Job fitness trainer inside
Personal trainer working in the famous Moscow fitness clubs, anonymous spoke of how profitable to sell, what to collude with doctors and one such Romanian. )))
Letters 11 pictures via tinepoverish
By analogy with the theme of Life magazine eyes Seller
In good, the coach should be higher education: physical training, pedagogical or medical. There are courses of the Association of fitness professionals FPA, they release from the state certificate. Normal clubs put a condition, for example, that the person was at least a candidate for master of sports, and in the ordinary - and former security guards work. I personally master skating. But his professional career had to give up: there is no money, loads of great heart and village. Arrived in Moscow in the late 90s, I went to relearn. Donating had everything from anatomy to selling personal training. Yes, we are taught how to "raise people's money." Although in fact, education never ends: a huge competition, you need to constantly develop new techniques and methods.
It is the mass of the entire fitness. Cardio, stretching, pilates, step, body-Pampa. Now here is a new trend - antigraviti yoga, you there somehow artfully hung from the ceiling. I have not tried yet, but according to reviews, the mass of people rushing. In fact, the main thing - exercise, still have. In general, the West engaged in fitness as habitual as brushing teeth regularly. And here it is still a hobby. Fitness is designed for the middle class in Russia, he is just being formed, and a bar in the same state.
Domestic types
Fitness trainers are divided into trenazherschikov and gang bang. The first work in shifts in the hall, on the rate and provides individual training. This is the basic salary. Hours of training costs from 1500 rubles, of which gets you no more than half. Some clubs conduct personal training in a shift prohibited. But we have to get out: if the client has come, you can ask a colleague to replace you or to run back and forth. Gang bang is divided into dancers, yogis, and so on. They have more of an emotional discharge rate: Coach smiling, beautiful, the music is right. Departure for home is still rare enough: very few people have a complete home gym.
It was previously thought that the hall should work pitching. Now there work normal guys, and bodybuilders to compete in the corner iron. Still, 99% of customers do not want to be pumped bulls. But in general arrogance towards the fans no other techniques. No such trenazherschiki to look at the dancers in the style: "Oh, you fag cutesy." And the other coaches broken glass in the shoes do not insert as in ballet. Still, the salary depends on whether the unit has fulfilled the plan, so to quarrel with colleagues do not, you will work together to ensure that does not go into minus. The client selects the coach for whatever he alone understood the principles, but often choose just on who want to be like. There are, you know, and brutal bodibildershi and soft guys - here each his own.
Ask all the same: to throw 5 kg for the beach season, pump up the press, pull up the ass out to be like that girl on the cover. In older people struggle begins with the age - migraines, shortness of breath. Some just important to be heard, for someone to have a personal trainer - status. There are, of course, curiosities: one girl, for example, asked her breast pump. Had upset. And to be honest, my goal - to make the customer not handsome in the past month, and hold it as long as possible. This is aerobatics. We have to inquire about the interests of the person. Find out where to work, go to the company's website, Google detail. You look, how to dress, what car rides. And so gradually established contacts. The main problem - to get them to go to the gym regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. And even insulting: they invest in the soul, and they podhalturivayut. But for a good figure lies hard work, sweat liters, liters! Technically - the hardest are the bottom two dice on the press. But, in fact, not in them happiness.
A good coach should look fit, well-groomed and neat, well below Reebok dumb clothes to wear. But customers can go as you please. Dude in a crumpled shirt and tattered sneakers can easily be supersostoyatelnym. This is the gym, he did not show off to come and work. But there are all sorts of strange men who strive to expose you in any case. This is not exactly need a coach, it was used a mirror. Against the half-naked girls, I do not mind, some of us are like the decor: only come to show themselves. But we better: male clients coming back, and we ... I guess so myself gynecologist feels a woman's body - just a job.
Individual services
I once went to an acquaintance's daughter to Rublyovka official. Three hours was spent on the road, but 1500 rubles per hour classes in the pocket. There is a separate house with a swimming pool and gym, and in good weather in the courtyard doing. All was well, Intimacy does not offer. Though from my colleagues, I had heard such stories. Someone like achievements boasts someone from clients are children, and vice versa. But in general, we have a rule: any insubordination leads to loss of the customer. Are you the thought that you are now on the short leg, if the client starts poking eyes and shoot - nothing good is not finished. Well, in general, I was told that after, sorry, intercourse with a person somehow awkward to take money.
Often it is necessary to engage in psychoanalysis. People do not have enough communication, they want to talk, to consult. Especially for women forty years. Young girls and gay men flirt, but from the constant communication, too tired. Sometimes want to shut down in the corner and sit quietly. However, coaching is always a small room, there is not put soft sofas - peredohnesh not alone. Yet I never eat onions and garlic. Because two weekends in a row does not happen, such as pungent smells long weathered. About alcohol and can not speak - is possible at all. Professional Slang applies only to exercise and only among themselves. For example, I'll tell you: "Make two approaches" Romanian "." Understand? It's just a bent barbell on straight legs. Client called "bald" or "fat" is also impossible.
You can catch the new people at the entrance. Beautiful smile, play and be courteous muscles. But it is not necessary to fawn over. Clients often talk to each other - for the shells in the locker room - and you need to make sure that the word of mouth about you only the best to lead spacing. Another good way - directly from the threshold to send a potential client to the doctor. As he gets a percentage from the examination, it will make you and return the favor when the client had an interest, whatever the coach advised him, the doctor will give the best advice for you.
Salaries and gratuities
We do not give a tip: exercise and so are many. But for the holidays to buy champagne still do not have. More detail is presented, the handle "Parker" for example. Machines offered. Even wealthy clients great gifts do not. On the contrary, there is a tendency that if a person bought a ticket for 10 sessions a month, and it's not time to waste, then at the end of every day we are doing, so they do not burn. If you are a good coach, with references and qualifications, salary fork - 70-130 thousand. You can do more, and if fit to Rublyovka or in show business. Sometimes, that trainers in the dancers walked or personal assistants. We like everywhere else: the main thing - povygodnee sell.
Source: http: //
Letters 11 pictures via tinepoverish
By analogy with the theme of Life magazine eyes Seller

In good, the coach should be higher education: physical training, pedagogical or medical. There are courses of the Association of fitness professionals FPA, they release from the state certificate. Normal clubs put a condition, for example, that the person was at least a candidate for master of sports, and in the ordinary - and former security guards work. I personally master skating. But his professional career had to give up: there is no money, loads of great heart and village. Arrived in Moscow in the late 90s, I went to relearn. Donating had everything from anatomy to selling personal training. Yes, we are taught how to "raise people's money." Although in fact, education never ends: a huge competition, you need to constantly develop new techniques and methods.

It is the mass of the entire fitness. Cardio, stretching, pilates, step, body-Pampa. Now here is a new trend - antigraviti yoga, you there somehow artfully hung from the ceiling. I have not tried yet, but according to reviews, the mass of people rushing. In fact, the main thing - exercise, still have. In general, the West engaged in fitness as habitual as brushing teeth regularly. And here it is still a hobby. Fitness is designed for the middle class in Russia, he is just being formed, and a bar in the same state.

Domestic types
Fitness trainers are divided into trenazherschikov and gang bang. The first work in shifts in the hall, on the rate and provides individual training. This is the basic salary. Hours of training costs from 1500 rubles, of which gets you no more than half. Some clubs conduct personal training in a shift prohibited. But we have to get out: if the client has come, you can ask a colleague to replace you or to run back and forth. Gang bang is divided into dancers, yogis, and so on. They have more of an emotional discharge rate: Coach smiling, beautiful, the music is right. Departure for home is still rare enough: very few people have a complete home gym.

It was previously thought that the hall should work pitching. Now there work normal guys, and bodybuilders to compete in the corner iron. Still, 99% of customers do not want to be pumped bulls. But in general arrogance towards the fans no other techniques. No such trenazherschiki to look at the dancers in the style: "Oh, you fag cutesy." And the other coaches broken glass in the shoes do not insert as in ballet. Still, the salary depends on whether the unit has fulfilled the plan, so to quarrel with colleagues do not, you will work together to ensure that does not go into minus. The client selects the coach for whatever he alone understood the principles, but often choose just on who want to be like. There are, you know, and brutal bodibildershi and soft guys - here each his own.

Ask all the same: to throw 5 kg for the beach season, pump up the press, pull up the ass out to be like that girl on the cover. In older people struggle begins with the age - migraines, shortness of breath. Some just important to be heard, for someone to have a personal trainer - status. There are, of course, curiosities: one girl, for example, asked her breast pump. Had upset. And to be honest, my goal - to make the customer not handsome in the past month, and hold it as long as possible. This is aerobatics. We have to inquire about the interests of the person. Find out where to work, go to the company's website, Google detail. You look, how to dress, what car rides. And so gradually established contacts. The main problem - to get them to go to the gym regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. And even insulting: they invest in the soul, and they podhalturivayut. But for a good figure lies hard work, sweat liters, liters! Technically - the hardest are the bottom two dice on the press. But, in fact, not in them happiness.

A good coach should look fit, well-groomed and neat, well below Reebok dumb clothes to wear. But customers can go as you please. Dude in a crumpled shirt and tattered sneakers can easily be supersostoyatelnym. This is the gym, he did not show off to come and work. But there are all sorts of strange men who strive to expose you in any case. This is not exactly need a coach, it was used a mirror. Against the half-naked girls, I do not mind, some of us are like the decor: only come to show themselves. But we better: male clients coming back, and we ... I guess so myself gynecologist feels a woman's body - just a job.

Individual services
I once went to an acquaintance's daughter to Rublyovka official. Three hours was spent on the road, but 1500 rubles per hour classes in the pocket. There is a separate house with a swimming pool and gym, and in good weather in the courtyard doing. All was well, Intimacy does not offer. Though from my colleagues, I had heard such stories. Someone like achievements boasts someone from clients are children, and vice versa. But in general, we have a rule: any insubordination leads to loss of the customer. Are you the thought that you are now on the short leg, if the client starts poking eyes and shoot - nothing good is not finished. Well, in general, I was told that after, sorry, intercourse with a person somehow awkward to take money.

Often it is necessary to engage in psychoanalysis. People do not have enough communication, they want to talk, to consult. Especially for women forty years. Young girls and gay men flirt, but from the constant communication, too tired. Sometimes want to shut down in the corner and sit quietly. However, coaching is always a small room, there is not put soft sofas - peredohnesh not alone. Yet I never eat onions and garlic. Because two weekends in a row does not happen, such as pungent smells long weathered. About alcohol and can not speak - is possible at all. Professional Slang applies only to exercise and only among themselves. For example, I'll tell you: "Make two approaches" Romanian "." Understand? It's just a bent barbell on straight legs. Client called "bald" or "fat" is also impossible.

You can catch the new people at the entrance. Beautiful smile, play and be courteous muscles. But it is not necessary to fawn over. Clients often talk to each other - for the shells in the locker room - and you need to make sure that the word of mouth about you only the best to lead spacing. Another good way - directly from the threshold to send a potential client to the doctor. As he gets a percentage from the examination, it will make you and return the favor when the client had an interest, whatever the coach advised him, the doctor will give the best advice for you.

Salaries and gratuities
We do not give a tip: exercise and so are many. But for the holidays to buy champagne still do not have. More detail is presented, the handle "Parker" for example. Machines offered. Even wealthy clients great gifts do not. On the contrary, there is a tendency that if a person bought a ticket for 10 sessions a month, and it's not time to waste, then at the end of every day we are doing, so they do not burn. If you are a good coach, with references and qualifications, salary fork - 70-130 thousand. You can do more, and if fit to Rublyovka or in show business. Sometimes, that trainers in the dancers walked or personal assistants. We like everywhere else: the main thing - povygodnee sell.

Source: http: //