Steam charger for mobile phone
via Vokabre
The story of how the English steam engine in an apartment has become a small generator.
From the beginning of the steam expansion in the XIX century, the engines were built, not only large and real, but also small and decorative. When the steam engine was unusual patterns show surprised the audience when she became widespread - has turned into an excellent tutorial and just a wonderful toy for the younger generation of creators of the industrial revolution. So at the end of the Victorian era and the beginning of the era began to emerge edvardinskoy companies making toy steam engines massively. And in the XX century, namely in 1937 when a steam technique has lost its glory, in the UK there was a firm Mamod, the name means Malins Models. And since then, the firm supplies the steam engines of all suffering. So in the 60s, they have provided the engine of the unknown, from which this engine is transferred to the person who put this unit on ebey. Engine zayuzat and even tortured. After winning the auction, payment and high-speed operation of the Russian Post in my hands was the box of Royal Mail stamps. With an inscription «Steam engine».
Post of Russia.
Engine with polvekovoy story is called SE2, «Stationary engine 2". The box is obviously from another unit.
After cleaning the machine it appeared in this form, rather pitiful, but still alive.
This was followed by the first attempts to bring the car in order.
The engine has been completely disassembled, each part is cleaned, fixtures replaced, and the platform holder and insert a flywheel repainted. The boiler has been slightly polished, and inside had to get a few pellets of solder, which dropped last owner of soldering pipes.
The engine is designed very simple. The fire heats the boiler filled with water in it, the water turns to steam, and seeks to make the work, which makes pushing the piston rod connected via a flywheel. The piston itself is a cylinder fixed on the axis and leaning against a spring plate with three holes. Two holes, top and bottom, connected to a pipe leading into the duct through which the exhaust steam leaves, just the central pressurized steam from the boiler. The cylinder swings the intake is releasing steam to the piston. This mechanism is called oscillating cylinder engine and good described in Wikipedia.
In the original version of the heating boiler was carried out with an alcohol lamp wick, in the more advanced of the spirit lamp with the lattice, and at the instance was sent by the pan for solid fuel, "tablet".
After a few trial runs figure out the problem, one of which is quite critical, safety valve (pimpochka middle boiler) is not particularly want to operate, and laying a whistle (large contraption with a ring) and the crane and the actual valve hardened and not very well perform their izoliruschie function. Also, the solid fuel burns very quickly, so the Internet was found a shop, where he was commissioned by the new valve, Spirit, gum and stickers with the logo Mamod. (It is beautiful, and the last had to paint.) With valve turned out to be wrong, so we had to order again.
The picture shows the rolling cylinder.
At the same time Britain were parcel with the items in the above experiments were Russian converting rotation of the flywheel into electrical energy.
Electrical machines for the engine was the Chinese dynamo charger.
The first concept of the program has been extremely foolish in terms of the mechanics, but it is very easy to perform, was a belt gear were.
However, the engine power is not enough, then was adopted by a much more logical option, which is used in the current version. It worked perfectly.
The volume of alcohol lamp and the amount of the boiler perfectly reconciled, alcohol burns and water boils at about the same time, 15 minutes. Useful work is done the last ten minutes. The unit looks very nice. Not too smart phones charging fine.
As a result of the creation turned here is a short film:
The engine, as opposed to the last device, not so much useful in everyday life, except during a power failure.
The tweet was thought that the unit can be used in campaigns, but still heavy and the engine is not so portable.
The plans have ideas on how to improve the car: reduce vibration, and add punch gauge voltmeter.
The end.
The story of how the English steam engine in an apartment has become a small generator.

From the beginning of the steam expansion in the XIX century, the engines were built, not only large and real, but also small and decorative. When the steam engine was unusual patterns show surprised the audience when she became widespread - has turned into an excellent tutorial and just a wonderful toy for the younger generation of creators of the industrial revolution. So at the end of the Victorian era and the beginning of the era began to emerge edvardinskoy companies making toy steam engines massively. And in the XX century, namely in 1937 when a steam technique has lost its glory, in the UK there was a firm Mamod, the name means Malins Models. And since then, the firm supplies the steam engines of all suffering. So in the 60s, they have provided the engine of the unknown, from which this engine is transferred to the person who put this unit on ebey. Engine zayuzat and even tortured. After winning the auction, payment and high-speed operation of the Russian Post in my hands was the box of Royal Mail stamps. With an inscription «Steam engine».


Post of Russia.

Engine with polvekovoy story is called SE2, «Stationary engine 2". The box is obviously from another unit.
After cleaning the machine it appeared in this form, rather pitiful, but still alive.

This was followed by the first attempts to bring the car in order.
The engine has been completely disassembled, each part is cleaned, fixtures replaced, and the platform holder and insert a flywheel repainted. The boiler has been slightly polished, and inside had to get a few pellets of solder, which dropped last owner of soldering pipes.

The engine is designed very simple. The fire heats the boiler filled with water in it, the water turns to steam, and seeks to make the work, which makes pushing the piston rod connected via a flywheel. The piston itself is a cylinder fixed on the axis and leaning against a spring plate with three holes. Two holes, top and bottom, connected to a pipe leading into the duct through which the exhaust steam leaves, just the central pressurized steam from the boiler. The cylinder swings the intake is releasing steam to the piston. This mechanism is called oscillating cylinder engine and good described in Wikipedia.

In the original version of the heating boiler was carried out with an alcohol lamp wick, in the more advanced of the spirit lamp with the lattice, and at the instance was sent by the pan for solid fuel, "tablet".

After a few trial runs figure out the problem, one of which is quite critical, safety valve (pimpochka middle boiler) is not particularly want to operate, and laying a whistle (large contraption with a ring) and the crane and the actual valve hardened and not very well perform their izoliruschie function. Also, the solid fuel burns very quickly, so the Internet was found a shop, where he was commissioned by the new valve, Spirit, gum and stickers with the logo Mamod. (It is beautiful, and the last had to paint.) With valve turned out to be wrong, so we had to order again.

The picture shows the rolling cylinder.

At the same time Britain were parcel with the items in the above experiments were Russian converting rotation of the flywheel into electrical energy.

Electrical machines for the engine was the Chinese dynamo charger.


The first concept of the program has been extremely foolish in terms of the mechanics, but it is very easy to perform, was a belt gear were.


However, the engine power is not enough, then was adopted by a much more logical option, which is used in the current version. It worked perfectly.

The volume of alcohol lamp and the amount of the boiler perfectly reconciled, alcohol burns and water boils at about the same time, 15 minutes. Useful work is done the last ten minutes. The unit looks very nice. Not too smart phones charging fine.

As a result of the creation turned here is a short film:
The engine, as opposed to the last device, not so much useful in everyday life, except during a power failure.
The tweet was thought that the unit can be used in campaigns, but still heavy and the engine is not so portable.
The plans have ideas on how to improve the car: reduce vibration, and add punch gauge voltmeter.

The end.
