Museum of missile forces, but perhaps it should be.
12. Starley just me someone vaguely resembles?
Similarly, it is!
13. Personal belongings of a Zanchevskiy C. I do not know who it is, but I can tell you about things. Austrian lighter IMCO (the top) - the most massively produced in the world. Virtually no change produced about a hundred years, and during World War II and was trofeeem for their ruggedness and reliability was called "widow." Exactly the same tube as the head of Mephistopheles about eight years ago I bought a St. Petersburg antique shop.
14. The museum has a huge number of old vehicles. What time is it now?
15. All this had once stood in service. As they say, everything correctly and if ...
16. In general, the Sign museum impressed me more. However, even between more than a thousand kilometers, in this, that in the fall is equally problematic and the choice of the tourists not worth it.
17. That there is no doubt that the only museum outside Moscow, it's panorama with "dozens" - a model town missile. You can even see the rocket launch.
18. In parting Museum armed everyone.
19. But the museum a museum, and we have not come to that. Yet a real underground town with a central command post is much more interesting than any museum.
20. They say protyazhennist total of several tens of kilometers of corridors on several levels. I believe you.
21. The main purpose of the object - to survive for as long as is necessary to strike back and defeats the purpose of confirmation. This is not a refuge, but a place of combat duty.
22. We were shown a part of the life support system of the brain of the army. Here, on the remote duty officer, accumulating information about the ventilation, water, heat and electricity.
23. Using total employment Lenya mmet pretended to be a junior researcher and photographs tooth secret documents.
24. And their office in a huge set. Starting with a completely understandable supply schemes and ending incomprehensible documents.
25. The main danger in a closed room at a great depth is the possibility of fire. Constantly on duty fire brigade. Pozharka in which I served, serving the top, ie, The town and surrounding villages. Here we only went down once during joint exercises and that after the signing of additional securities of non-disclosure. Ten years have passed and I can totally free to show pictures.
26. "Reserve OP". It is part of the backup power supply. Actually, it was, and showed it to us.
27. The huge generators, which can feed the underground town.
28. A couple of scales "Tyumen" on a war footing. I do not be surprised if collected on the same plant.
29. We showed focus, as the touch of a button to light a few bulbs on the panel. It is something like bespereboynik in case failure of the main power line.
30. Buttons. All repeatedly duplicated. To avoid ...
31. That I do not know that at the helm. But are directly related to electricity.
32. Minikomandny point. Behind the wall of diesel. Conscripts go underground only during attire, officers intrudes on three- and four-shift rests immediately below the ground.
33. Since the construction of the item needs largely unchanged. Electricity consumption is possible even decreased, the amount of duty did not change, so replace equipment more modern in no hurry. In addition, replacement of something means a temporary withdrawal from the duty of the equipment, and it's a big risk.
34. Diesel. Huge machines Ukrainian plant are still working on many ships. And here, too.
35. Soon it will be half a century, but they are as new and ready to launch. Oil is constantly heated and the start time is minimal.
36. The mechanic on duty. Peeled paint on the pipe perfectly shows the favorite position of duty during a conversation with the boss
37. I love the smell of diesel. Hot oil and fuel create unique flavors.
38. Something like the captain's cabin.
39. Every diesel engine has a dashboard with pokazomerami.
40. I know that will be a replica of "well, junk," "Now that's it holds", etc. I was there and the state of the command post negative feelings I have not caused. All quite reliably and repeatedly checked. With a sign of quality.
41. We showed a relaxation area with sleeping areas, bath, dining room and a gym.
42. Not shown and the work of staff and to liaise with the whole country have numerous employees. Do not we look the work data center.
43. By and large work NBI we have not seen.
44. Even from the entire life-support system saw only a piece of electrical substation and ventilation. By the way, the same door in the "little room" I have met on the air defense command post near Bryansk.
45. That's what behind that door? Tunnel equipment for the shuttle or subway?
46. Time to get out from the lower tiers. Even for NBI employees in my story is something new: hardly on duty at the upper tiers descending into diesel and hardly technician walked around the upper tiers.
47. We still have shown the main hall of the command post. Look for that open door is the brain and the nerves of the Strategic Missile Forces. The officer in charge mode nairealneyshego time information about what is happening in the world in general and our country in particular. Photographing, for obvious reasons, there can not be. Unique in the mere fact that there is the presence of outsiders.
48. In general, nothing special, a small copy of MCC if anyone saw on TV. The top photo is a schematic drawing to convey the situation.
49. And right in front of the main hall is no less interesting room. But I did not go there.
"What a cunning man. I offer bribes. But it is not given. "
50. Of course, I could not go to his native pozharku. Live it in a military option to stay for six months, then this room will depart civil. Maybe it's for the best.
At the end of the trip for myself, I made a disappointing conclusion. Sami military says that officially made public six attempts of a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. They did not happen only because of the willingness on our part to respond. After the exchange of live missiles on the ball runs low. In recognition of the officers they have to install and the instructions on the "pre-war" and "during the fighting." Such concepts as "post-war" is no longer active.
So you can be patient and sixth Chamber incite war, you can be patient wards and 151 to prepare for nuclear power supply, you can do not think about it. The fact that life on Earth now depends on a few dozen people.
In addition, it is here that I am very interesting and extremely exciting spent two years of life.
(50 photos)

1. As is known, the army is not just a kind word and a very quick affair. In the ten years that have passed since my transfer to the reserve town has changed. It is no longer a military town, and a closed territorial unit with all the consequences in the form of its own budget, the emergence of new jobs for the civilian population, etc.

2. This trophy BMW R71 welcomes all visitors to the Museum of Strategic Missile Forces. According to the bowl with the oil - on the go.
That is because. Two years served seven hundred meters from the museum and never was.

3. I do not remember all the logical calculations, but somehow cleverly turns out that Chapayev Division was almost the basis of missile forces.

4. Yes, the changes in the city. The population has almost doubled, to build two new district infrastructure. In the opinion of the military got there apartments, accommodation of good quality - and infuses live without mandatory for newcomers leveling walls, linoleum and replacing the rudder cables.

5. See what an amazing career in the Army can be done in the presence of the head.

6. It has long looked to the neighbor in a barn? Maybe there Poplar parked?

7. This key Korolev launched the first rocket to the firing range in Kapustin Yar. About this stage of space exploration in the post I talked about the museum in Znamensk.

8. Do not even heard that there is a dosimetric line. I wonder how her count?

9. Set "limonok" in a gift box. You ordinary or discontinuous?

10. The huge old globe. It would be a place necessarily the zaimel.
When, then even my Petrozavodsk there !!!

11. The scope of anti-tank guns. I do not know what a gun does the Museum of missile forces, but perhaps it should be.

12. Starley just me someone vaguely resembles?
Similarly, it is!

13. Personal belongings of a Zanchevskiy C. I do not know who it is, but I can tell you about things. Austrian lighter IMCO (the top) - the most massively produced in the world. Virtually no change produced about a hundred years, and during World War II and was trofeeem for their ruggedness and reliability was called "widow." Exactly the same tube as the head of Mephistopheles about eight years ago I bought a St. Petersburg antique shop.

14. The museum has a huge number of old vehicles. What time is it now?

15. All this had once stood in service. As they say, everything correctly and if ...

16. In general, the Sign museum impressed me more. However, even between more than a thousand kilometers, in this, that in the fall is equally problematic and the choice of the tourists not worth it.

17. That there is no doubt that the only museum outside Moscow, it's panorama with "dozens" - a model town missile. You can even see the rocket launch.

18. In parting Museum armed everyone.

19. But the museum a museum, and we have not come to that. Yet a real underground town with a central command post is much more interesting than any museum.

20. They say protyazhennist total of several tens of kilometers of corridors on several levels. I believe you.

21. The main purpose of the object - to survive for as long as is necessary to strike back and defeats the purpose of confirmation. This is not a refuge, but a place of combat duty.

22. We were shown a part of the life support system of the brain of the army. Here, on the remote duty officer, accumulating information about the ventilation, water, heat and electricity.

23. Using total employment Lenya mmet pretended to be a junior researcher and photographs tooth secret documents.

24. And their office in a huge set. Starting with a completely understandable supply schemes and ending incomprehensible documents.

25. The main danger in a closed room at a great depth is the possibility of fire. Constantly on duty fire brigade. Pozharka in which I served, serving the top, ie, The town and surrounding villages. Here we only went down once during joint exercises and that after the signing of additional securities of non-disclosure. Ten years have passed and I can totally free to show pictures.

26. "Reserve OP". It is part of the backup power supply. Actually, it was, and showed it to us.

27. The huge generators, which can feed the underground town.

28. A couple of scales "Tyumen" on a war footing. I do not be surprised if collected on the same plant.

29. We showed focus, as the touch of a button to light a few bulbs on the panel. It is something like bespereboynik in case failure of the main power line.

30. Buttons. All repeatedly duplicated. To avoid ...

31. That I do not know that at the helm. But are directly related to electricity.

32. Minikomandny point. Behind the wall of diesel. Conscripts go underground only during attire, officers intrudes on three- and four-shift rests immediately below the ground.

33. Since the construction of the item needs largely unchanged. Electricity consumption is possible even decreased, the amount of duty did not change, so replace equipment more modern in no hurry. In addition, replacement of something means a temporary withdrawal from the duty of the equipment, and it's a big risk.

34. Diesel. Huge machines Ukrainian plant are still working on many ships. And here, too.

35. Soon it will be half a century, but they are as new and ready to launch. Oil is constantly heated and the start time is minimal.

36. The mechanic on duty. Peeled paint on the pipe perfectly shows the favorite position of duty during a conversation with the boss

37. I love the smell of diesel. Hot oil and fuel create unique flavors.

38. Something like the captain's cabin.

39. Every diesel engine has a dashboard with pokazomerami.

40. I know that will be a replica of "well, junk," "Now that's it holds", etc. I was there and the state of the command post negative feelings I have not caused. All quite reliably and repeatedly checked. With a sign of quality.

41. We showed a relaxation area with sleeping areas, bath, dining room and a gym.

42. Not shown and the work of staff and to liaise with the whole country have numerous employees. Do not we look the work data center.

43. By and large work NBI we have not seen.

44. Even from the entire life-support system saw only a piece of electrical substation and ventilation. By the way, the same door in the "little room" I have met on the air defense command post near Bryansk.

45. That's what behind that door? Tunnel equipment for the shuttle or subway?

46. Time to get out from the lower tiers. Even for NBI employees in my story is something new: hardly on duty at the upper tiers descending into diesel and hardly technician walked around the upper tiers.

47. We still have shown the main hall of the command post. Look for that open door is the brain and the nerves of the Strategic Missile Forces. The officer in charge mode nairealneyshego time information about what is happening in the world in general and our country in particular. Photographing, for obvious reasons, there can not be. Unique in the mere fact that there is the presence of outsiders.

48. In general, nothing special, a small copy of MCC if anyone saw on TV. The top photo is a schematic drawing to convey the situation.

49. And right in front of the main hall is no less interesting room. But I did not go there.
"What a cunning man. I offer bribes. But it is not given. "

50. Of course, I could not go to his native pozharku. Live it in a military option to stay for six months, then this room will depart civil. Maybe it's for the best.
At the end of the trip for myself, I made a disappointing conclusion. Sami military says that officially made public six attempts of a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. They did not happen only because of the willingness on our part to respond. After the exchange of live missiles on the ball runs low. In recognition of the officers they have to install and the instructions on the "pre-war" and "during the fighting." Such concepts as "post-war" is no longer active.
So you can be patient and sixth Chamber incite war, you can be patient wards and 151 to prepare for nuclear power supply, you can do not think about it. The fact that life on Earth now depends on a few dozen people.
